Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (2024)

Aim higher. Get the knowledge and network from a joint degree with Kellogg and Germany’s top Executive MBA. Everything you need for a high-impact career.

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Arrive. Align your curriculum with your career objectives. Learn top management skills. Join a world-wide network of game changers. Leave global business leader-ready. This is where it begins.

Leadership Student Experience Alumni

Why Kellogg-WHU?

Excellence in Management Education

Global Network

Lifelong learning

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Our rankings

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (6)

The premier degree from one of the best business schools in Germany. And Europe. Globally accredited.
  • #1 in Germany, #04 worldwide (The Economist Which MBA? Executive MBA Ranking 2020)
  • #2 in Germany, #28 worldwide (Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 2023)
Explore global opportunities

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (7)

High achievers – just like you. Connect with peers from across the Kellogg EMBA Global Network.
  • Get access to a broad range of international study opportunities
  • Choose from a variety of global elective courses at study locations around the world
  • Explore new business horizons during an international field trip

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Stay at the forefront

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (8)

Graduation is just the beginning. Enjoy lifelong learning, networking events, and more.

Our program will be by your side to refresh your knowhow and keep you at the cutting edge of new methodology.

VIdeo: Join the Lifelong Learners

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WHU alumni include the founders of:

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (9)

Entrepreneurship is the heart of who we are.

Entrepreneurship and creative thinking are integral to the WHU spirit, which has resulted in over 500 founded start-ups, including 15 unicorns to date.

Visit the WHU Entrepreneurship Center

Develop as a global leader

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (10)

Ready to lead? Leave no one in doubt. Gain the skills to lead global boardrooms.
  • Step 1 Know yourself
  • Step 2 Inspire and be inspired
  • Step 3 Lead effectively

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Essential stats

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (11)

60 working days required (on average)

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (12)

70% international participants

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (13)

14 years of professional experience (on average)

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (14)

40 years old (on average)

Alumni voices


Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (15)

András Biró

Class of 2017

"We are living in a fast-changing environment where these kinds of programs are needed and support you on your journey (…) I had the great opportunity to experience different programs and campuses and of course to expand my network."

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (16)

Miriam Mertens

Class of 2010

"The Executive MBA really enabled me to feel that I could change job role, function, or industries. In fact, the effects of the program are felt even stronger in the long run: it really helped to change my perception of myself and realize that there is nothing I cannot do."

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (17)

Tolulope Ochonogor

Class of 2020

"I made a deliberate choice to invest in my personal and career development with Kellogg-WHU. It is a program with world-class faculty and amazing individuals with diverse backgrounds."



Postpone one module

Need time to deal with something? Postponing a module might be your best option. Finish it when you can reapply your focus.

Defer a year

Big, sudden life events can take place at any time. If you find yourself facing one, you can put your studies on hold. But bear in mind that the program must be completed within five years.

Defer your place

We want you to make the best possible start. If something beyond your control is going to prevent that, you can defer your place until the next intake or the following year.

Your flexibility with Kellogg-WHU

Life is full of unexpected challenges. We know that. So we are flexible. If one disrupts your studies, let us know. We will help you choose the right workaround.


All EMBA events

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (18)

Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA
Info sessions and events

Meet us in person or attend an online event to learn more about the Kellogg-WHU EMBA.

EMBA Event

EMBA Online Info Session

Online / July 03, 2024

EMBA Event

EMBA Leadership & Career Live Chat

Online / July 22, 2024

EMBA Event

Alumni & Friends Business Brunch Zurich

Off-campus / September 29, 2024

EMBA Event

Alumni & Friends Business Brunch Munich

Off-campus / October 19, 2024

All EMBA events

Kellogg-WHU on social media

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EMBA news

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (19)

The Remarkable Impact and Success of Sasaenia Paul Oluwabunmi

The Kellogg-WHU EMBA Alum's Inspiring Mission for a Better World

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (20)

Elevating Entrepreneurial Acumen and Network Through the EMBA

Alum Christian Hartmann on becoming a founder and scaling up

Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (21)

An Extraordinary Journey Comes to an End

Participants of the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program celebrate receiving their degrees

Frequently asked questions –
The Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program.

