Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION,


february 1980 Happy Groundhog Day! vol x no II

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Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (3)

february 1980



vol x no II

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (4)


2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047










Certificates of Full Membership and a copy of the SPEEDX constitution weremailed to each of the above in January 1980.



















Welcome to SPEEDX: 23 new members, plus a number of returnees not listedhere have joined a club of active DXers. We ask you to support the varioussections of SPEEDX, and take advantage of the incentive program, and becomefull members. We in return will try to enhance your listening and DXing.


Bob Zilmer, P.O. Box 697, Milwaukee, WI 53201, is our CDE for those thatwish to mail their loggings to one point for distribution to the variouseditors. Bob's deadline is the 7th of the month, whereas the editors dead-line is the 12th of the month. Time is the essence, therefore it is import-ant to meet these deadlines.


We encourage any of you with a little artistic ability to prepare SPEEDXcover designs. Keep in mind that a SPEEDX page prior to printing reductionis 134 by 84 inches. Therefore the design should be large enough to providefor reduction. Leave at least 34 inches at the top of the page, and 11/2inches at the bottom of the page for our SPEEDX caption and other identif-ications, that our publisher will attach to your finished page. The sidemargins should be approxmately 3/4 inches wide. Use black ink on white bondpaper.

All designs are to be sent to John Trautschold, W174 N9459 Devonwood Road,Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.

Credit points will be given for all designs used.


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (5)



PANORAMAAUSTRALIA...(Paul Brewer, TN):"A new item is to be added to the "Short-wave Endangered Species List" --the Radio Australia QSL card. Accordingto a CLUB FORUM announcement, QSL cards in 1980 and subsequent yearswill only be issued for one month in the year. Also, the Radio Austra-lia Listeners Club has been discontinued. I personally think that QSLcards are the repayment for listeners reception reports. Stations thatcancel or limit QSLs are looking for a quick way to cut the budget.Reception reports are worth very much to stations, and when listenersfind out that there are no more QSLs, they_won't send reports. Withoutreports, bad frequencies might be chosen and the station would neverknow." (Comment by Editor WS):"While I don't want thiscolumn to become a forum for a discussion of themerits of QSL cards, some comment should be madeconcerning the change in QSL policies and the re-lationship of programming to the changes. In re-cent years, we have seen most Western broadcast-ers change their policy of issuing QSLs,or veri-

'14fications. The reasons given for the curtailmentare many and varied, but two common reasons keeppopping up --budget restrictions and increased # )mail volume. Another reason --cooperative moni-toring among stations --is not mentioned frequent-ly, but it is probably a significant reason.Anyway, with the budget limitations and increasedmail flow, either additional personnel had to behired to handle the increased QSL requests or a curtailment of issuingverifications had to be implemented. If additional personnel were hiredto issue QSLs, something would have to give elsewhere --either in theprogramming or the technical area. Don't get me wrong --I like QSL cardsas much as anyone and I collect them --but given the choice of cutbacksin QSLs or program quality and/or quantity, I would rather the money bespent for programs. Also, most broadcasters have not cut QSLs out com-pletely. Nearly all stations value contact with their listeners; theyare interested in knowing how well the station is heard and how muchlisteners like or dislike their programming. Unfortunate -17, personalcontact is rare these days because there are more listeners writing inthan ever before. In the case of Radio Australia, they are now receiv-ing huge amounts of mail from China and Japan daily. SWL hobbyistshave often expressed a desire for more people to get into the hobby.Now that there are more listeners, the hobby faces changes in program-ming and QSL policies on a continuing basis. If you don't like whata station is doing, write and protest."

CANADA...Listeners in North America have the opportunity to listento English language programming from Radio Canada Internationalbeamed to Europe and Africa. The African Service at 1800 and 1900GMT and the European Service at 1900 and 2000 GMT daily are scheduledat a time when it is early evening across the Atlantic. However, itis early afternoon in North America and many people go home for lunch.If YOU do, you can listen to excellent programming from RCI over lunch.I like 15260 kHz for the African Service and 15325 kHz for the EuropeanService. Tune in for some informative and interesting programming, nomatter where you live or what time it is! (Woody Seymour, Jr., NC)

FINLAND...Radio Finland broadcasts Finnish literature approximatelyevery other Saturday/Sunday. I had never listened to one of theirpresentations before "The Last Days of the Year", heard in lateDecember. The production was well-done, and I can recommend RF'sliterature programs. For further info, write RF at Box 95, Helsinki25. Ask for their program schedule. (Woody Seymour, Jr., NC)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (6)

PROGRAM PANORAMA, Page 2 February 1980

GERMANY(FED. REP.)...During Radio Deutsche Welle's MAILBAG program onSunday night, December 9, a listener asked why DW's North AmericanService in English was only 20 minutes per day. The answer given wasthe standard DW answer of "extensive media available in North America",

but there was an additional comment made that the current DirectorGeneral of DW(who made the NA time policy) would be retiring in March

1980 and if any listeners in North America wanted more time for English,they should write in after March and make their wishes known. It is

hoped that a large show of support will make a favorable impression onthe new Director General. (Woody Seymour, Jr., NC)

GREAT BRITAIN...Some highlights of BBC World Service programs forFebruary: HAUNTED is a series of supernatural stories which beginson February 12. Tune in Tuesdays @ 1715 & 2330 or Wednesdays @ 1215for these plays...SMASH OF THE DAY features an episode of well-knownBBC comedy series each week. This month, the following will be heard:THE MEN FROM THE MINISTRY, THE NAVY LARK, ROUND THE HORNE AND HANco*ck'SHALF-HOUR. Tune in Tuesdays @ 1215 GMT, Thursdays @ 0630 GMT or Fri-days @ 2030 GMT for vintage BBC comedy...IN THE MINORITY is a series offour programs which look at these minority groups --Indians of Amazonia,Eskimos of the Arctic Circle, Burakumin of Japan and Kurds of the MiddleEast. Tune in Saturdays @ 0815 GMT, Mondays @ 0315 GMT or Tuesdays @1615 GMT for these looks at minority peoples. (London Calling, 2/1980)

GUATEMAIA...TGNA, Radio Cultural, has the following English schedule:Tuesday -Sunday 0300 GMT -BACK TO THE BIBLE; Tuesday -Saturday 0330 GMT-THRU THE BIBLE; 0330 GMT Sun -QUESTIONS & ANSWERS; 0330 GMT Mon --MUSICIN THE POST MERIDIAN; 0400 GMT --(Days are GMT time) Mon ON TRZ MOVE;Tue HERITAGE; Wed MOODY PRESENTS; Thu NEW LIFE; Fri PST BAPTIST=ICH; Sat sollU7 IN THE NIGHT; SuE-NR. BARNHOUS! THE BIBLE. Englishsignori rrat 0430 GMT daily. There's English most of Sunday evenings(Mondays GMT), but that's for next month. (Ted Ossege, OH)

JAPAN...(David M. Piszczek, NY):"One of my favorite stations is RadioJapan. This is for several reasons, including the concise news report-ing, good music, quick replies to mail and mainly good programs. ONE INA HUNDRED MILLION is presented on Mondays and the show picks any Japan-ese citizen, either a common person or somebody who is well-known, andexamines their life in Japan. A SKETCH OF JAPAN examines the traditions,culture, environment, etc. of Japan on Tuesdays. Try 17825 & 15270 @2345 GMT or 21640, 17825, 17725 or 15325 @ 0130 GMT for these programs."

PHILTPPINES...The FEBC has GOOD MORNING FROM MANILA on 21515 kHz from2300-0200 GMT Monday to Friday. It has "items to help you get up andabout", only it happens to be late evening in the US -hi. Included inthe program in news, music, items about the Philippines and religiousprograms. (A. Newton, GA)

SEYCHELLES...FEBA to East Africa in the 25 meter band from 0405-0450GMT daily in English: 0405 each day --Sun COME ALIVE, Mon HYMN TIME,Tue STORY TET:UR, Wed PERSONALLY SPEARING, Thu A STORY -70R YOU, FriIVISIT WITH MRS. UTSat THE HOBBY OF KINGS; at 0420, you can hearthe following: Sun CHEST'S THE ANSWER, Mon -Fri RADIO TODAY, SatSHOWTIME. (Wesley Carroll, LA) More FEBIEnilish info next month!

SOUTH AFRICA...Radio RSA's phone-in show on New Year's Eve was adisappointment this year. In a format change, they accepted calls inall languages. Unless you were fluent in several languages, it was aboring program. I didn't listen long. (Woody Seymour, Jr., NC)

SWEDEN...Radio Sweden has a STAMP CORNER scheduled for their MondayMnglish broadcasts. (Don Godfrey, ONT)(Is it still on? --Editor) those who voted for me in the recent SPEEDX Board ofDirectors election. I appreciate the support. Congratulations toVera, Chris and Sandy. Let's all work together to made the best SWLhobby club even better!::..Next month, we'll have some items fromthe USSR. If your contribution was not printed this month, it will beincluded in next month's column. Thanks for the good support andmay your February be chock full of good listening! "21 1/19/80



Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (7)


The response has been tremendous in regards to the PRN article/questionthat appeared in the January issue. On behalf of Bob Fraser, we will saythanks by publishing some of the comments.

SUB -CARRIERSBy Steve Gelfand, New York

In the January 1980 issue, Robert Fraser asked some interesting questionsabout the Physicians' Radio Network (Keynote section). It involves a littleknown area of broadcasting known as Subsidiary Carrier Authority (SCA).

An FM station can broadcast two separate sub -carriers in addition to theirregular programming by feeding a signal from an SCA transmitter into thenormal FM signal. The usual frequency of operation is 68 kHz, with 47 kHzused for the second SCA signal. Permission to broadcast SCA is granted bythe FCC and is regulated in much the same way as regular stations. At WEVD-FM, New York, where I worked for several years, we broadcast two sub -carriersPRN (Physicians' Radio Network) and a Chinese language program. An FM stereostation can operate only one SCA because it must use one of it's sub -carrierchannels to broadcast a signal which activates the stereo indicator light onreceivers. Although the FM signal is diminished a bit with each SCA broad-cast, the listener usually cannot tell any difference. The SCA is receivedby a special radio pre -tuned to the carrying station. The receiver is us-ually rented to a business (as with Muzak services) or sold directly to in-dividuals (as for specialty and foreign language programs).

Sub -carriers usually have nothing to do with the mother station as far asprogramming. SCA programs come in to the FM station via land lines and areautomatically sent out. Naturally the company that runs the SCA programmingpays for the privilege of using an FM station (and it is usually lucrativefor the station since it does nothing but install a bit of new equipment).PRN broadcasts 24 hours a day, but there is only one program daily. Thatprogram is an hour in length and it is repeated throughout the 24 hours.The theory behind this is that a doctor will be able tominutes here and a few minutes there and eventually catch the entire hour.The actual programs are taped at PRN studios at one Gulf & Western Plaza,New York. Their programming is quite interesting, with reports from corres-pondents and commercials for drug companies (paid announcements and notedon the carrier station's program logs). PRN even had Bob and Ray on for atime. Each day they did a different comedy routine geared towards doctors.

In New York City, at last count, there were four SCAs: two music, one Greekand PRN. I beleive that in Boston and elsewhere there is an SCA service forthe blind which features book readings. Lafayette and others sell SCA con-verters which you build and attach to an FM receiver. These are sold fornon-commercial purposes only and cannot be used by a store or restaurantto avoid subscribing to a "piped -in" music service. The converter I hadworked quite well for a while before it conked out. I've never been able tofind anything wrong with it and even changed the IC to no avail.

I hope I was able to answer some questions about PRN and SCA, and while youwon't be able to hear any DX, the sub -carrier offers the listener a little-known "hidden" world of radio.

Nick Lombardi, Alanta GA, along with his comments forwarded XEROX copies ofpages from the FM Atlas, which is available from FM Atlas Publishing Co.P.O. Box 24, Adolph, MN 55701 for $4.50. Not only did the pages include aninteresting article, "SCA Radio's Great Unexploited Frontier", but also in-cluded SCA transmitter sites. Nick advises that FM Atlas offers SCA adaptersfor sale and has a monthly column in the Worldwide TV -FM DX Associationdigest, wherein SCA activities and changes are discussed.

Armand Di Filippo, Philadelphia, PA forwards a copy of the McMartin, priceschedule. McMartin Industries Inc. 4500 S 76th St. Omaha, NE 68127, advisesArmand, "Please keep in mind that SCA is a private channel and it will benecessary for us to have a letter of authorization from the radio stationfrom the leasor of the channel before we could make shipment." Armand'sletter covers the same information as does Steve Gelfand, however he doespoint out that SCA's are private transmissions, like Utilities on shortwave.What is heard is not broadcast material. Sec 605 Federal Communication Act.


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (8)

E. D. Bair, World Listening Service, NJ offers the following informationregarding the PHYSICIANS' RADIO NETWORK (PRN) for his fellow SPEEDXERS:

The PRN is a special purpose entity utilizing SUBSIDIARY COMMUNICATIONSAUTHORIZATION (SCA) form of transmitting. This is an FCC authorized serviceintended for business, or public purposes directed to limited or specialaudiences. The material is broadcast by FM radio stations along with theirregular programming. The station controls access and derives profit fromthe rental or lease of special receivers from their subscribers.

SCA transmission is made by frequency modulation of a superonic (usually67 kHz) tone, called a subcarrier that is added to the programming of an FMradio station. Reception is accomplished by filtering the subcarrier fromthe regular programming, then limiting it to remove any amplitude varia-tions, then detecting the subcarrier to extract the original programming.It is then amplified through the normal audio portion of the receiver. Inthe case of the physician, yes it was a crystal controlled unit.

SCA is used by many special interest groups, including the Radio for theBlind. It is different in that FCC seems to regulate little or no controlover program content. In many areas the broadcasts for the blind are print -material, including what some may consider p*rnographic. Another interest-ing aspect is that it has been considered "the radio that you cannot buy."The FCC has discouraged manufacture and sale of such units. Lafayette Radiotried to market one, an FM radio with SCA, a few years back and had troublewith the FCC. They got around it by offering an experimental kit that youcould build yourself. Many such kits are available today. They are qualitycomponents, easy to build and readily installed in most FM radios. Musakwas another user of SCA until recent years when much of their material cameover the phone lines.

I use an SCA adaptor myself and enjoy it very much. WORLDWIDE TV -FM DXASSOCIATION frequently reports on SCA programming. It is perfectly legalto receive SCA broadcasting providing it is not being used for business orpublic purposes. In that case you would need written permission of the sta-tion originating the broadcast.


Following are excerpts from: "The Struggle Over The World's Radio WavesWill Continue" that appeared in the London "The Economist" dated December 81979, and which was submitted to us by: Norman C. Grosvenor, Hollywood, CA.

Did we win? Britain, the United States and other industrialised countriesdo not know wheather to smile or to cry over the results of the World Adm-inistrative Radio Conference (WARC).

The biggest loss to Britain and America came in the shortwave, or high fre-quency, radio bands. They wanted a big extension of shortwave bands for int-ernational broadcasting (those used by the BBC and the Voice of America).They got it, too -but in higher bands which are far less useful. In the bar-gaining, Britain eloquently pressed for an extra 100 kHz at 6 and 7 mHz theBBC, for example, can best be received in Geneva at 6 mHz. The new allocat-ions provide room for shortwave expansion only above 9 mHz.

The developing countries (fortified by the United Nations' one -country -onevote system) successfuly pressed their claim to keep the lower shortwavesalready allocated to fixed communications services; they depend on radiofor domestic communications like telephony. So strong was their determina-tion that Algeria, at one point, proposed that the shortwave allocationsfor fixed services be resuffled so that 70% would be given over to develop-ing countries. But the third world did not provide block support for such ademand. Supporting Britain's appeal for more international shortwave werenone other than Pakistan and Iran.

The United States, lost outright its bid for a special frequency for a solarpower generating satellite, but achieved all it and others wanted for radioastronomy and remote -sensing.

Thanks to subtle formulas, the United States also wrested the OK it neededfrom Canada for a significant change in the frequency allocation in 12 gig-ahertz band for the western hemisphere.

4 (PUBLISHERS NOTE: Sorry gang, but there is no UTILITY SECTIONthis month, therefore the short bulletin. Hopefully UTILITIESwill return next month, same time, same place. If you have aninterest in UTILITIES and would like to support the column withmore than loggings (such as an editorship) please contact HQ's.For next month, please send your Utility loggings to Headquarters.MANY THANKS ... (jrt) )

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (9)





Send Technical Questions EL& Technical Material To:Mgr


RADIO WEST "ACTIVE ANTENNA" As stated previously, I promised to "review"a new active antenna received from Radio West. Results were good! Some smallproblems, but I have found these common to almost all "active antennas".First, what is an "active antenna"? Generally speaking, it is a high gain,broadband amplifier using a very short antenna. BUT your radio has a "short"whip on it you say? So what is the advantage? There are several advantages*For the apartment dweller who can't put any kind of antenna up, it will workwonders fastened to a railing on a balcony or fire escape. The Radio West"antenna unit" consists of a 6" length of PVC tubing with caps at each end.Out of one end projects an 18 inch "whip", and an RG-58/U 50 ohm coaxial cable"feeder" from the other. It can be mounted almost anywhere you desire and issmall and inconspicuous. (In case you have an antenna -banning nosy landlord!)The coax cable is about 25 feet long, but can easily be lengthened with littledegradation of signal, if you desire to mount the antenna unit or "head" agreater distance from the receiver. This cable is plugged into an "interfaceunit" which contains more circuitry/matching devices. Two other jacks areprovided for connection to your receiver and connection to a battery or plug-in power unit. (Like the kind used with cassette recorders. calculators etc.)Performances This system was tried on a SONY ICF-5900, GRUNDIG SATELLIT 2000,and EDDYSTONE 830/7 receivers. It compared very favorably and sometimessurpassed my 125' "longwire" in certain bands. Satisfactory operation washad down to 300 khz. up to 30 MHz. Very little "overloading or "Crossmodula-tion"was noticed, except on the MW broadcast band. This overloading was easilycoped with when used with the EDDYSTONE, but became a problem with the SONYand the GRUNDIG. both of which lack true R.F. Gain controls. It is not, inmy opinion, nor is any other "active antenna" I've tried, a device to DX within the MW band! Where I was most amazed by its performance, was on 90 and120 meters, where it did a marvelous job. There was sometimes some overload-ing on 49 meters at night, but with all the high strength signals competingthere, this is understandable. The SW overloading was not "severe" as wasthe MW overloading, however. Most tests were conducted with the "head" tiedto a wooden pole about 8 feet above the ground between two frame houses.I tried D.C. power sources from 6 volts to 12 volts (12 volt unit supplied)with barely any difference in proformance. I think it would operate a fairlylong time on a regular 9 v. transistor radio battery, if desired. This wouldmake one less "plug-in" unit to take along in the field. If you are interest-ed write to Radio West, 3417 Purer Rd., Escondido, CA., 92025 for more info.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MIZUHO AP -M1 AUDIO PROCESSOR' An electronic filter that has a variable "window"or "notch" (depending on mode selected). The bandwidth is variable from 4 khzto 400 hz., and the "window/notch" frequency variable from 100 hz thru 10 khz.It contains its own battery and loudspeaker and is simply plugged into thephones jack of your receiver. Size is small at 5*X2X5 inches. Just the thingfor getting rid of "hets" etc. Will also be valuable to CW Utility buffs!For more info, write to Gilfer Shortwave, Box 239, Park Ridge, NJ., 07656++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++LOCAL "QRM" from nearby MW broadcast stations. Nearby meaning i mile or less.One SPEEDXer wanted to know what he could do to do away with this interference.Sorry to says mostly NOTHING!!! Traps etc. are almost useless. There isnothing to do but tolerate it, wait for the station to go off the air, if itis a day only station, OR (best answer!) MOVE!!! There REALLY is things youcan do, but to shield your DXing room, filter power lines, install multipletraps in ALL lines going in and out of the room would be VERY costly and maystill not eliminate the problem. Remember, you are fishing for SW signalsin the order of microvolts (MILLIONTHS OF A VOLT) and that MW station isprobably putting in signals in the order of SEVERAL VOLTS! Most receiversCANNOT cope with this. (No matter WHAT the manufacturers claim!)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++tI would like to belatedly thank all of you who sent the very nice Christenscards and letters of encouragement during 1979! See you next month 73..

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (10)

SWBC DX - Western Hemisphere





First Conjugation -- Imperfect indicative -- (HABLAR -- root HARI- -- to speak)

yo hablaba; td'hablabas; usted, el, ella hablaba; nosotros hablabamos; vosotros hablabais;

ustedes, ellos, ellas hablaban.

Second and Third Conjugation -- Imperfect Indicative (DEBER -- root DEB- -- to have to)

yo debra; ttidebfas; usted, el, ella debi"a; nosotros debfamos; vosotros debfais;

ustedes, ellos, ellas debfan.

First Conjugation -- Preterit Indicative

yo habit; td"hablaste; usted, el, ella habl6; nosotros hablamos; vosotros hablasteis;ustedes, ellos, ellas hablaron.

Second and Third Conjugations -- Preterit Indicative

yo deb(; bidebiste; usted, el, ella debiOi nosotros debimos; vosotros debisteis;ustedes, ellos, ellas debieion

To form any verb's imperfect and preterite, simply add the endings underlined above tothe root. Note: deber can also mean to owe, ought, must.

Here are some examples of contrasting uses of the imperfect and perfect.

LLovfa ayer, por eso yo me puce mi impermeable.It was raining yesterday, so I put on my raincoat.

The imperfect should be used for a repeated and unfinished action in the past. The pre-terit should be used for a one-time, unrepeated, and finished action in the past. The

rain went on all day, so it was unfinished (at least at the time about which we are speak-ing in this sentence); however, we only put on our overcoat (editorial we, hi!) once.

I was asked why I Include the td and vosotros forms of verbs in my lessons, since they areof limited use. Well, I have several reasons: (1) completeness; (2) the limited useful-

ness -- when listening to a SS soap opera, or novels, many of the characters would addressother characters in the familiar form (parents to children; people to close friends; peo-ple to dogs; people to God). It is true that vosotros has nearly died out in LAm, exceptin older literature; ustedes has replaced it as the form of second plural address. Voso-

troc is still in use in Spain, however. So, you will hear td -used every once in a while

if you're DRing. Lazy teachers of SS often omit it, however, on the flimsy excuse thatmost of their students will never know a SS -speaking person well enough to use to withhim, or that it will only confuse them. Better they know it, however; if they know whento use it and when to avoid it, everything will be fine.

And now, remembering that if language designation is left out of a logging, the language

is Spanish, I present:

17P/4 7R7057*?7?7?T?*?6?0%?77q?!?!?g11??%?C7&?*?(?)?(?*?&?C?%??7/q?!?Pf??%?0&0


ARGENTINA5882 0054 R. Rividavia, ID by OM, Buenos Aires mentioned, tlk(222; 12/7. Dilk, NJ)

([0120] 343; 11/29. Connell, CA)([0223]333;12/8.Cunningham)(Ottaway, CO)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (11)

I ARGENTINA' -- (continued)9690 0325 RAE, EE, YL, good mx, QRM from VOA, IDs (pr; 12/14. Forbes, TX)([1155] 343;

1/3. Mosier, CA)([0200] 433; 12/23. Stone, ON)11710 2325 RAE, EE, YL, folk mx, requested rpts; (433; 1/1. Audette, MA)([2315] 333;

12/26. Curtis, TN)([2335; 2250*] 533; 12/31. Thompson, CA)

BOLIVIA'3380 0325 R. Cumbre, LAm mx, ID, gone by6005 1000 R. Progreso, SS/Indian; ID, TC

pesino Tupacatari." QRM from Canada,Canadian (333; 12/20. Jones, MS)

6034 0010 R. Panamericana, 0010-36, tlk,americana" MW, SW, & FM fqys; 0036.512/18. Vranes, PA)


0400 (333; 12/3. Holland, NY)for 0600 hrs; into "Programa el centro cam -

R. Reloj *1023 today; very low pitch het w/

ads, anmts; 0036: "Desde La Paz, Bolivia, Pan-mx; 0037*; bad het w/ Globo on 6035 (333;

2300 0616 PP, tlk w/ ads, wx, U.S. pop mx (Martin, LA; is the fqy. measured or approx-

imate? Please indicate this when [this is to everyone] you submit an unID loggingso we have more information to go on. cpjh)(333; 12/23)

3205 0035 R. Clube Ribeirgo Preto, PP, ads, several IDs, anmts (333; 12/29. Yajko,PA)t3335 0230 R. Clube de Conquista, PP, definite Brazilian w/ ballads, ads, could not

hear ID, CHU QRM (322; 12/29. Yajko, PA)4765 *0759 R. Rural Santarem, PP, instrumental mx, tlk, pop mx, more tlk; "Ave Maria"

type mx @0804, ID (finally) @0806 (333; 12/24. Cunningham)4805 0125 R. Dif. do Amazonas, PP, tlk, plug pulled @0130 (12/21. Holland, NY)I HOPE THAT EVERYONE REALIZES THAT THE LANGUAGE OF BRAZIL IS PORTUGUESE. SPANISH IS USED

ONLY BY THE EXTERNAL SERVICE, AS FAR AS I KNOW. ALL THE LOCAL STATIONS USE PORTUGUESE.THEY SOUND ALIKE TO THE UNTRAINED EAR, BUT CAN BE TOLD APART IN SEVERAL WAYS:(1) An "o" at the end of a word sounds like "oo" -- e.g.: Preto (pre -too)(2) An 's' at the end of a word sounds like "sh" -- e.g.: Amazonas (a-ma-zoo-nash)(3) Where a tilde appears under BRAZIL, it appears over a vowel (instead of over an "n",as in SS) The tilde indicates that the vowel is nasalized -- e.g.: Ribeirgo (ri-bei-

ranh-oo)THESE ARE JUST A FEW TIPS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. A FUTURE SPANISH FOR DXERS WILL TAKEUP THE SUBJECT.4855 0900 R. Clube do Brasil, PP, mx, ID, no ads; (12/2. Holland, NY)4895 0305 R. Cultura de Bah(a, PP, OM ID, recap of major 1979 sx events, jingles (weak

1/1. Whitehead, MA),4915 0230 R. Dif. Macapa, PP, Pepsi jingle, local ad, pop mx (12/30. Whitehead, MA)4985 0205 R. Brasil Central, PP, ads, ID, instrumentals (323; 12/29. Yajko, PA)5035 2330 R. Aparecida, PP, ballads, MOR EZL mx, ads after each tune (Whitehead, MA)5045 0948 R. Cultura do Peri", PP, ID, tlk by YL (343; 12/28. Jones, MS)?5045 0906 R. Dif. Presidents Prudente, SS (sic) YL DJ, tlk, SS (sic) LAm mx, Xmas mx

on LAm instruments, ID given (333; 12/13. I'll omit your name -- are you entirelysure about the above?? It is certain that a small station like this would be inPP, not SS (see under 4805 above). I also think that R. Cultura do Part would over-ride this at this time. Try for Cook Islands??? hi! cpjh)

6000 0012 R. Inconfiancia, PP, OM ID @0013, EZL mx, some torchy; (333; 12/30; Lucas,CA)([0132] 433; 12/27. Yajko, PA)

6035 0043 R. Globo, PP, mellow LAm pop mx, anmts by smooth OM DJ, ID @0053 (343; 12/18;Cunningham)

11765 2344 R. Tupi, PP, long tlks by OM/YL, over EZL mx and choir mx; ID @2359; gavefqys; overmod. (322; 12/30. Cunningham)

11780 0916 Radio Nacional Brasilia, PP, IDs, anmts, mx (455; 1/2. Mosier, CA)([0910] 555;12/31. Rosewarne, CA)

11805 0031 R. Globo, PP, futbol, world's longest "G000000000AAAAAAAAAL's" twice; ID @0051(333; 12/6. Cunningham)([0000] 222; 12/28. Cereghin, MD)([0118]323;12/27.Yajko,PA)

15290 0330 Radiobrds, EE, mx, answered questions from listeners, 0400* (433; 12/27. BinauMD)([1712] 454; 1/4. Maag, CA)([0319] 343; 12/15. Drew, TX)([0315] 444; 12/24.Audette, MA)+5

17815 2245 R. Cultura de S13 Paulo, PP, non-stop class. mx; ancr giving titles betweenselections; mellow ID @2305 (232; 12/2. Cunningham)


9630 *0958 R. Agriculture, Class. mx "IS" to 1000, ID, fanfare, into "Las noticias Agricul-tura" (222; 11/12. Cunningham)

11720 0310 LVCH, OM w/ nx, YL w/ address for reports, Chilean folk mx (454; 1/2. Mosier,CA)([0328] 433; 12/31. Berkholtz, MN)

11725 0340 LVCH, EE, cmt by OM, 0343* in the middle of px; *0345; (444; 12/7. Trummel,IL)11765 0211 LVCH, "Este es La Voz de Chile" (333; 1/2. Cereghin, MD)11890 0230 LVCH, ID in SS @0230, then mx; EE ID @0231; (555; 12/17. Coleman, MA)([*02301

444; 12/19. Audette, MA)([0221] 555; 12/6. Holland, NY)15135 0055 LVCH, SS, into FF @0100; (444; 12/20. Stone, ON)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (12)

1CHILE I- (continued)15138.1 2305 LVCH;. Am reporting to indicate how they are jumping around. On 6th they were

on 15150 and 17790 at 0200; tonight on 15138.1, but not 17790, because VOA Delano

is there. (353; 12-13. Earhart, PA)

15140 0000 LVCH, EE, nx,mx, tlk on youth programs (333, 12-12. Dilk, NJ) (0014; 333; 12-8Drew, TX) (0131; 433; 12-16. Berkholtz, MN) +3

15150 2201 LVCH, EE, still discussing their progress (333, 12-6. Earhart, PA) MA)

17790 2235 LVCH, ID, nx, 2300* (433, 12-24. Schaap, JAMAICA)(2210, 343, 1-6. Audette, /(2200; 332; 12-29. Thompson, CA)(2210; 343;12-4. Earhart, PA)

COLOMBIA4775 0326 Emisora Kennedy, ID "Emisora Kennedy, 1430 y 4775 kcs, desde Bogotg, Repgb-

lica de Colombia," mix of LAm mx from ranchers to Colombian traditional mx; TC;ads (1-1, Whitehead, MA)

4818 0355 R. Guatapuri, OM ID, SS mx; (444; 12-25. Hrivnak, IL)(0217; 222; 12-26. Cere-ghin, MD)(0715; 433; 12-30. Pettit, IA) +5

4845 0310 R. Bucaramanga, OM w/ cumbias, vallenatos, ad for local restaurant (1-1,Whitehead, MA) (0407*; 333; 12-30. Cunningham)+2

4865 0050 LV del Cinaruco, mx, ID, time for Venezuela and Colombia after each selection(333; 12-25. Durnavich, IL) (0434; 454; 12-25. Moore, PA)

4875 0640 R. Super de Medellin, mx, ID (433; 12-18. McKinney, MA)(0640; 423; 1-4. Pet-tit, IA)(1130; 444; 12-27. Yajko, PA) +7

4885 0420 Ondas del Meta, local mx, almacen ads; IDs, greetings to various "barrios"(333; 12-25. Moore, PA)

4945 0518 R. Colosal, LAm mx, (443; 12-24. Schaap, JAMAICA)(0645; 444; 12-13. Ross, ON)(0909; 12-2. Holland, NY)(0658; 0700*; 353; 12-28. Earhart, PA)+4

5010 0638 Emisora Surcolombia, Cerveza Bavaria ad, local mx, YL DJ, also played an in-teresting song: "La Marijuana." Liberal station?? (454; 12-25. Moore, PA)(1031;232; 12-21. Jones, MS) (0320; 333; 12-22. Ray, PA)

5051a 1022 LV de Yopal, continuous mx from 1022-1024, loud ID and slogans "LV de Yopal,una emisora -- LV de Yopal, la emisora - - -" (couldn't understand slogans)YV not on (343;-; 1-3. Jones, MS)