What is an Executive MBA?

EMBA or Executive MBA stands for Executive Master of Business Administration. This is a special study program especially for experienced professionals, executives, and executive managers who want to advance their career even further. The Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program enables you to boost your career and build an international network.

Is an EMBA worth it?

The EMBA is earned part-time alongside your current job. This has the advantage that you can continue to gain professional experience during the two years and advance your career along the way. For many prospective students, this represents a double burden at a first glance, but the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program supports you with numerous flexible options to successfully manage your studies and work. You expand your personal and professional knowledge to shine later as an experienced leader. In most cases, your salary opportunities also increase with the newly gained experience, knowledge, and network.

How do I qualify for an Executive MBA?

The requirements for an EMBA program are years of professional experience in management and leadership positions. For the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program, at least eight years of professional experience are required after successfully completing the degree. The EMBA program does not train students to become effective managers, but rather serves to develop existing management skills to become more impactful leaders. In addition, you should be up to the challenge of successfully completing your studies alongside full-time employment or self-employment.

How much does an EMBA cost, or how high are the tuition fees?

The costs for an EMBA vary depending on the university. The tuition fees for the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program are €105,000. An investment that is beneficial for your career. WHU also offers various financing options. Our staff will be happy to help you choose a financing option or to convince your employer to support you financially. Here you can find more information to help you find the right financing for your needs.

How do I apply for an EMBA?

The application procedure for an EMBA at WHU is as follows: At the beginning there is an initial 1:1 conversation, where you can find out about expectations and our Admission Team can check your eligibility for the program. If you qualify for the EMBA program, this is followed by the submission of your application. After your application has been reviewed, minimum two further interviews regarding your professional experience will follow. These are conducted by one of our alumni and members of the Admissions Team. Within two weeks, you will then receive a notification from the Admissions Committee by email, followed by enrolment. You can find a detailed explanation of the individual steps on our page for the application procedure.

On our application center website​​​​​​​ you can apply for the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program at any time. However, please also note our early bird deadlines.

What is my potential career path with an EMBA?

With an EMBA degree you have many opportunities to bring your career to the next level. Many of our alumni move to more senior positions by applying knowledge directly to their job. During the program, however, students often get inspired by their peers, decide to found their own business, or switch industries.

Curriculum Global Network Student Experience Leadership Alumni

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Curriculum Global Network Student Experience Leadership Alumni

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Executive MBA ► Leadership at the highest level (2024)


Is executive MBA more prestigious than MBA? ›

Generally, EMBA and MBA programs result in the exact same degree. Some schools might differentiate between the two by adding “executive” to their EMBA degrees, but since the curriculum is fairly consistent across programs, most top universities don't distinguish between the two on the degree.

Why is an executive MBA so expensive? ›

Higher-priced programs often offer more resources and networking opportunities. Program length: EMBA programs can last from one to two years. Longer programs might have higher tuition fees due to the extended curriculum.

Is EMBA equivalent to master's degree? ›

Is an Executive MBA (EMBA) equivalent to a Masters? Masters degrees come in types. They are all more or less academically equivalent, but they offer different learning experiences and career outcomes. The term “executive” connotes leadership in business, the nonprofit world, and the public sector.

Is executive MBA from top school worth it? ›

On average, Beck-Dudley says, people see a salary bump of $10,000 to $15,000 per year after obtaining an EMBA. According to Desiderio, 2021 data reveals that workers see a 14.7% increase in compensation, which includes both salary and bonuses.

What is the hardest MBA to get? ›

Stanford GSB is (Unsurprisingly) the Most Selective MBA Program. Many of you will not be surprised by the fact that Stanford GSB has the lowest acceptance rate of any U.S. MBA program. But just how selective it is might cause a few double takes. The latest data shows that Stanford GSB accepts just 6% of those who apply ...