5075 1038 R. Sutatenza, mx, tlk, ID "R. Sutatenza" (333; 11-19. Kobayashi, JAPAN)5095 0230 R. Sutatenza, SAm mx; (323; 12-30. Maag, CA)(433; 1-7. Thompson,CA)(0300;

544; 12-13. Stone, ON) (1102; 444; 12-27. Forbes, TX)5955 0445 LV de los Centauros, LAm ballad, clear ID w/ fqys, more IDs, apparent NA and

off (232; 12-2. Cunningham)(0942; 333; 12-29. Audette, MA)(0652; 353; 12-25.Moore, PA)

6065 1123 R. Super, YL singing "Ave Maria," OM w/ tlk and ad for "Carros nuevos," ID;

at 1128: "R. Super, Radio Superior en Bucaramanga," CBCNS s/on clobbered it at1130 (342; 12-13. Boehm, TX)

6115 0545 LV del LLano, LAm mx, ID (444; 12-9. Ray, PA)6150 0712 LV del Huila, Lively LAm mx, OM ID, v. gd. signal (454; 12-27. Mosier, CA)6160 1056 R. Nueva Granada, LAm ballad, rare "R. Nueva Granada," ID over children's

choir at 1056, net IDs, into Successes nx "343; 12-7. Cunningham)11792 1228 R. Nacional, 'Popular Music of Colombia," (12-16. Holland, NY) (333; 12-31;

Smith, FL)


ECUADOR HCJB3220 0329 SS (iThis is supposed to be Quechua? cpjh) rel tlk w/ OM/YL, time pips 0330;

class. mx bridge, then ID at 0332. (222; 12-21. Cunningham)15115 0240 EE, OM tlk (DXPL); (545; 11-6. McLean, NY)15120 0230 EE, DXPL, R. Peking QRM (322; 12-23. Zilmer, WI)(0129; 444; 12-16. Berkholtz,

MN)(HCJB was being QRMed by Peking on 15115; HCJB moved up to 15120, whither Pekingfollowed. At last report HCJB was back on 15115 and crossing their fingers. ch)

26020 0125 EE, OM w/ nx; pips at 0130 and 3 IDs about this time -- interview with techman about this new fqy and xmitter, 0135 f/o (252; 12-18. Lucas, CA)(1400; Morningin the Mountains, //17890, 15115, 11740; 26020 not ancd; 131; 12-31. Audette,MA)(1745; 353; 12-27. Donly, SC) (1448; 343; 12-29. Yajko, PA)(1932; EE to Europe;weak w/ deep fades, 1-5. Lobdell, MA) +31 other HCJB reports.

3280 1045 LV del Napo, ID: "Sintonia R. LV del Napo: OM mx px w/ time and tlk, heavyUTE QRM (322; 12-21. Durnavich, IL)

3315 0334 R. Pastaza, tuned into a vocal by a man, ad for "Articulos Pappagallo," ID

in SS, faded under ute soon after (poor; 12-23. Lobdell, NJ)3380 1105 R. Iris, OM w/ nx about "El plan nacional de desarrollo" from President of

Ecuador, QRM de FR3, (323; 12-21. Durnavich, IL)3390 0142 R. Zaracay, several ads, IDs, vocals (322; 12-27. Yajko, PA)(1032; 454; 12-24

Moore,PA)(1036; 444; 12-21. Jones, MS)(0225; 333; 12-25. Audette, MA)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (13)

ECUADOR -- continued PA)

3985 1040 Escuelas RadiofOnicas Populares, Andean mx, OM Xmas anmts; (344; 12-24 Moore

4680 0300 R. Nacional Espejo, nx by OM, IDs, LAm mx; (353; 1'6. Ray, PA)(1140; 222;

12-28. Hrivnak, IL)

4767 0400 C.R.E., co*ke ads, ID, local mx; (fair; 12-7. Ottaway, CO)

4795 0448 LV de las Caress, SS vocal mx, mostly 2 OMs singing & no anmts between selec-tions; ID: Desde Bahia de Cargquez, transmitida LV de las Cards. 0526.5* (353;12-16. Vranes, PA)(0200; 222; 12-4. Holland, NY)(0105; 353; 12-27. Moore, PA)

4801 0817 R. Popular Independiente, LAm folk mx, IDs as R. Popular Independiente, andR. Popular; clear, no UTE (333; 12-24. Cunningham)

4850 0400 R. Luz y Vida, back-to-back EZL and MOR, some Xmas songs, uninterpretableIDs, 20 second NA & s -off at 0530 (Ecuadorian NA is quite long; it goes for about5 minutes, then there is a 'fight song,' and then back to the rest of the anthemas I remember -- could be they only played part of it, though. cpjh) (12-22Holland, NY) (1015; 323; 12-21. Durnavich, IL)

4870 0115 R. Rio Amazonas, OM/YL nx, Andean mx (232; 12-27. Moore, PA)

4890 0200 R. Centinela del Sur; pop mx, ID (555; 12-6. Holland, NY)4900a 1058 LV de Saquisilf, ID, TC after several minutes of Ecuadorian mx, short choral

version of NA at 1100 (iAh ha! There you are, Darryl. cpjh) more mx; fqy not ex-actly 4900; no Juventud (443; 12-26. Jones, MS)

4960 0256 R. Federacidn, Mellow LAm instrumental mx; anmts by OM w/ deep echo effect;s/off anmts, ID, NA, 0300* (222; 12-20. Cunningham)

5025 0534 R. Splendit, EE/LAm pop songs, anmts, jingles, 'Pink Panther' theme; ID w/

"Feliz Navidad." (333; 12-22. Cunningham)

5060 0857 R. Nacional Progreso, Andean mx, OM ID (343; 12-25. Moore, PA)(0134; 222;12-9. Cereghin, MD)

5215 0930 R. Splendit, noted off usual 5025 fqy w/ xmtr troubles; program of vocals,Xmas greetings by OM in SS. "Silent Night;" cy,ff abruptly at 1041 after ID (fair;12-25. Lobdell, NJ)

FALKLAND ISLANDS 1-- FIBS (Information has reached us that there might be a person who istransmitting on 2370 with the same type of program as FIBS -- could only be a rather mean

person. This pirate station (as my informant tells me) bcs BBC material, has "IDs" whichimitate the FIBS "E.g.: 'This is the F(garbled) Islands Broadcasting Service.' It appar-

ently operates the same times as FIBS is skedded. Look out for this guy -- his supposed

QTH is Connecticut. I cannot vouch for the accuracy or veracity of this information -- I

simply pass it on to you. Is another 'R. Nibi-Nibi' hoax in the works??? cpjh. Oh yes,

this information has no connection with the following logging -- I do not pass judgmenton it or mean to cast aspersions on John Fisher's logging.)2370 0056-0130., pop mx, then ID by YL at 00:59: "This is the Falkland Islands Broad-

casting Station, now the news" BBC WS, stock market report, nx about Britain;barely audible by 0115. BBC px ended at 0125; YL again, could faintly make out"You are listening to Falkland -Islands Broadcasting Station" into apparent sta-tion anmts, but could not understand what was being said. Caught a final ID ats/off, or partial ID, rather, then into what sounded like "GSTQ." (222; 12-31Fisher, RI)(Hope you get an affirmative answer to your report, John! cpjh)

FRENCH GUIANA I - FR 33385 0907 FF, non-stop EXL mx, 0921 anmts; 0930 OM w/ ID & nx (433; 12-15. Cucura, PA)

(0255; Xmas mx; 333; 12-24. Audette, MA)4972 0940 FF, tlk by OM, vocals, pop mx //3385 (poor; 1-3. Lobdell, MA)

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS I-- LV de Galgpagos4810 0315 Cumbfa, TC, ballad, OM ads, mention of "LV de Galapagos Musical," apparently

program name (12-30. Whitehead, MA)(0146; 342; 12-14. Jones, MS) (0028; 111; 12-16;Holland, NY)(0110; 222; 12;18. Davis, GA)

GUYANAI-- GBS5950 1008 EE, nx, 1013 PSA, 1015 rel px; (322; 12-30. Rzepka, WI)(0808; 222; 12-28.

Reese, KS)(1014; 443; 12-30. Jones, MS) (0545; 323; 1-1. Maise, LA)


5300 *0955 R. Esmeraldas-Huanta, anmt by OM, into huayno mx. ID/TC by OM in SS, but

tlk seemed Quechua; held until 1035 fade (poor; 12-16. Lobdell, MA)6020a 1039 R. Victoria, mx, ads, ID as: "R. Victoria de Peril." Fqy maybe 6021, slightly

higher than nominal 6020 (332; 1-3. Jones, MS)


4794 0851 R. Apintie, Hindu mx, anmts, full ID at 0930 by OM, into religious instrumen-tal mx, EE/SS pops to 1010 fade (fair; 1-4. Lobdell, MA)(0835; much sub -continentaltype mx w/ YL anmt during breaks. 0900 OM in different language w/ anmt; no def.ID, though, weak after 0900 (232; 1-4. Kowalski, WI) (0925; 333; 12-22. Thompson,CA)

4850 0948 SRS, DD, OM nx, ID, sx scores; 0952 another OM tlk & pop mx (first number wasplayed in wrong speed, but ancr corrected it)(544; 12-22. Thompson,CA)(0415; gd;12-8. Ottaway, C0)(0410;334; 12-6. Trummel, IL)(0427;433;1-3. Mosier, LA) +2


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (14)


-- S.O.D.R.E.

2335 EE, OM ID, "S.O.D.R.E, Servicio Internacional" (322; 12-29. Audette, MA)

IvENEzurzAl ham)

3255 0139 LV del Tigre, LAm pop mx, anmts by OM, IDs 0147, 0156; (333; 12-11. Cunning -

3395 0145 R. Universidad, tlk, LAm vocals (322; 12-27. Yajko, PA)4770 2307 R. Bolivar, mx, OM cmt, ID (333; 12-3. Hrivnak, IL)(2305; 322; 12-19. Davis,

GA)(0345; 555; 12-26. Nolden, CT) (0010; 322; 12-7. Trummel, IL) (0200; 333; 12-29Fisher, MA)+4

4780 0303 LV de Carabobo, OM DJ w/ LAm mx, ancd time between each selection, ID pre-cedes each time anmt & mx selection (353; 12-13. Boehm, TX)(1000; 12-9. Holland,NY)

4840 0952 R. Valera, station jingle, OM w/ ads; ID at 0959: "R. Valera NUmero Uno."(333; 12-29. Audette, MA)

4900 0240 R. Juventud, American R 'n' R from the 50's: "Johnny B. Good." (353; 1-4Maag, CA)(0330; 444; 1-5. Pettit, IA) (0343;444;1-3. Thompson, CA)

4940 0354 R. Yaracuy, LAm mx, static (242; 1-4. Maag, CA)(1125; 433; 12-27. Yajko,PA)4970 0249 R. Rumbos, mx; (242; 1-4. Maag, CA)(0220; 334; 12-6. Trummel, IL) (0900 s/on,

344; 1-2. Mosier, CA)(0350; nx w/ chimes between items; PSA for problem drinkers;"El mundo marcha a ti" px w/ Jose Narr (You see, some stations use the secondperson familiar to their listeners; it gives the program a sense of intimacy wecan't really duplicate in EE. cpjh)(433; 12-20. Durnavich, IL)+3

4980 0725 Ecos del Torbes, lively LAm mx, OM TC after each song, several IDs, ads(444; 1-1. Thompson, CA)(0240; 433; 12-5. Stone, ON)(0225; 344; 12-6. Trummel,IL)(0345; local mx, countdown to local midnight at 0400; siren; National Anthem;New Year's wishes; 333; 1-1. Moore, PA)(2319;433;12-22. Ossege, OH)+4

5030 0438 R. Continente, OM MOR mx, 0445 ID/TC, into lively LAm mx (544; 12-15.Thompson, CA) (0210; fair; 12-1. Holland, NY)(0313; 433; 12-21. Cunningham)

5040 *1015 R. Maturin, s/on w/ NA and full ID, mx (333; 12-23. Durnavich, IL)5050 0610 R. Mundial, LAm vocal mx w/ marimbas, anmts by OM. ID at 0615 as "Radio

Cadena Mundial, en Caracas." (322; 11-4. Cunningham)6010 1102 R. Los Andes (R. Mil Cuarenta); local nx, ID (as what, Don?) (222; 12-23.

Moore, PA)6180 1030 R. Turismo, LAm mx, ID, mention of other Venezuelan cities (12-19. Holland,

NY)(1128; 353; 12-23. Moore, PA)9660 1510 R. Rumbos, LAm mx, ID at 1516; mx; (444; 12-24. Schaap, JAMAICA)(1205; ID:

R. Rumbos Musical; 333; 12-24. Mellinger, NJ)(1115; 433;12-27. Yajko, PA)



ANTIGUA'6040 0130 DW, EE, IS/ID, s/on, then mx (555; 12-27. Curtis, TN)6175 0515 BBC, EE, Review of British Press (444; 12-9. Willis, PA)(0000; 432; 12-23.

Schaap, JAMAICA)(0515; 343; 12-1. Smith, FL)(0442; 12;2. Holland, NY)(0304; 555;12-24. Curtis, TN)

9510 0225 BBC, EE, class. mx; ID (323; 12-5. Davis, GA)(0600; 12-25. Holland, NY)9545 0530 DW, EE, nx, tlk on Afghanistan, Iran, (544; 1-5. Mosier, CA)11775 1114 BBC, EE, nx about Britain, 1130* (555; 12-24. Miller, CA)(1300; 433; 12-25

Schaap, JAMAICA)15410 0135 DW, GG, cmt, trial of SS (not Spanish, but SS as in Nazi) man responsible

for transporting Jewish children from France to Auschwitz (444; 11-29. Berkholtz,MN)17840 2022 BBC, EE, cmt. on General Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army (444; 1-1

Berkholtz, MN)(2112; WRC; 555; 12-23. Curtis, TN)

BELIZE -- R. Belize3285 1125 SS/EE, YL w/ SS/EE pop tunes, IDs, Xmas carol; (232; 12-10. Cucura, PA) (0510;

332; 12-25. Moore, PA)(0430; ID: You are listening to Christmas music from RadioBelize; then an ad; 323; 12-24. Curtis, TN)(0241; live steel drum Christmas carolsby the All Star Steel Bank; signal improved after 0530 to fair to good. Ad forTexaco 0557, prayer "...please protect Belize..." at 0602; full ID at 0607, thenNA and GSTQ, 0610*. My first log in almost 2 years. Maybe easier to hear in NJ.(12-24. Lobdell, NJ) (No, Chris -- it was your Christmas present. Santa broughtBelize in lieu of FIBS, hi! cpjh)

1. CANADA5960 0120 RCI, EE, DXD, SS at 0130 (444; 1-7. Valentine, CA)(0320; Joe Clark's lost vote

of confidence; 444; 12-13, Byron, NY) (0315; 444; 12-30. Maise, LA)(0100; 444; 12-22;Davenport, TN)+2

6005 2225 CFCX, EE, Robert --- with financial nx; KO'd at 2237 by USSR; (434; 12-6;Davis, GA) (0450; 222; 12-31. Ray, PA) (1200; 12-16. Holland, NY)

6065 1130 CBCNS, EE, s/on w/ fqy anmts, het from R. Super on 6065; (433; 12-13. Boehm,TX)(1212; 12-16. Holland, NY)



Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (15)

I CANADA -- continued6070 0748 CFRX, Toronto, EE, nx about upcoming election ID; (444; 12-24. Rosewarne,CA)

(1220; 343; 12-7. Trummel, IL) (0728; 333; 12-6. Mosier, CA)

6080 0100 CKFX, Vancouver, EE, nx, ID, C&W mx, North to Alaska, IDs as: "CKWX Super

Country"; (233; 11-29. Connell, CA) (0029; CKFX Snow Patrol; 222; 1-2. Lucas, CA)

(0825; "Cash -call Jackpot" anmt; 343; 12-5. Mosier, CA)