What are the disadvantages of Executive MBA? ›

An EMBA program's possible disadvantage is that it might provide fewer networking opportunities than full-time MBA programs. Because EMBA students are typically part-time employees who continue working while they study, they frequently have less time for extracurricular activities and social interactions.

What is the average age for Executive MBA? ›

What's the Average Age of EMBA Students? Executive MBA (EMBA) programs have students who are typically older with more work experience. Students in EMBA programs tend to be in their late thirties to early forties and typically have close to ten years of work experience.

How much does a Harvard EMBA cost? ›

MBA Program: Cost of Attendance for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
HUHS Student Health Fee (SHF)$1,592$1,592
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)$4,202$4,202
7 more rows

How much does an executive MBA cost in the USA? ›

15 Most Expensive EMBAs
2022 P&Q RankSchoolTotal Cost
2Columbia Business School$228,480
1Northwestern (Kellogg)$226,638
12 (tie)Pennsylvania (Wharton)$214,800
4New York (Stern)$213,100
11 more rows
Sep 25, 2022

Is an EMBA a real MBA? ›

The 'E' in EMBA stands for executive—but that doesn't necessarily mean EMBAs are superior to MBAs. They're essentially the same degree, but EMBAs are structured for current (rather than aspiring) executives and tend to be more flexible to accommodate busy schedules.

How hard is an Executive MBA? ›

Getting to a top business school is hard! It requires commitment and resilience. For the Executive MBA, which requires a full-time job unlike a full-time MBA, the time constraints of managing a full-time job and keeping your life-work balance are incredibly challenging.

Is Wharton, EMBA worth it? ›

Wharton consistently ranks as one of the top MBAs for 20-year earnings. *Wharton EMBA students earn the same MBA degree as full-time MBA students. As a Wharton EMBA student, you immediately add nearly 100,000 Wharton alumni around the world to your professional network.

Which is more prestigious MBA or EMBA? ›

It's important to note that neither an MBA nor an EMBA guarantees job security. However, both should equip a student with important skill sets, a valuable business network, and some prestige that comes with a higher degree; the preference ultimately comes down to the student's flexibility in timing and money.

Do Executive MBA grades matter? ›

Many MBAs paint a similar portrait of business school grades, which, they say, just don't matter all that much. When she evaluates prospective employees, Elle Kaplan, founder and CEO at Lexion Capital Management in New York, focuses on candidates' passions and professional achievements, rather than their GPAs.

What is the value of an EMBA? ›

Evidence collected about EMBA cohorts consistently shows that EMBA graduates earn significantly higher salaries than their non-MBA counterparts. The return on investment (ROI) is also often more rapid, making it a potential short-term and long-term value creation and value capture decision.

Is an EMBA respected? ›

If you're interested in taking your career to the next level in a leadership or managerial role, then an EMBA is absolutely worth the investment.

Is Executive MBA better than part time MBA? ›

Focus on Leadership in EMBAs

Executive MBAs are mid-career options for people who have significantly more experience than those applying for a Full-Time MBA. Given this focus on leadership, EMBA programs also tend to offer fewer electives and less opportunity for academic concentrations than Part-Time MBAs.

What is the difference between professional MBA and Executive MBA? ›

The difference between a professional vs. executive MBA will be the level of work experience required to enter the program. Students who pursue a PMBA tend to have between five to seven years of experience, while an EMBA is geared towards professionals with extensive leadership experience.

Does Harvard offer an Executive MBA? ›

Harvard does not offer an EMBA either (though it does offer non-degree executive education). In fact, of U.S. News & World Report 's top-ten programs, only seven have an Executive MBA option, and of U.S. News & World Report 's top-ten EMBA programs, only six also appear in the publication's top-ten full-time programs.


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.