6130 2300 CHNX Halifax, EE, local and Canadian nx; into C&W mx; can't understand re-ports that Ghana is hrd on this fqy at 2200 (353; 12-5. Earhart, PA)(1700; 555;12-25. Nolden, CT)(1210; 323; 12-7. Trummel, IL)

6160 0110 CKZU Vancouver, EE, sx nx; ID, pop mx (233; 11-29. Connell, CA)

6195 0305 CBCNS, EE, ID, fqys, mx; (555; 12-17. Coleman, MA)+2

9625 1532 CBCNS, EE, Interview w/ William Shatner about new Star Trek movie -- tlk onwhat to do for a hangover (hair of the dog?? cpjh) (433; 12-31. Dilk, NJ)(1312;535; 12-18. Miller, CA)+1

9720 2345 CBCNS, Eskimo, OM ID in EE, YL tlk in Eskimo, world nx, also sounded likea pre -Xmas sale on igloos (454; 12-12. Hensley, TX)

11720 *2310 CBCNS, EE, World at 6 -- unannounced fqy; (444; 12-25. Loren, CA)(1430;

333; 12-22. Schaap, JAMAICA)11770 0301 RCI, BE, nx, DXD (444; 12-31. Berkholtz, MN)

11845 0200 RCI, EE, nx, amt. on Canada's longest running musical (444; 12-16. Berk-holtz, MN)

15325 2145 RCI, EE, DXD w& Ian McFarland, discussion of WARC allocations (555; 12-19Schroeder, WI)+3

17820 1645 RCI, EE, px for EE, world nx; (544; 12-26. Stone, ON)(1920; Bonsoir Africa;555; 12-23. Curtis, TN)(2150; 444; 12-13. Sanderson, AZ) (2000;444;12-16.Berkholtz, MN)(*1800; 544; 12-30. Pettit, IA)

17830 1500 BBC, Sackville, EE, Radio Nxreel; concert hall (433; 12-30. Zilmer, WI)21695 1500 RCI, RR, to 1500, IS, into Ukrainian to Ukraine (444; 1-2. Cereghin,MD)

(1644; EE; 444; 1-1. Berkholtz, MN)

COSTA RICA4832 0400 R.Reloj, OM ID, "Estaes TIHB, NUmero Uno en Costa Rica" (555; 12-25. Hriv-

nak, IL) (0428; 544; 12-26. Heyman, NY) (0735; Disco mx; 444; 12-27. Thurman, IL)

(0502; 443; 12-15. Thompson, CA)(0820; 12-2. Holland, NY)5055 0730 Faro del Caribe, C&W religious mx; oldies like "The Sweet By -And -By"; ID

at 0755 with sked (343; 1-1. Connell, CA)(0358-0401*; 322; 12-2. Cunningham)(0250; 353; 12-28. Forbes, TX)(0300; SS/EE, 'Timeout' and 'Unshackled,' 422;12-26. Rzepka, IL)(0711; 322; 1-1. Thompson, CA)

6006 1030 R. Reloj, LAm mx, frequent time checks (12-9. Holland, NY) (1145; 544; 12-7.Trummel, IL) (1230; 444; 12-25 Schaap, JAMAICA)

6082 0012 R. Nueva Victoria, OM in tlk about sx; ID 0020: "R. Nueva Victoria, NuevaVictoria en Heredia" (322; 12'7. Cunningham) (0106; 343; 12-28. Jones, M5)(2352;333;12-26. Moore, PA)

9645 1310 Faro del Caribe, ID by OM, TC, into light instrumental mx; (fr; 12-24.

Lobdell, NJ)


6115 0137 Radio Moscow World Service, EE, Joe Adamov's commentary on his American tour(444; 12-29. Curtis, TN)

9525 0700 RHC, SE, ID, QRM from VOA; (544; 12-30. Maag, CA)+2

9770 1058 RHC, et al.; from 1058-1100 I could hear a total of five stations sharingthis frequency! R. Havana noted w/ IS, R. Australia in. EE, ORE Austria w/ theirIS, 4VEH-Haiti w/ IS and R. Moscow there with IS. Can anyone top this? (How about

a jammer to cover all of them up. cpjh) (12-16. Lobdell, MA)(1547; 343; 12-10.Boehm, TX) (1520; 444; 12-24. Schaap, JAMAICA)

11725 0058 RHC, EE, px preview; (333; 12-23. Berkholtz, MN)

11760 0445 RHC, EE, Listeners' questions answered; Philately in Cuba is educational, notlucrative. (12-2. Holland, NY)(0022; 444; 12-26. Rzepka, WI)+3

11860 1750 RMWS, EE, rock mx, annoying audio (That's the understatement of the year! ch)(455; 12-8. Trummel, IL)(1528; 1530*; 444; 12-23. Curtis, TN)

11920 2035 RHC, EE, 'For Your Listening Pleasure' (444; 12-29. Audette, MA)

11930 0135 RHC, EE, ID, invitation to write; (545; 12-6. Davis, GA)(0345; Contest: 'Whathas impressed you about Cuba?' is the question. (Great line for a straight man.cpjh) 544; 12-28. Forbes, TX)+4

15230 1405 RHC, 'Voces de la RevoluciOn' speech by Castro at UN (444; 12-21. Leeman,RI)(1330; 444; 12-21. Schaap, JAMAICA)(0339;433;12-30. Berkholtz,MN)

17750 2115 RHC, EE, YL/OM, bad audio (333; 1-5. Audette, MA)(2110; 444; 1-1. Cereghin,MD)(2100; tlk about Guyana;s gov't; 333; 12-23. Dilk, NJ)

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC I-- Radiomar (harmonic)2120 0520 LAm mx, OM DJ, 2 x 1050; ID at 0620 (252; 12-25. Moore, PA)(0530; LAm mx,

snatches of anmt, f/o by 0600; 222; 12-20. Kowalski, WI)(0130;322;12-5.Forbes,TX1



Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (16)

GREENLAND Kalaalit-Nunaata Radio (Back to Greenland as the country name -- as a gen-eral rule, the country will be named in this column with the name custom-

arily given it in EE -- we don't call Germany 'Deutschland' in the Eur. column, do we??ch)5987 *1000 IS, anmt in local language by YL, then rel px: "The Old Rugged Cross" hymn;

then tuned to 9575 as 5987 was fading, and tuned out at 1145 (12-13. Lobdell,MA)


GUATEMALA I2390 0355 LV de Atitlgn, romantic ballads, ID at 0400 (353; 12-25. Moore, MA)3300 0430 R. Cultural, EE, good mx; (444; 12-8. Hrivnak, IL)+53360 1115 LV de Nahualg, romantic ballads, ID (323; 12-23. Moore, PA)3380 0155 R. Chortis Jocotgn, nx, mx, ID: "Desde Jocotgn, Chiquimula, rayas por ti, la

emisora que hase pasiOn, R. Chortis: by YL (333; 12-20. Durnavich, IL)+24835 0150 R. Tesulutlgn, marimba mx, (444; 12-22. Moore, PA)+26180 1150 R. Nacional; local mx, ID at 1159; IDed as both LV de Guatemala and R. Nacio-

nal (433; 1-11. Audette, MA)+1

L HAITI I 4VEH11835 1905 EE, rel mx, tlk, "How to Walk


ith God," (a book)(333; 12-2. Kavalesky, OH)+2

4780 1135 R. Juticalpa, anmts, IDs, vocals (333; 12-27. Yajko, PA)4820 0322 LV Evangglica, EE, "Radio Bible Class," mx, tlk about revelation (Don't know

whether you mean the NT Book or rev. in the abstract. ch)(433;12-24.Curtis,TN)+54890 0230 R. Lux, OM, EE rock and traditional LAm mx, ID 0234; (333; 12-29. Audette,MA)


2390 0205 R. Huayacocotla, SS, local nx, ID (444; 1-3. Jones, MS) (0115; fr; 12-27Forbes, TX)(0210; 322; 12-18. Stone, ON)

6105 1148 XEQM, ID as "MQ-QM," "R. Yucatan," "Sus Panteras," Mention of network in-cluding XEUK and XEUL or XEQK AND XEQL (not sure)(333; 1-6. Jones, MS)

15430 0045 R. Mgxico, nx, Xmas greetings from staff (444; 12-24. Schaap, JAMAICA)+2


5950 1120 LV de Nicaragua, overmodulated, splatter from 5938-5960 kHz, drama about San-dino, TC: "La hora exacta, son las cinco con treinta y siete minutos esta esManagua, LV de Nicaragua, la voz oficial de gobierno de reconstrucci6n" (553;12-6. Boehm, TX)(0333; 343; 1-4. Lucas, CA)+10

6120 *1124 R. Zinica, Sandinista anthem, full SS ID at 1132, then MUsica Ranchera px w/occasional anmts of local meetings, a full EE ID at 1151. Hetted by R. Moscow car-rier after 1132 (fair -good; 1-5. Lobdell, MA)(1130; U.S. Xmas songs, many IDs inSS and EE; TCs, slogans, feedback troubles with audio at intervals; (433; 12-21.Jones, MS) (1130; ID (Should be checked -- it doesn't really make sense, but heregoes): This is R. Zinica, breaking to the historic march of the Coast People andout towards our brothers of the Pacific. Greeting you on the International Bandof 41 meters on your dial of 6120 kilocycles." (There it was -- just as I deci-phered it! cpjh)(353; 12-23. Moore, PA)

11835 0501 LV de Nicaragua, campesino ballad by OM, //5950, fuzzy overmodulation, incontrast to crisp 5950 (323; 1-4. Lowe, AR)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA}1620 Just a note that PRN has been heard lately. Try around 0400-0500. cpjh5980 1355 KGEI,. EE, end of bc; (444; 1-6. Valentine, CA)+16213 0150 WDAB, EE, ID at 0151, mx, another ID at 0154 as "WDAB, Chicago"(sic); mailing

address in PA; (232; 12-2. Kavalesky, OH) see 6995 cpjh6960 0430 WARG/WONF (thanks to Derek Lowe for tip), EE, various pop selections, "Good

Girls Don't" -- ancd as WARG -- then gave NYC loop number 212-220-9979; 0433*, saidback in 10 minutes; played undermodulated 'Jingle Bells'. I called at 0502, andWORE (he said!) answered and claimed he was different from WARG (Fat chance!) --they were communicating, though; he took my name and address for QSL (1-15Hansen, NY)

6995 0220 R. Free San Francisco, EE, ID as RFSF; rock mx, address is the Free RadioCampaign address: Box 542, Wescosville, PA 18106. (333;12-16. Hodsdon, MN)

7360 0558 Moonshine Radio, EE, mx, OM ID by "Johnny Blackbeard," ments. of Green RiverRadio, more mx; discussion of xformers (Obviously a ham -run operation. cpjh) (333;1-1. Mosier, CA)

9615 1145 KGEI, tlks, mx, over R. Veritas (545; 12-20. Miller, CA)9715 0342 WYFR, EE, "Mailbag" tlk of future plans for station (555; 12-30. Curtis, TN)

11855 0346 WYFR, mx, (444; 12-31. Berkholtz, MN)15250 1855 WINB, EE, 1855*, then on 15350 at 1859 w/ address and rel. mx. (444; 12-26.

Curtis, TN)21485 1718 VOA, Bethany, EE, YL w/ nx, echo! 13 mb was alive -- what gives?? (Probably

another xmitter on the same fqy on another beam. Try 15430 AFRTS in early after-,noon for echo of this (Lucas, CA)(Must run now -- see you in 30. Chris)CW.


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (17)



4375 Ocean ViewMontrose CA 91020

Deadline: 12thTines and Dates: GMTFrequencies: kHz


5057 0625 Gjirokaster; Albanian operatic mx (333 12/9 Ray-PA)(Martin-IA)

5960 0510 RT; German tlk by om mx (333 12/15 Draeseke-CA)

7065 0020 RT; EE ID tlk on imperialism (322 12/9 Hodson-MN)(Witte-CA)

7120 *0300 RT; SS nx (444 12/25 Prath-FL)(433 12/26 Schaap-JAMAICA)(Draeseke-CA)(Davenport -TN)

9480 2205 RT; EE yl w/ political cmty ID (433 12/28 Audette-MA)(Prath-FL)

9750 0240 RT; EE tlk abt the life of Joseph Stalin (332 12/13 Byron-NY)(Prath-FL)9790 0137 RT; RR ID long orch mx (333 12/30 Cereghin-MD)







AWR; EE Xmas special broadcast w/ mx and special QSL offer (333

12/25 Lobdell-MA)(Audette-MA)(Donly-SC)(Miller-CA)(Cucura-B)(Moore-PA)

ORF; EE nx cmty on traffic safety (353 12/7 Fraser-MA)(Hesch-NY)(Yajko-PA)

ORF; EE tlk abt Austrian towns (343 12/25 Prath-FLI(Berhholtz41N)(Coleman-MA)(Forbes.TX)(Franzis-CT)(Davenport-TY)



12015 0034 2RF;4erman nx (333 12/16 Berkholtz-MN)15260 0430 ORE; BE "News and Views" (444 1/4 Mappin-WA)(Moss-CA)(Miller-CA)15560 1600 ORF; GG IS various ID's (343 12/7 Lucas-CA)(Draeseke-CA)21655 1233 ORF EE tlk abt mx (545 12/30 Fraser -MA)21725 1245 ORB'; EE nx mx (545 12/7 Hesch-NY)21740 0212 ORF; EE tlk and nx abt the USSand Iran (444 12/15 Cereghin-MD)


11700 1811


15 210





7670 0424

9530 2148

9665 2132

9700 1933

9705 0008

9765 213011720 1930

15310 0226


5930 19157345 0350

BRT; EE nx "Brussels Calling" (433 12/16 Berkholtz.MN)(Zilmer-WI)(Byron-NY)(Cereghin-MD)(Audette-MA)BRT; EE nx abt events in Antwerp (433 12/8 Byrcn-NY)BRT; FF IS (323 12/25 Pettit -IA)BRT; EE "Brussels Calling" (333 12/28 Audette-MA)(444 12/19 Miller -CA)(Lucas-CA)(Trummel-IL)

RS; Bulgarian flk mx tik by yl (333 12/2 Cunningham4(Cucura-PA)(Famularo-NJ)(Donly-SC)RS; EE yl discussed young people in Sofia (323 12/26 Schaap-JAMAICA)(Zilmer-WIIRS; EE ID om w/ nx (322 11/23 Hodson-MN)(Pettit-IA)(Yajko-PA)(Phillips -CT)

RS; EE nx "Austria Calling" (343 12/30 SmitWL)Drew-TX)(CereghinlRS; EE IS nx (544 12/7 Trummel-IL)(0akley-OR)(McKinney-PA)(Prath-FL)(Fraser-MA)(Davenport-TN)RS; EE IS ID by om amncr (444 12/8 Trommel-IL)RS; EE nx "Review of the past Week" (322 12/11 Durnavich-IL)(Audette-MA)(Draeseke-CA)RS; Bulgarian mx (333 12/31 Berkholtz-MN)

RP; EE Chech choir (444 12/24 Audette-MA)RP; EE "Indian Love Call" (444 12/26 Forbes-TX)(MCKinney-PA)(Blaize-LA)

(Dilk.NJ)(Davis-GA)(Byron-NY)(Slovinski-CA)( McCool.MS)(Munster-GA)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (18)


9540 0140 RP; EE mx heavy QRM (422 12/25 Prath-FL)

9605 1500 RP; Czech tlk nx (534 12/14 Miller-CAO

9740 0111 RP; EE czech waltz mx (444 12/27 Yajko-PA)(Fraser-MA)11855 0810 RP; EE nx of African situation (433 1/5 Famularo-NJ)(Audette-MA)11990 1430 RP; EE nx abt the Pacifid (534 12/18 Miller-CA)(Berkholtz-NN)

(Rudolph-AL)(Boerst-FL)15290 0320 RP; GG Xmas mx (443 12/26 Schaap-JAMAICA)17840 1605 RP; EE Czech Christmas mx (433 12/24 Audette-MA)21615 1530 RP; EE feeq and time schedule (322 12/23 Zilmer-WI)


15165 1858


RD; EE/Danish IS anncr in EE then Dannish prgm (343 1/2 Mosier -CA)(Coleman-40(Hodson46N)

9645 0330 RF; EE freq's annced (433 12/25 Zilmer-WI)(Grenier-CA)(Audette-MA)(Boehm -TX)

15265 1300 RF; EE "Northern Reprt" nx (433312/21 Leeman-RI)(Blom-NY)15400 1430 RF; EE om w/ tlk on Nuclear power plants in Finland (444 1/9 Valentine -CA)


21475 1445 RF; EE mx (444 12/31 Thurman-IL)(Dilk-NJ)(Baker-DE)(Cucurq-PA)(Davis-GA)(Kana-GA)


11705 1742 RFI; EE You asWed for it ') mx (433 1/6 Audette-MA)15360 1725 RFI; EE om w/ Chrisrtmaa mx (433 12/24 Audette-MA)(Hrivnak-IL)(Smith-CA)17720 1705 RFI; EE "PCA" anncr w/ Christmas mx (433 12/8 Davis-GA)(Schroeder-WI)

(Lucas -CA)

17850 1700 RFI; EE nx abt the Iranian radio station that was taken (443 12/5Byron -NY)

17860 1729 RFI; EE ID "PCA" address for RFI (433 12/6 Hodson-MN)(Audette-MA)21555 1730 RFI; EE cmty on Rhodesian problem (343 12/8 Connell -CA)_21585a 1700 RFI; EE "PCA" (333 12/9 Davenport-TN)(Dilk.NJ)(Cereghin-MD)21620 1640 RFI; EE prgm "Sports on Monday" (544 12/17 Mills-BWI)(Miller-CA)

(Thompspn-NA)(Mosier-CA)(Slivinski-CA)25820 1513 RFI; FF American mx TC's ID's (323 12/25 Thurman -IL)25900 1430 RFI; FF mx tlk (444 12/25 Kaufman -NY)





DW; EE om w/ tlk on the "Year of the Child" (454 1/1 Audette-MA)RIAS; GG tlk om mx nx (333 12/12 Vranes-PA)(Lowe-AR)Bayerishcer Rundfunk; GG tlk (Radcliff-IL)(Durnavich-ILI(Audette-MA)Bayerishcer Rundfunk; GG tlk (333 12/23 Vranes-PA)(Radcliff-IL)(Lowe-AR)Sender Fries Berlin ; GG US rock mx (322 1/5 Lowe-10)(Audette-M)

7130 2125 DW; EE tlk on tourism in Europe (433 12/21 Audette-MA)7145 2125 De; om w/ prgm of US rock mx (433 1/1 Audette-MAO7210 0210 De; EE; yl w/ Science and Technology prgm (333 12/21 Audette-MA)7265 0335 Sudwest Funf; GO disco mx (322 12/17 Blaize-LA)(Durnavich-IL)

(George-TX)(Famularo-NJ)(Lowe-AR)9700 0034 DW; GG greetings to liaMlers in the world (433 12/23 Berkholtz-MN)9735 0232 DW; GO mx cmty (444 12/21 Berkholtz-MN)9765 1934 De; EE om w/ nx ID "Window on the World (444 1/1 Audette-MA)11/85 0102 De; Portuguese mx (333 12/23 Eerkholtz-MN)15115 1559 RFE; Bulgarian IS s -on tlk (433 1/5 Thompson -CA)15135 1750 DW; EE om w/ "Window on the World" (232 12/28 Audette-M4)15275 1800 DW; GG nx (333 12/16 Berkholtz-MN)17725 1757 RL; FF ID then IS (343 12/22 RayaRA)17835 1820 RFE; 8zech ID tx by om (433 12/24 Froth -FL)21560 1505 DW; GG nx cmty (333 12/8 Prath-FL)21600 1715 DW; EE German sports review (433 12/26 Zilmer-WI)(Siddons-FL)21720 1635 RFE; Czech tlk by om/y1 (333 12/25 Prath-FL)21745 1855 RI; RR ID by om political tlk (444 12/22 Prath-FL)


0010 0030 RBI; SS tlk by om (222 1/3 Draeseke-CA)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (19)











SS IS ID into nx (2221/3 Draeseke-CA)EE om ID nx (322 12/27 Audette-MA)PP tlk by om/ yl (222 12/21 Dreedeke-CA)EE amty mx (444 12/16 Franzis-CT)(Davenpott-TN)

15240 1450 RBI; EE African nx (333 12/22 Grenier-CA)(Valentine-CA)(Morrison-NC)21465 1430 RBI; EE "Mailbag" (433 12/23 Zilmer-WI)(Yajko-PA)(Audette-MA)


9515 0220 VOG; EE ID "This is the Voice of Greece" (433 12/3 Davis-GA)(Peck-NY)11730 2358 VOG: Greek/EE test tones ID nx (433 12/11 Durnavich-IL111925 1800 VOG; Greek IS ID (433 12/27 Pettit-IA)(Draeseke-CA)'


9585 0155 RB; EE tlk abt railroads in Hungary (333 12/25 Prath-FL)

9833v 0220 RB; EE nx ID (323 12/19 Davis-GA)(Byron-NY)(Durnavich-IL)(Peck-NY)(Prath-FL)

17710 *2330 RB; Hungarian "Hungarian Fantasia" ID (443 12/16 Peck-NY)(YajkoePA)


5990 *2200 RAI; EE ID by yl nx (333 12/18 Audette-MA)

9575 0115 RAI; EE 71 anncing nx (344 12/18 Siddons-FL)(Phillips-CT)(Baker-DE)(Blom-NY)(Davis-GA)(Earhart-PA)

9710 2200 RAI; EE tlk abt Russian invasion (222 1/6 Blom -NT)21690 1357 RAI; Italian ID bells (445 12/15 Thompson -NM)


6090 0100 RL; EE mx prgm w/ om DJ (333 12/29 Maise-LA)(Hrivnak-IL)(Famularo-NJ)(Moman-AIB)(Rosewarne-CA)0Brewer-TN)


6100 01455 DW; WE "News and Views" (444 12/8 Sanderson -AZ)

9545 0500 DW; OG wld nx (555 12/16 Willis-PA)(Berkholtz401)9670 *0700 Xandir Malta; EE off abruptly at 0751 (444 1/5 Blom-NY)(Curalinghasa):

11865 0130 DW; EE wld nx (322 12/7 Davis-GA)(Davenport-TN)21650 1114 DW; JJ ID om anncr (353 11/20 Kobayashi -JAPAN)


9495 0845 TWR; EE om w/ rel tx on the past year (444 12/13 Audette-MA)(Drew-TX)



5955 0810 RN; DD sx reports (343 12/10 Munster -GA)11930 1300 RN; EE nx t6 Europe (322 12/22 Zilmer-WI)17605 1846 RN; EE tlk on nuclear arm race 0253 12/15 Drew-TX)(Dilk-NJ)


6005 0155 RN; Norwegian mx (222 12/15 Draeseke-CA)9590 2100 RN; Norwegian IS (444 1/4 Blom-NY)(Schroeder-WI)(Audette-MA)

11870 0210 RN; EE om w/ tlk interviews (444 12/30 Audette-MA)11935 1900 RN; NN IS ID nx (221 12/25 Loren -CA)15175 2109 RN ; NN wx for Norway (433 12/15 Berkholtz-MN)(Mellinger-NJ)(Miller-CA)17840 1410 RN; EE cmty on Norway (222 12/2 Davis-GA)(Schaap.JAMAICA621655 1610 RN1 EE om w/ a prgm on the past year in Norway (333 12/30 Amdette-MA)

(Murakami-JAPAN)21730 1604 RN; EE "Norway this Week" (333 12/23 Yajko-PA)(Audette-MA)(Earhart-PA)


6095 0231 PR; EE mx a -off (333 12/20 Cereghin-MD)(Prath-FL)6135 0529 PR; GG IS tlk (343 12/9 Ray-BO(Preth-FL)(Donly-SC)7145 0215 PR; EE Xmas mx (322 12/25 Pratt -FL)7270 0435 PR; SS/PP tlk ID into PP (333 12/15 Draeseke.CA)(Zilmer-WI)(Schaap-

JAMAICA)(Prath-FL)(Lobdell.MA)(Brown-IL)9525 2002 PR; EE ID nx to Africa (333 12/17 FamularoNJ)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (20)


11815 02000 PR; EE nx mx (222 12/14 Durnavich-IL)15120 0300 PR; EE "This week in Poland" mx (433 11/11 Hesch-NY)(Zilmer-WI)


6025 0505 RP; EE om armor at/ nx (545 12/25 Rosewarne-CA)(Pettit-IA)(Prath-FL)

(Cereghin-MD)(Blom-NY)(Moman-ALB)(Forbes-TX)(Audette-AA211935 0335 RP; PP mx anncants (444 12/25 Prath-FL)(Berkholtz-MN)(MosierACA)(Smith-

FL)(Moss-CA)(Davis-GA)15340 1910 RP; EP om w/ cmty (433 12/23 Smith -CA)17880 1805 RP; EE om w/ nx ID (222 12/28 Audette-MA) (Miller -CA)


5990, 01357195 19389510 0135

9570 020015250 131015335 0702


6065 0516

9360 2300

9630 0000

11775 010111880 01b5

17890 1530


6065 0650

9695 023011705 0250

11845 210011905 003015240 183015275 230021615 1420

21700 1412

RB; BE nx cmty mx (343 12/21 Prath=FL)(Cereghin-MD)(Trummel-IL)RR; EE "Lidtners Letterbox (333 I2/16'Audettte-MA)RB: EE tx abt Romania (322 12/15 DurnavichmIL)(Draeseke-CA)(Byron -NY)RB; BE tx abt Youth Club (433 12/11 Stone-ONT)(Schroeder-WI)RB; EE cmty ID press review (433 12/24 Audette-MA)RB; EE wld nx (444 12/7 Brown -IL)


3995 21026165 07007210 06009535 15309560 07009725 0153

11715 0149

15125 183017735 134517830 233121570 1530


SFR; EE sked address (534 12/29 Rosewarne-CA)(Schaap-JAMAICA)(Audette7MA)SFR; SS mx (433 12/23 Dilk-NJ)(BerkholtzmMN)(Schaap-JAMAICA)(Blaize-LA)SFR; EE om w/ Christmas carols (444 1/10 Valentine -CA)rhillips-CIDrew-TX)(Berkholtz-MN)(Schaap-JAMAICA)(Davis-GA)Thompson -NMSFR; SS mx (444 12/23 Berkholtz-MN)SFR; EE review of DX-ing in the past year (544 1/7 Valentine-

(Schaap-JAMAICA) (Berkholtz-MN)(Blorn-NY)(Schroeder-WI)(Gaede-CA)SFR; SS mx nx (534 12/] Miller -CA)

RS; Swedish relay of HS 1st Program (222 12/15 Draeseke-CA)(Audette-MA)RS; EE ID yl XMAS mx (322 12/26 fichaap-JAMAICA)(Audette-MA)RS; EE tlk by 2 Om on rainbow trout (444 12/7 Trummel-IL)(Forbes-TX)(Valentine-CA)(0akley-OR)(Schaap-JAMAICA)Cereghin-MD)(Berkholtz-MN)

RS; EE special XMAS prgm (333 12/24 Zilmer-WI)RS; EE mailbag (333 12/23 Witte-CA)(Audette-MA)RS; EE interview mx (322 12/23 Zilmer-WI)RS; BE mailbag (333 12/23 Zilmer-WI)RS; EE "Mailbag" (333 4/2 Cereghin-M0)(Dilk.NJ)(Cucura-PA)(Davis -GA)RS; EE "Panorama" (232 12/27 Audette-MA)

SRI; SS IS nx (222 1/1 Cereghin-MD)SRI; EE ID nx (544 12/9 Mappin-WA)ROBS; BE IS trumpet IS (322 12/24 Pettit -IA)SRI; BE ID TC nx (L:44 12/24 Mappin-WA)SRI; EE nx ID (444 12/23 Schaap-JAMAICA)(Kowalski-W1SRI; EE "Dateline" (222 12/15-Cereghin-MD)(Stone-ONT(Hodson-MN)(Echroeder-WI)(Mosier-CA)SRI; EE "Dateline" (444 12/13 Thompson-NM)(Davis-GA)(Whitte-CA)(Baker-DE)(Gaede-CA)SRI; EE om w/ nx "Dateline" (333 12/24 Audette-MA)(Lucas-CA)SRI; EE/GG nx ID (333 1/1 Prath-FLSRI; Gg nx (343 12/15 Berkholtz-MNi(Grenier-CA)SRI; EE wld nx tlk prgm (333 1/5 Gronier-CA)(Yajko-PA)

(Audette-MA)(Prath-FL) (Pettit-IA)(Dilk-NJ)(Lucas-CA)

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (21)


21585 1819 SRI; EE s -on into nx (433 12/22 Yajko-PA)



7150 03107215 0045

7400 0305

15240 0034

17870 0045


4040 08305015 2120

5065 07015970 06306015 02007150 04007165 01507370 020073800 0310

7390 21467420 03007440 0300

9470 23579490 2345

9530 0016

9550 17009600 22009610 01489685. 013511630 173011890 130011900 121511980 090012010 1320

12030 0220

15135 132015140 0430

15180 033315265 022417720 0011

17730 090017855 113021555 130021600 0845

RE; "Ukranian Panorama" (433 12/13 Forbes-TX)(Pettit-IA)EE; tlk on the-Ukraniancoal mining (333 12/27 Audette-NA)(332 12/1 Byron-NY)(Cereghin-MD)ER; tlk abt skiing and snow in the Ukrain (434 12/17Blaize-LA)(Audette-MA)EE; wld and home mx ID wx (454 12/27 Audette-MA)(Pokatil-off-IL)(McKinney-PA)(Stone-ONT)(Schroeder-WI)EE; tlk abt the system of wages in the USSR (444 12/23Witte -CA)

(Connell -CA)RR; Mayak nxRR; Mayak ISRR; Mayak ISEE; TC bells nx (333 12/17 Blaize7LA)ER; via Lvov mx and tx (323 1/8 Pokatiloff-IL)(Blaize-LA)SS; via Moscow tlk prgm (333 12/22 Pettit -IA)ES; via Lvov tlk abt communications flutter ARM (433 12/17BLaize-LA)EE; via Moscow ID yl w/ rock mx (322 11/24 Hodson -MN)RR; IS nx in Slavic language (333 12/17 Biaize-LA)EE; via Noirosobirsk IS nx (343 12/17 Blaize-LA) (444 11/29Connell-CA)(Trummel-IL)SS; via Armavir mx (333 1/1 Berkholtz-MN)EE; ID om w/ tx on Baku oil fields (433 12/20 Hodson -MN)(Byron-NY)(Schaap-JAMAICA)(Blaize-LA)(Berkholtz-MN)EE; via Simferopol "Spotlight on Sports" (222 1/8Pokatiloff-IL)Serbo-Croat? TC IS ID r22 12/19 Draeseke-CA)EE; IS ID freq an/lei-at 322 12/12 Pettit -IA)ER; via Lvov cmty mx (423 12/21 Schaap-JAMAICA)EE; mx (444 12/15 Rudolph -AL)EE; via Moscow cmty on Afghanistan (332 12/9 Connell -CA)EE; "News and Views" (433 12/21 Leeman -RI)RE; "Moscow Mailbag" nx (343 1/5 Zilmer-WI)EE; via Vinnitsa nx cmty (333 1/2 Durnavich-IL)(Schaap1ER; via Nikolayev om w/ wls Service (433 1/7 Valentine(Dilk-NX)(Pokatiloff-IL)RR; melody of Walt Disney title themes (333 12/29Gaede-CA)ER; via Plovdiv nx cmty political tlk (333 12/25 Prath-FL)EE; via Vladivostok nx readings from a book (444 12/27Mose-CA)RE; via Petropavlovsk nx (333 12/30 Berkholtz-MN)EE; cmty (333 12/31 Berkholtz-MN)EE; via Petropavlovsk nx cmty (333 12/23 Berkholtz-MN)(Thompson-NM)(Valentine-CA)ED; nx prgm (333 1/2 Durnavich-IL)RE; nx (343 12/17 Zilmer.WI)EE; via Armavir nx (322 12/23 Zilmer-WI)(Marakami-JAPAN)EE; via Leningrad mx ID nx (333 1/2 Durnavich-IL)

RR; Mayak IS tlk by y1 ID (444 12/29 Loren -CA)RR; classical mx IS (252 12/30 Moore-PA)(Mappin-WA)

by om (353 12/21 Moore-Bk)ID opera mx (333 1/1 Connell -CA)TC nx (232 12/12 Durnavich-IL)


9625 1530 EE; ID "Roundup of Events" nx (433 12/6 Hodson -MN)11890 1549 ER; ID cmty en Indo-China (444 12/24 Audette-MA)

- Well no more room for any more loggings this month. Thanks for allthe cards for Christmas and my Birthday. See you all next month

73's 19

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (22)



Deadline: 12thTimes & Dates: GMT

Italli(11614/A4MIWIIMMILYre gut= e s : kHz


Uncle Sam has done it again!!! Today is the 18th and I sill have not receivedthe CDE loggings!!! I have received both of Bob's "received after deadline"reports, but not the regular one with usually half the loggings in amonth. Luckily it seems that a lot of reporters sent direct this month,but the column will probably be 3 pages, we'll have to see how far theygo times/dates GMT....frequencies are in kilohertz

ALGERIA9610 2100 Radio Algiers: IS, EE s/on, then nx (433 12/16 Moman-ALBERTA)

(poor 12/30 Ottaway-00)(322 1,/24 Scweikart-VA)11615 2100 RA: EE ID,freqs,nx/wx (343 12 31 Schweikart-VA)//9610....11810 2105 RA: EE OM w/nx, 2114 disco pgm (322 12/24 Audette-MA)

(222 12/8 2003 FF Trummel-IL) Isn't disco dead??? ... wlo

ANGOLA3375t 2218 Radio Nacional: PP tlks, vocals, no ID heard (322 12/23 Yajkol4820 2157 RN: PP tlk, ID as "de Luanda, capital da Republica Popular

de Angola transmite a Radio Nacional" (33312/28 Yajko-PA)7001 0535 E.R. Lobito: PP OM tlks, mx (423 12/31 Howell -CA)

11955 PP nx/mx, ID, IS at 0529(332 1/7 Takahashi -Japan)

ASCENSION ISLAND9580 2330 BBC: BBCWS relay "Prisoner of Zenda" (454 1/1 Munster -GA)15105 0730 BBC: EE ID,nx,cmmty (334 12/20 Smith-FL)(333 1800 Traver)15260 0206 BBC:Man in EE about UN in Iran (333 12/29 Gaede-CA)15400 0515 BBC: EE "Breakfast Show" to Africa (353 12/31 Ray -PA)

BENIN4870 0558 ORTB: Pop mx, FF ID at 0600 (433 12/23'Kneaskern-NY)(433

12/15 Trummel-IL at 2203)

CAMEROON4750 2149 Radio Bertoua: FF tlks by YL, FF vocals (343 12/23 Yajko-PA)

(Cucura-PA)(Trummel-IL)(Oliver-MA)4850 2200 Radio Yaounde: FF nx until 2203, then EE nx until 2206,

followed by FF pgms. FF ID "Radio Yaounde",EE ID "RadioCameroon". (333 12/31 Scweikart-VA)(Ray-PA)(Rzepka-WI)(Yajko-PA)(Audette-MA)(0500 FF Ottaway-00)(Radcliff)(Trummel)

5010 0540 Radio Garoua: EE nx at 0609, (432 1/2 Reese-KS)(2157 FFRzepka-WI)(0553 FF Howell-CA)(0530 FF Witte-CA)(Peters-MAN)

9745 2130 Radio Yaounde: FF/EE nx, mx pgm //4850 (333 1/1 Rzepka-WI)(433 12/27 1633 FF Thompson -CA)

CANARY ISTANDS15365 *2045 REE-Relays SS s/on, into mx pgm (333 1/1 Rzepka-WI)(Audette)

CHAD4904.5 2106 RNT: FF/vern tlks, mx (222 12/31 Cucura-PA)(232 1958 Audettel

COMORO ISLANDS7260t 0253 R. Comores: FF OM tlks, severe ARO gRM (122 1/2 Howell -CA)

CONGO3264 2311 RTC: Pop mx, YL FF ID ( 232 12/15 Trummel-IL)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (23)

EGYPT7473 2055 Radio Cairo: AA mx, chants (433 12/22 Prath-FL)(444 12/27

0215 Forbes -TX in EE)(333 12/26 0322 EE Berkholtz-MN)9805 2319 RC: EE tourism pgm (333 12/13 Smith-FL)(Audette-MA)(Cereghin)12050 0310 RC: EE world news and cmmty 0330* (433 12/27 Binau,MD)

15475 1635 RC: AA tlks by OM, into AA mx pgm (443 12/24 Prath-FL)17670 1805 RC: AA mx pgm, chants (343 12/24 Prath-FL)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA492.6 2109 Radio Ecuatorial: SS vocals, ID by YL (343 12/26 Yajko-PA)

(??? 12/9 2130* SS Holland-NY)(333 12/24 2150-2200* SSSchweikart-VA)

6250 2146 Radio Malabo: local mx, SS ID, s/off at 2200* (353 12/30Donly-SC)(442 12/16 0650 SS Howell -CA)



2127 RTVG-Franceville: FF tlks by YL/OM (333 12/26 Yajko-PA)2205 RTVG: FF tlks, afro mx (333 12/27 Schweikart-VA)(Trummel-IL)2313 Africa #1: EE/FF/Vern ID w/test pgm (555 12/4 Smith -FL)

2208 Radio Ghana (Ejura 1): Vern tlks, music (232 12/28 Scweikart)

2202 RG (Accra 2): EE YL w/SW nx bulletin (322 12/29 Schweikart)

2150 RG: Vern tlks, mx until 2200 (353 1/1. Ray-PA)(Martin-LA)

2140 RG: EE drama pgm (343 12/23 Yajko-PA)

GUINEA4310 06057125 0600


IVORY COAST4940 21157215 *0600





RN: FF Koran readings??? (433 12/15 Howell -CA)RN: Afro mx, FF tlks, ID at 0610 (433 12/8 Martin -LA)

RN: Afro mx, PP ID (353 12/28 Vranes-PA) best recept. to dates

RTVI: FF tlks,mx, ID (333 12/26 Yajko-PA)(Oliver-MA)RTVI: FF s/on, OM anus (433 12/14 Kneaskern-NY)

0310 VOK: Vern OM nx (12/29 433 Howell -CAI



ELWA: Vern tlks by OM QRN (333 12/28 Yajko-PA)(2216 Donly)ELWA: EE rlg pgm, ID (322 12/27 Scweikart-VA)(Yajko)(AudettelVOA: EE tlks on economic development (444 12/15 Thompson -NM)(444 1/1 0555 EE Audette-MA)ELWA:Multi-lang ID, into vern pgm (242 12/10 Lucas -CA)VOA: EE to Africa //15410(Greenville) (222 12/24 Prath-FL)VOA: EE tlks on Iran (353 12/11 Earhart-PA) kart)

VOA: EE country music pgm,ID, "Weekend" pgm (343 12/29 Schwei-

0610 SPLAJBC: Endless AA chants (12/22 Radcliff -IL)


15220 *2030

MALI.5995 230011960t 0708


MOROCCO15205 0118

MOZAMBIQUE3338 *02554865 06259618a 2215*

Radio Madagaskara: Malagasy tlks, drum mx (433 12/29 Oakley)Radio Nederland: EE ID, Newsline (454 12/5 Smith -FL)

RNM:Man w/FF tlks, afro mx(fair 12/22 Ottaway-CO)(Witte-CA)RNM: FF/vern tlks, mx, no ID (232 12/30 Lucas -CA)

RNM: AA chants, tlks (333 12/23 Yajko-PA)(453 1/2 0600 AA


VOA: EE mx (444 12/16 Berkholtz-MN) listed as Colombo by VOA?

RCM:IS, EE/FF ID, into mx/chants PP pgm (poor 12/30 Ottaway)RCM: FF/vern ID, afro mx (433 12/29 Witte -CA)RCM: PP ID and s/off, QRM de Belgrade/Vatican (333 ???Vranes)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (24)

NIGER5020 06493260t 2200

ORTN: Vern tlks, afro mx (232 12/23 Martin-LA)(Howell-CA)ORTN: FF tlk by OM, NA, 2203* (323 12/23 Yajko-PA)

NIGERIA4932 22204990 21356145 2108

7255 *045511770 2133

FRCN-Benin City: EE tlks by OM, ID (454 12/18 Trummel-IL)+4FRCN-Lagos: EE OM w/nx/mx (232 12/31 Audette-MA)+5 rptrs...Cross River Radio:(Calabar)2108 relay from Lagos, 2115 ID"This M-U-io'iT-iiiver Radio" (353 12/21 Vranes-PA)VON: EE YL anns, "West African Scene" (433 12/29 Moss-CA)+3VON: EE nx by OM,cmmty,2145 ID/TC (343 12/28 Donly-SC)

RWANDA9700 0745 DWI EE/vern ID, f/out by 0811 (333 12/20

SENEGAL4890 0615

SEYCHELLES11860 160515325 044515400 0345

SOMALIA9585 1710

Witte -CA) Kigali? wlo

Radio Senegal: FF ID, native mx (322 1/4 Blom-NY)(Howell-CA)

Oakley -CA)FEBA: Vern nx, parts of speech by Carter in EE (434 12/29FEBA: EE/Farsi ID, Relg pgms (433 12/30 Smith-FL)(Holland)FEBA: Farsi pgms, wobbly signal (222 12/16 Cereghin-MD)(Yajko)

Radio Mogadishu: AA YL tlks,nx ID at 1730 (342 12/9 Howell -CA)(433 12/28 1920 AA Audette-MA)(333 12/8 0621 AA Martin -LA)

SIERRA LEONE (Sorry.... out -of -orderSLBC: EE nx features, ID by OM (444 12/8 Martin -LA)5980 0610

SOUTH AFRICA4835 2116 SABC: last few minutes of EE rlg pgm (242 12/27 Scweikart)6115 2045 SABC: OM in EE w/mx pgm (333 1/6 Audette-MA)11900 0200 Radio RSA: EE "Weekly Survey of Ext. Affairs" (544 12/22

Heyman-NY)(Gaede-CA)(Cereghin-MD)(Earhart-PA)(Berkholtx-MN)11935 1540 R. RSA: Lozi elks by OM (listed lang) (533 12/15 Thompson -CA)15155 0245 R.RSA: EE nx in brief off at 0250*//15220 (443 12/21 Prath-FL)

(Slovinski-CA)(Witte-CA)(Pattit-IA)(Somers-CA)(0akley-CA)17780 0454 R.RSA: EE/FF ID for FF service,TC,nx (333 12/14 Smith -FL)

(Dunn-CA)(Oliver-MA)17805 2224 R.RSA: EE + other langs w/New Years Call in (444 12/31 Audette)21535 2155 R.RSA: EE ID's, freqs, cmmty (454 12/12 Thompson-NM)(Pettit)25790 1503 R.RSA: EE nx, ID cmmty on Rhodesia (454 12/6 Cucura-PA)

SWAZILAND3200 02593240 03074790 03305055 0325


IS,EE ID into Vern pgm (252 12/31 Peters -MANITOBA)Zulu (WRTVH) tlks, rlg mx (323 1/1 Yajko-PA)Vern ID, hymns (343 12/27 Peters-MAN.)(Howell-CA)(Fisher)EE religous talks (333 12/29 Yajko-PA)

TANZANIA4785 2045 Radio Tanzania: Swahili ID at 2046 (333 12/28 Yajko-PA)

TOGO3547 0555 RTT: FF tlks ID's (222 12/9 Ray-PA)(Stone-ONTARIO)(Witte-CA)

TUNISIA7225 0555 RTVT:AA chants, NA 0600 ID (443 1/2 Howell -CA)

UGANDA15325 0325 Radio Uganda: EE tlks on life in Uganda (322 12/13 Forbes -TX)

(333 12/28 Cereghin-MD)(333 12/29 Gaede-CA)

ZAIRE15350 2245 La Voix du Zaire: FF YL tlks, pop mx (322 12/16 Howell -CA)


From Sweden Calling DX'ers comes the Following....DX-B 1563 Swaziland:TWR broadcasts in French 1900-1945 on 11840 kHz (Stejskal) DX -B 1564 isthe following...NAMIBIA: The Voice of Namibia is heard in English dailyaround 1630 on 9535 kHz...(Arrington) Well that's about it for thismonth...Sorry for the abbreviated version...I used all I had...73's CNU 30


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (25)



DEADLINE:12th of each monthFREQUENCIES IN KILOHERTZTIMES ARE IN GMT*0000=sign on 0000*=sign off

AS1AFGHANISTAN11900 1359 RA: EE w/ bit of IS, tent. ID, communist -slanted nx (322 12/11 Lowe -AR)

ItadkAlingladesh.BANGLADESH15285 1230 RB: EE w/ IS, ID, into nx pgm (323 12/30 Maise-LA)(Rotramel-AR)(Zilmer-WI)21670 1244 RB: EE w/ pop mx, ID, folk mx, 1300* (333 12/17 Cucura-PA) of Vladimir?? ilfM

CHINA2340 1135 Fujian 1: CC YL w/ tlk, CC mx (222 12/23 Cucura-PA)(Lattemann-WA)3940 1520 Hubei: EE/CC w/ EE lessons by radio by YL/OM (333 12/8 Connell -CA)

3970 1530 Inner Mongolia/Nei Menggui CC w/ opera mx (333 12/8 Connell -CA)

4830 1214 Liaoning: CC cmty by OM, SSB QRM (232 12/23 Moore -PA)

4925 1323 Heilongjiang: CC w/ long tlk by OM, // 5950 (454 12/28 Mosier -CA)

4975 1329 Fujian: CC violin mx, EE lessons, het (322 12/28 Mosier -CA)4995 1428 R. Peking: CC classical mx, OM/YL tlk @ 1450 (443 12/17 Thompson -CA)5240 1347 FFS 1: CC w/ cmty, // 5265 (444 12/28 Mosier-CA)(Prath-FL)(Donly-SC)5265 1115 FFS 1: CC w/ weird singing, YL tlk (333 12/8 Prath-FL)(Mosier-CA)5880 1130 Beijing 1: CC play or drama, tlk, mx, /// 6750 (332 12/16 Prath-FL)

5900 1350 FFS 1: CC w/ pgm,under carrier (222 12 28 Mosier -CA)5950 1326 Heilongjiang: CC w/ OM tlk, bad het (332 11/28 Mosier-CA)(Witte-CA)6260 0011 Beijing 1: CC w/ opera, OM vocal mx (353 1 2 Newell -BC)6660 2354 Beijing 1: CC YL tlk w/ flutter (242 12/2 Newell -BC)6665 1203 Beijing 1: CC w/ nx by YL/OM, tlk (332 12/15 Prath-FL) I believe both of you are

listening to the same station. The freq. is listed as 6665a jwm

6750 0019 Beijing 1: CC opera, // 6260, 6660 (252 1/2 Newell -BC)6765 1110 FFS 1: CC tlk by OM/YL, local mx (333 12/16 Prath-FL)6840 0021 Inner Mongolia/Nei Menggu: CC opera (354 1/2 Newell-BC)(Prath-FL)7025 1150 FFS 2: CC tlk by OR, story? (333 12/15 Prath-FL)7085 1126 Xizang: CC mx, YL ancmt, tlk (221 12/8 Smith -FL)7504 0005 Beijing 1: CC w/ YL tlk, RTTY Qgm (232 12/3 Newell -BC)

7850 1145 FFS 1: CC OM/YL cmty, mx (333 12/6 Hrivnak-IL)(Prath-FL)9020 1202 Beijing 2: CC mx, YL tlk (222 12/16 Smith -FL)9064 1143 Beijing 1: CC mx, YL w/ story (332 12/16 Smith -FL)

9290 1315 RP: CC YL w/ mx, 1328* (333 12/4 Forbes -TX)9820 1250 RP: EE pgm w/ cmty, mx, tlk (444 12/25 Prath-FL)(Cereghin-MD)

9860 1700 RP: EE nx by OM, ID's, mx, tlk (554 12/15 Miller-CA)(Maag-CA)9900m 1100* RP: SS w/ IS, ID's, nx on Afghanistan, USSR (554 1/8 Carrier-VA)(Yajko-PA)11302 1210 Beijing 1: CC tlk by YL/OM, local mx (242 12/25 Prath-F9

ID11330t 0100 RP: CC w/ continuous CC opera, no (444 12/5 Stone-ONT

11455 0049 RP: CC w/ OM tlk (222 12/22 Smith -CA)11505 0704 Beijing 2: CC w/ nx by YL (444 12/23 Martin-LA)(Prath-FL) Your UNID Bob jwm

11650 0440 RP: EE w/ CC lessons (333 12/11 Lucas-CA)(Rzepka-WI)(Smith-CA)11695 0238 RP: EE w/ CC lessons by YL/OM (433 12/19 Audette-MA)(Stone-ONT)(Cereghin-MD)15045 0030 RP: CC w/ mx, not // 15030 (444 12/10 Witte -CA)' Marge, they couldn't be //

15030 is Beijing jwra

15095 0100 RP: SS w/ ID, CC mx, polar flutter (222 12/14 Cereghin-MD)15200 0200 RP: SS nx, cmty, CC mx, 0255* (555 12/22 George-TX)(Holland-NY)(Famularo-NJ)

15300 0123 RP: SS mx, ID by IL (444 12/16 Berkholtz-MN)15520 0110 RP: EE ID, nx, tlk on Soviet missiles in Europe, mx (433 12/16 Hodsdon-MN)

(Berkholtz-MN)(Carrier-VA)(Valentine-CA)(Stone-ONT)(Somers-CA)(Smith-FL)(Munster)+15600 0205 RP: EE w/ OM tlk on Kampuchea/Vietnam, mx (455 12/30 Rosewarne-CA)(Hodsdon-MN)++17650 0235 RP: SS w/ OM tlk, ID, mx (454 12/27 Forbes-TX)(Thompson-NM)(Stone-ONT)17680 0115 RP: EE YL w/ cmty, ID (322 12/14 Davis-GA)(Berkholtz-MN)(Coleman-MA)(Binau-MD)+++


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (26)

CYPRUS6120 0010 BBC relay: EE ID, nx by YL (433 12/10 Davis -GA)

7210 0305 BBC relays EE w/ wld nx, ID, TC @ 0315 (232 12/27 Audette-MA)9585 2210 CBC: Greek IS, s/on by OM @ 2215, nx of Cyprus, mx (444 12/28 Donly-SC)(444

Cunningham)11760 0605 BBC: EE wld nx, tlk on Afghanistan (232 1/1 Audette-MA)11955 *2200 BBC relay: EE TC, wld svc. nx (333 1/1 Thompson -CA)15420 1655 BBC relay: EE tlk abt. economy/trade (333 12/24 Prath-FL)17885 0320 BBC relays EE w/ OM tlk on XMAS, mx (343 124 Audette-MA)21660 1515 BBC relay: EE w/ spts, report, scores (443 12/8 Prath-FL)


9705 1135 AIR, EE w/ 5 minutes of local nx (332 12/20 Zilmer-WI)9912 2013 AIR: EE YL w/ nx, ID (332 12/25 Mayer-CA)(Davis-GA)

11620 2103 AIR: EE cmty, ID, local mx (343 12/21 Moore-PA)(Schroeder-WI)(Mills-BWI)(Baker-DEL)

(Trummel-IL)(Rosewarne-CA)(Hodsdon-MN)(Yajko-PA)(Prath-FL)(Cereghin-MD)(Heyman)++11850 1135 AIR: EE w/ nx, // 9705 (322 12/18 Zilmer-WI)15205 1008 AIR: EE nx, very fluttery (333 12/5 Holland -NY)15350 1335 AIR: EE YL w/ Indian politics, ID, mx (322 12/13 Forbes -TX)

INDONESIA4753 1312 RRI Ujung Pandang: Indo speech, short ancmts by YL, local mx (434 12/14

Trummel-IL)(Moore-PA)4764 1336 RRI Medan: Indo? mx, tlk by YL, mx (233 12/10 Trummel-IL)4845 1339 RRI Ambon: Indo? tlk by OM, sudden f/out (212 12/10 Trummel-IL)(Moore-PA)4875 1235 RRI Sorong: Indo w OM/YL ancmts, local mx, RTTY QBM @ 1249 (252 12/23 Moore -PA)4927 *2227 'RBI Jambi: Indo w bird chirps, ID by OM, orchestra mx, ID/tlk by OM @ 2230,

drum mx, f/out @ 2244 (353 12/7 Vranes-PA) Hrammmramnuma jwm11790 1440 V. of Indonesia: EE w/ IDATH, request for reports, mx pgm, 1500* (444 12/14


IRAN9022 1930 VOIRI: EE nx, Farsi mx, into cmty quoting Khomeini on Carter's threat of an

economic boycott (333 12/15 Kaufman-NY)(Morrison-NC)(Coleman-MA)(Cunningham)

(Audette-MA)(Dilk-NJ)(Prath-FL)(Kana-GA)(Davis-GA)(Hrivnak-IL)(Schaap-JAMAICA)++15084 1928 VOIRI: Farsi w/ 0M/YL tlk, chants, Koran readings (343 11/30 Martin -LA)

2135 R. Baghdad: EE w/ AA mx, ID, nx by OM (333 12/14 Davis-GA)(Trummel-IL)(Baker-DEL)


ISRAELIT 2005 IBA: EE OM w/ nx, ID, XMAS mx (444 12/24 Audette-MA)(Yajko-PA)

9009 2000 IBA: EE nx, "This Week",. UTE WIN (333 12/8 Fraser-MA)(Audette-MA)(Dilk-NJ)(Prath)9372a 0530 Tel Aviv HS: Hebrew MOR/EZI mx, ads, freq. off center from 9370 or 9375, ments

of Tel Aviv, this is a definite (Holland -NY)9425 2025 IBA: EE nx in brief, s/off (444 122 Prath-FL)(Nolden-CT)9815 2240 IRA: EE w/ nx by ON, ID, mx pgm w Hebrew vocals (444 12/11 Schroeder -W(454

Moore-PA)(Sudolph-AL)(Davenport-TN)(Slovinski-a)(Seese-KS)(Grenier-CA)(Maise-IA)+11610 2100 IBA: Hebrew TP's for 2100, ID by YL, Israeli pop mx (443+ 12/16 Peck -NY)11637 2230 IBA: EE nx, "Mosaic", "Spectrum" (454 12/3 Fraser-MA)(Hodsdon-MN)(Rudolph-AL)++11655 0505 IRA: EE nx, wx, into FF svc. @ 0515 (333 12/26 Cereghin-10)(Rudolph-AL)(Davis-GA)15105 0500 IBA: EE nx by OM, wx, review of Israeli Press Editorials, TP's @ 0515 (545

12/9 Heyman-NY)(Ray-PA)15425 0511 IBA: EE nx, freqs., ID, into FF (242 12/23 Famularo-NJ)15585 2038 IRA: Hebrew tlk by YL, Israeli folk dance mx, jammer on @ 2045 (222 12/16 Peck)17615 1225 IBA: EE hrd w/ ads, nx in brief, into FF @ 1230 (443 12/25 Prath-FL)(Valentine)21625 1758 IBA: RR IS, ID, RR tlk/mx, unlisted freq. (322 12/18 Zilmer-WI)


3910 0530 FEN: EE w/ songs of the 60's & 70's (444 12/22 Slovinski-CA)(Connell-CA)3925 0825 NSB: EE w/ US pops, laughter (433 12/27 Witte -CA)3945 0845 NSB: JJ w/ DX pgm, ID @ 0900 (433 12/29 Loren-CA)(Slovinski-CA)(Connell-CA)6155 0809 FEN: EE w/ U.S. pop mx (545 12/7 Rosewarne-CA)(Lucas-CA)9505 1358 R. Japans EE IS, ID, nx, cmty, JJ lessons (322 12/18 Cucura-PA)(Valentine-CA)

(Cereghin40)(Smith-FL)(Maag-CA)(Davenport-TN)9585 *1300 RJ: EE nx, "Current Events", into JJ @ 1315 (343 12/8 Fraser-MA)(Yajko-PA)++9595 0925 NSB: EE/JJ pgm of oldies, YL anncr in JJ (545 12/29 Rosewarne-CA)(Miller-CA)

15235 0146 RJ: EE nx, cmty on nuclear power (333 12/31 Berkholtz-MN)(Sanderson-AZ)(Munster)15270 0020 RJ: EE tlk on JJ hotels (333 12/13 Cereghin-MD)(Willis-PA)17725 0145 RJ: EE w/ discussion on banking, request for reports (322 12/12 Stone-ONT)(222



Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (27)

JAPAN (continued)17755 0400 RJ: EE wld. nx by OM, "Current Affairs" (443 11/6 McLean -NY)(Dilk -NJ)(Dunn -CA)

(Valentine-CA)(Famularo -NJ)(Maag -CA)(Smith -FL)(Davis -GA)

17825 2350 RJ: EE nx, folk mx tlk on Japan/China Prime Minister meeting (4/.4, 12/5 Fraser)(Maise-LA)(Blom-NY)(Berkholtz-MN)(Binau-MD)(Peck-NY)(Forbes-TX)(Munster-GA)++

17880 0103 RJ: EE OM w/ nx, cmty, into JJ @ 0115 (444 12/19 Audette -MA)(Yajko -PA)(Blom -NY)21640 0135 RJ: EE nx, cmty, "Japan Today" (444 12/26 Slovinski-CA)(Valentine-CA)(Stone-ONT)++

JORDAN9560 1545 R. Jordan; EE w/ EZL mx, tlk by CM/YL, ID @ 1559, nx @ 1600, 1610 f/out (322

12/18 Martin -LA)

DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA2302 14402670 14512745 15152766 1458

2850t 22253320 11486250 22166540 12106600 22309420 06009977 2302

11350 2250

KCBS Hyesan: KK tlk by OM, better on USB (poor 12/17 Draeseke-CA)KCBS Sariwons KK tlk by OM/YL (fair 12/17 Draeseke-CA)KCBS Sinuiji: KK w/ OM anncr, rapid cmty (333 12/8 Connell -CA)KCBS Pyongsong: KK tlk by OM/YL, mx @ 1458, better on USB (fair 12/17 Draeseke)KCBS HS: KK YL w/ political tlk, instr. mx, cmty, fast fade (252 12/24 Moore -PA)R. Pyongyang HS: KK orch. mx w/ chorus, YL tlk, organ mx (333 12/23 Lattemann)RP: KK tlk by OM/YL, local mx, ID by YL @ 2230, tlk by YL (242 12/30 Donly-SC)RP: JJ w/ nice mx, tlk, ID, ancmts by YL (333 12/15 Prath-FL)KCBS HS: KK YL w/ harangue (544 12/2 Newell-BC)(Connell-CARP: EE local/regional nx, long cmty (232 12/4 Slovinski-CA(Earhart-PA)(Mosier)++RP: EE anthem, ID by YL, sked by OM (333 12/31 Connell-CA)(Durnavich-IL)(Hrivnak)(Newell-BC)(Hesch-NY)(Fraser-MA)(Berkholtz-MN)(Carrier-VA)(Hodsdon-MN)(Pimblett)++KCBS HS: KK OM w/ strident tlk, QSB (433 1/3 Lowe-AR)(Nolden-CT)(Famularo-NJ)++

REPUBLIC OF KOREA7550 1245 R. Korea: EE OM w/ nx (444 1/6 Valentine -CA)9580 0930 RK: KK/EE folk mx, EE ID @ 1000, New Year's message (444 1/1 Connell -CA)9720 1600 RK: EE IS, ID, nx, cmty, tourist info., freq./time sked (333 12/19 Zilmer-WI)(353

HensIey-TX)(Audette-MA)(Thompson-CA)(Ray-PA)(Miller-CA)(Blom-NY)9870 1600 RK: EE nx, predictions for 1980 (343 1/5 Zilmer-WI)

11820 2300 RK: EE nx, BBC QRM (322 1/5 Zilmer-WI)11830 *1800 RK: EE s/on, into nx, co -channel QRM (333 1/7 Thurman-IL)(Rosewarne-CA)(Thompson)12090 1245 RK: EE nx, cmty, mx, freqs. (333 12/29 Zilmer-WI)15570 2300 RK: EE nx, editorial, ID, pgm sked by OM (433 12/27 Binau-MD)(Hodsdon-MN) +8

KUWAIT6055 2025 R. Kuwait: AA mx, chants (443 1/1 Famularo-NJ)

11665nf1949 RK: EE mx by Dr. Hook, ID by OM (433 11/30 Martin-LA)(Audette-MA)(Zilmer-WI)(Holland-NY)(Cereghin-MD)(Munster-GA)

21605a 1800 RK: AA? OM anncr in local tlk w/ AA mx (433 12/9 Davenport-TN)(Thompson-NM)(Prath)21685 1840 RK: AA tlk by OM, not // 21605 (454 12/22 Prath-FL)(Kaufman-NY)

LAOS6130t 1020 Vientiane: Lao w/ definite Lao mx w/ chanting/shouting, heavy QRM, QSB (222 12/4

Holland -NY)

LEBANON6550 0407 V. of Lebanon: AA w/ mx box IS, into "Bridge Over River Kwai", ID by YL, pop

mx to 0418, nx in AA by OM, ments of Beirut (333 12/30 Fisher-MA)(Peck-NY)(Maise)

MALAYSIA (Peninsular)9665 1625 RTM Kuala Lumpur: EE w/ big band mx, OM/YL anncrs (323 12/21 Witte -CA)9740 1305 BBC relay: EE wld. svc. pgm w/ nx, tlk (242 12/25 Prath-FL)

Sarawak4950 1433

5030t 1341

RMS Kuching: EE local nx by OM, ID @ 1437, EZL mx (443 12/8 Lattemann-WA)(333Thompson -NM)

RMS Kuching: Bidayuh w/ discussion, nx? (343 12/28 Mosier -CA)

MONGOLIA6385 *1223 RUB: EE w/ chimes, ID to SEA and FE (433 1/1-5 Rotramel-AR)

12070 1235 RUB: EE ID's, mx, YL anncr, sudden 1250* (333 12/22 Maise-LA)(Rotramel-AR)



NEPAL3425 1413 R. Nepal: Nepali/EE oriental mx, YL anncr, EE ID @ 1436, gave // 9590 but not

hrd (good 12/18 Draeseke-CA) Good" GREAT!!....jwm9589 1146 RN: Lang. w/ IS, ancmt by OM, overpowered by USSR station (poor 12/24 Lobdell-NJ)

101 total reporters this month!, That sets a new record jwm


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (28)

OMAN11890 2000 R. Oman: AA w/ readings of portions of the Holy Qur'an, 2010*, anthem (353 1/1

Donly-SC)(Vranes-PA)15310t 1232 BBC relay: EE w/ pop mx (??? 12/25 Holland-NY)(Famularo-NJ)(Zilmer-WI)++

PAKISTAN11640 1330 R. Pakistan: Lang. if/ local mx, tlk (333 12/25 Zilmer-WI)17641 1650 RP: EE nx, // 21605 (322 12/24 Zilmer-WI)17663 1105 RP: EE nx in slo-speed (333 12/16 Zilmer-WI)17830 0230 RP: EE ID, freq., TC, nx in slo-speed (444 12/13 Thompson-NM)(Forbes-TX)21590 *0230 RP: EE nx by OM (333 12/14 Durnavich-IL)(Moman-ALB)21755 1603 RP: EE nx, 1615* (333 12/15 Dilk-NJ)(Hensley-TX)(Zilmer-WI)

PHILIPPINES6110 1340 VOA relay: EE W/ science tlk, orch. mx, cmty, ID, freqs. (454 12/18 Thompson -NM)9580 1018 R. Pilipinas: EE "Know Your Neighbors", mx requests (excellent Kana-GA)(Miller)

11955 1432 RVA: EE w/ listener's requests for pen -pals, ID, QTH (332+ 1/4 Famularo-NJ)15155 0100 RVA: JJ w/ pgm, ID by YL, tlk (544 12/17 Miller -CA)15285 0035 RVA: EE pgm of XMAS mx, ID @ 0052 (242 12/25 Donly-SC)15290 0028 VOA relay: EE w/ nx summary, TO, "Breakfast Show", mx (343 12/27 Audette-MA)17740 0047 VOA relay: EE "Breakfast Show" w/ tlk on gasbhol (343 12/31 Mosier-CA)(Trummel-IL)17790 0030 RVA: EE ID's, YL tlk, mx by Rod Stewart, freqs. (433 1/7 Kana-GA)(Rosewarne-CA)17810 0030 FEBC: EE w/ ID by OM, nx, rel. pgm (353 12/31 Mosier-CA)(Loren-CA)(Forbes-TX)+++17820 0020 VOA relay: EE w/ "People in the News", ID (433 12/20 Audette-MA)

QATAR2522t 2030 QBS: AA tlk by OM, under het from SFR (222 12/16 Peck -NY) Nice catch

SAUDI ARABIA5875 2205 BSKSA: AA mx w/ soft tlk by OM, ID @ 2218 (343 12/27 Donly.SC)

11685 2008 BSKSA: AA w/ tlk by OM, nx?, UTE QBM (332 12/25 Mayer -CA)11854 1840 BSKSA: EE w/ classical mx, ID, nx @ 1900 (333 12/10 Cucura-PA)(Audette44A)(423

Draeseke-CA)(Donly-SC)(Zilmer-WI)(Kana-GA)11870 1450 BSKSA HS: AA chanting w/ long pauses (poor 12/16 Draeseke-CA)11950 1450 BSKSA HS: AA chanting, better on USB (poor 12/16 Draeseke-CA)15060 1600 BSKSA: AA tlks, chanting (353 12/19 Thompson-NO(Moman-ALB)21545 1502 BSKSA HS: AA chanting, // 11950 (fair 12/16 Draeseke-CA)


3915 1558 BBC relay: EE OM w/ pgm review, ID, TC, TP's, nx (232 12/11 Lucas -CA)9570 2303 BBC relay: EE w/ ox by YL, ID, cmty on the French budget (232 12/29 Audette-MA)

SRI LANKA4968 1254 SLBC 1: Vern. w/ 0m/YL tlks, ID, local/rel. mx (322 12/19 Trummel-IL) This is

listed as brd'ing in EE according to the WRTH strange jwm9720 1655 SLBC: EE mx, YL w/ ID 4 1700 (322 1/1 Rzepka-WI)(Thompson-CA)(Miller-CA)(Semesky)11800 1222 SLBC: Tamil mx, ID by OM, nx (423 12/8 Holland -NY)15120 1930 SLBC: EE w/ "Voice of Prophecy" pgm, mx (fair 12/22 Ottaway-CO)15425 0145 SLBC: EE "All Asia Svc." w/ tlk, // 9720 (fair 1/2 Draeseke-CA)(Witte-CA)(Zilmer)

TAIWAN11745 2318 VOFC: SS w/ CC mx, ID by OM, cmty (433 12/19 Audette -MA)(Dilk -NJ)15270 2200 VOFC: EE nx, cmty, local mx, 2240* (332 12/15 Zilmer-WI)(Rosewarne-CA)(Berkholtz)+15345 0315 VOFC: EE mx, cmty on anti -Taiwan demonstrations (222 12/19 Dunn -CA)(Mosier -CA)

(Yajko -PA)(Audette -MA)(Famularo -NJ)(Witte -CA)(Marshall -AZ)17890 0112 VOFC: EE YL w/ nx, ID, CC songs, cmty, // 15345 (333 12/1 Audette -MA)

THAILAND9655 1415 R. Thailand: Thai w/ tlk by 2 OM's, mx, VOA QRM (433 12/9 Oakley-OR)(Miller-CA)

TURKEY NT!6340 0505 Turkiye Polis Radyosu: Turkish folk dance mx w/ orch., tlk by OM w/ ments of

the Black Sea (332 12/9 Peck-NY)(Donly-SC)6900t 0545 V. of Meteorology: Turkish w/ wailing mx, YL singing, continuous string of

folk melodies (222 12/16 Peck -NY)7170 2203 VOT: EE OM w/ nx, "Review of Turkish Press", ID, pgm of pop mx (433 Audette-MA)9515 1850 VOT: Turkish w/ AA type mx, ID, nx @ 1900 (343 1/5 Prath-FL)(Moman-ALB)9550 2105 VOT: EE OM anncr w/ pop mx pgm, ID (433 1/5 Audette-MA)9585 *0655 V. of the Comm. Pty. of Turkey: Turkish w/ seven note IS, martial choral "anthem"

0700, ID by OM, YL tlk (232 12/16 Peck -NY)11955 2215 VOT: EE tlk abt. the Pope's second visit in Ankara (443 12/18 Byron-NY)(545




Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (29)


UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS4485 1721 Petropavlovsk: RR w/ classical mx (242 12/25 Pimblett-ALB)4520 1256 Palana: RR w/ OM tlk, mx, not // 4485 (333. 1/4 Lowe -AR)4885t 1210 Novosibirsk: RR classical mx, OM ancmts (252 12/23 Moore -VA)5015 1245 Vladivostok: RR EZL mx, ancmts by YOM, ID (234 12/11 Trummel-IL)(PiMblett-ALB)6155 *0000 RM/Krasnoyarsk: EE nx by YL (233 12/10 Trummel-IL)7220 1150 RM/??: CC tlk by OM, ID (fair 1/2 Draeseke-CA)7320 0713 RM/Magadan: Lang. w/ YL tlk, song by OM, flutter (353 12/31 Munster -GA)7440 2110 RM/Novosibirsk: EE w/ political tlk abt. NATO (333 12/22 Prath-FL)(Hodsdon-MN)9505 0619 RM/Novosibirsk?: EE OM tlk on the Helsinki accords (422 1/9 Smith -CA)9530 0205 RM/??: EE "Panorama" pgm, nx, OM anncr (434 12/5 Davis -GA)9580 0604 RM/Blagoveschensk: EE OM tlk on Imperialism (222 1/9 Smith-CA)(Maag-CA)9720a 0200 Radiostansiya Rodina: RR IS w/ OM/YL ID (544 12/22 Heyman -NY)9780 0845 RM/Nikolaevsk: EE w/ lite mx, ID, nx (333 1/2 Durnavich-IL)

Greetings From Moscow

Azerbaijan S. S. R.4785 0404 R. Baku: RR classical mx,'brief tlk by OM w/ ID, f/out @ 0429 (poor 12/22

Radcliff-IL)(Lobdell-MA)(Moore-PA)11805 0159 RB: SS IS, ID by YL 4 0200 (333 12/14 Trammel -IL)

Georgian S. S. R.4930 0410 R. Tbilisi: RR instr. mx, OM/YL ancmts, IS @ 0430 (252 12/20 Moore -PA)5040 0320 RT: RR pop mx by OM w/ orch, tlk by OM/YL, TP's @ 0330 (242 12/9 Peck -NY)

Uzbek S. S. R.6025 1215 R. Tashkent: EE cmty, ID, pgm (454 12/31 Moore-PA)(Cereghin-MD)(Semesky-IN)9540 1225 RT: EE tlk by OM, mx, ID/IS @ 1230, into RR, not on 9600 as per Legge (343 12/11

Earhart-PA)11785 1229 RT: EE propaganda re Kabul, ID by ON (good 1/3 Draeseke-CA)cfrd,kketi

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES9695 1846 V. of the UAE: AA w/ pgm of instr. AA mx, no ancmts, tlk by OM @ 1858-1900

w/ ID: "Emirat Arabiyah min Abu Dhabi" @ 1859, more tlk by OM @ 1900, nx brd?,f/out (332 1/6 Donly-SC) A rarity to say the least jvm

VIETNAM4944 1535 Hanoi 1: Viet. mx, cmty by YL (333 12/8 Connell -CA)10010 0000 V. of Vietnam: CC s/on to China, ID, march mx (343 12/26 Newell-BC)(Yajko-PA)++10040 0950 VOV: Lang./EE pgm w/ XMAS mx, EE @ 1000 (353 12/24 Moore-PA)(Boehm-TX)(Hodsdon)+++10060 1150 Hanoi 1: Viet. tlk, mx (344 12/27 Yajko-PA)(Rzepka-WI)(Peck-NY)

YEMEN9780 *0258 R. San'a: AA w/ bird IS, anthem, into AA chants (444 12/14 Durnavich-IL)(Audette)+

EEANZAARGENTINA/ANTARCTICA6029 0013 R. Nac. Arcangel San Gabriel: SS w/ LA mx, ID, tlk by OM, nx @ 0028, overmodulated

(222 11/30 Martin -LA)

AUSTRALIA4920 1245 AEC Brisbane: EE classical mx, OM w/ ID, nx, apts. (242 12/23 Cucura-PA)(343

Pimtlett-ALB)(Yajko-PA)(Ross-ONT)(Semesky-IN)(Brewer-TN)(Moman-ALB)(Prath-FL)+++5995 1159 RA/Lymdhurst: EE ID, TP's, nx by OM (333 12/15 Hodsdon-MN)(Prath-FL)(Holland)++6035 2120 RA/Carnarvon: EE YL tlk, mx pgm, ID by OM, nx (333 1/6 Audette-MA)

for ABC, TC (232 12/24 Audette-MA)(Zilme6150ID r

6045 1045 RA/L: EE w/ special pgm, ID's, XMAS mx (333 12/20 Audette-MA)(Yajko-PA)(Zilmel1250 AEC Melbourne: EE pgm of lite mx,

9580 1135 RA/Shepparton: EE "Carols by Candlelight" w/ XMAS mx, nx (454 12/24 Fraser -MA)(Dilk-NJ)(Blom-NY)(Clark-KS)

9610 1450 AEC Perth: EE "C.A.L." 1/ pop mx (333 12/5 Grenier-CA)(Mosier-CA)(Fraser-MA)+++ID9640 1308 RA/C: BE nx, (??? 12 25 Holland-NY)(Blom-NY)(Zilmer-WI)

9670 0910 RA/S: ER wld. nx (444 1/6 Grenier-dA)(Holland-NY)(Maag-CA)9770 1104 RA/s: EE OM w/ wld./nat. nx, TC, ID (333 12/29 Audette-MA)(Carrier-VA)(Gxenier)

11800 1836 RA/b: EE w/ Aussie nx, ID, XMAS greetings (433 12/27 Donly-SC)(Audette-MA)11870 1605 RA/C: EE w/ nx, under RM (322 12/25 Yajko-PA)(Audette-MA)15205 2330 RA/C: Thai w/ EE ID @ s/on, into Thai pgm (232 12/30 Ray -PA)15320 0430 RA/S: EE rock mx (??? 12/14 Holland-NY)(Ray-PA)17795 1830 RA/S: EE w/ Aussie nx, tlk on gasoline (444 12/31 Mosier-CA)(Grenier-CA)(Miller-CA)

(Smith-CA)(Dunn-CA)(Maag-CA)(Davis-GA)(Hrivnak-IL)(Maise-LA)17870 0205 RA/d: EE nx by OM, rock mx (222 12/29 Ray -PA)21680 0105 RA/S: EE wld. nx, cmty, mx, into FF (444 12/18 Baker-DEL)(Murakami-JAPAN)21740 0100 RA/S: EE nx, editorial, OM armor (544 12/28 Binau-MD)(Hodsdon-MN)(Valentine-CA)++


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (30)

GUAM11735 1308 KTWR: EE rel. mx, verse from the Book of John (433 12/5 Forbes -TX)11840 0822 KTWR: EE w/ XMAS carols, ID, OM w/ rel. tlk (222 12/15 Cucura-PA)17705 0050 KTWR: Indo w/ rapid tlk by OM/YL, s/off w/IS (4 0059 (252 12/25 Donly=SC)17775 *0000 KTWR: EE IS, ID, rel. pgm, YL anncr (322 1/4 Blom-Pavelka-NY)

NEW CALEDONIA7170 0723 R. Noumea: FF OM DJ w/ disco mx (333 12/27 Mosier-CA)(Connell-CA)(McCool-MS)

NEW HEBRIDES7260 0858 R. Vila: FF ancmt by YL, long church service in EE w/ hymns, native drum mx,

ARO open carrier ruined chance to ID (poor 1/6 Lobdell-MA)

VILANEW ZEALAND11945 0725 RNZ: EE instr. mx, YL ID w/ TC, wld./local nx, wx, XMAS mx (444 12/16 Thompson -CA)15345 0500 RNZ: EE OM anncr w/ nx, spts., wx, 0526*, heavy QSB (242 12/31 Moss-CA)(343


PAPUA NEW GUINEA3220 1208 R. Morote: Pid w/ f/in, tlk, XMAS carol, some EE C&W mx, fade (poor 12/25

Lobdell-MA)3260 1228 R. Madang: Pid OM w/ tlk, TP's B 1230, ID (222 12/24 Cucura-PA)(0akley-OR)3322 1234 R. North Solomons: Pid w/ XMAS carol, OM tlk (222 12/24 Cucura-PA)3385 0825 R. East New Britain: Pid w/ island mx, poor at times (332+ 12/31 Witte -CA)++3905 1045 R. Manus: Pid/EE mx by chorus, OM anncr, ARO QRM (233 1/1 Connell -CA)3925 1035 NEC Port Moresby: Pid w/ YL/OM tlk, pop mx, much laughter (433 12/29 Oakley -OR)

Sounds a bit like NSB jwm4890 0900 NEC Port Moresby: EE w/ local nx, ads, wld. nx, pop mx, tlk (444 1/1 Connell -CA)


SOCIETY ISLANDS NATIONAL6135 0744 R. Tahiti: FF w/ Tahitian mx (534 1/5 Maag-CA) BROADCASTING

11825 0528 RT: Tah. island mx, OM anncr, nx? (322 12/7 Davis-GA)(Dunn-CA)15170 0452 RT: Tah. OM w/ rel. tlk/mx, south seas mx (353 12/16 Cucura-PA) COMMISSION

SOLOMON ISLANDS5020 1240 SIBC: EE w/ XMAS carols, EE ID by OM, must have been running late on XMAS eve

(fair 12/24 Lobdell-NJ)(Mellinger-NJ)(Cucura-PA)(Moore-PA)



BBCMS copyrighted DATELINE BBCMS copyrighted

Burma -Additional transmissions from the "Voice of the People of Burma" continue to bebroadcast from 0030-0330, 0630-0930, and 1200-1400 on 7570 and 6323. The new transmissions,which contain no opening or closing announcements, have so far consisted only of time andfrequency announcements, "combat news", and music. "Combat news" and music have also beencarried on the regular "Voice of the People of Burma" broadcasts on 6304 and 5110. However,the new and the regular broadcasts have as yet made no reference to one another and arereceived on different antenna bearings(Ed. note: This station was heard by Gordon Draseke on 1/4 on 7570. The program was inBurmese and contained strident tlk by OM w/ martial mx. There was heavy QRM and the SIOrating was 322. He began listening B 1325.) Tnx Gordon jwm

Kuwait -Radio Kuwait's English services are currently broadcast from 0500-0800 on 21545, 9650,and 1341 and from 1800-2100 on 9650, 15345, 11665, and 1341

Mongolia -A recent survey shows that Ulan Bator Radio's external service in English is nowbroadcast daily except Sundays from 1220-1250 on 12070 and 6383 and from 1715-1745 on 9575and 7260. Daily external service programmes in Standard Chinese from 1100-1130, 1300-1330,1400-1430, and 2100-2130 are now broadcast on 5960 and 4950. Broadcasts in Mongolian from1130-1200, 1330-1400, 1430-1500, and 2100-2200 are heard on the same two frequencies-- 5960and 4950

Nepal -Radio Nepal has reverted to the use of 3425 instead of 7105 for its domestic andexternal service programmes

Saudi Arabia -The BSKSA's programmes from Jiddah on 11855 show that the evening transmissionon 11855 is now broadcast from 1800-2200, an increase of one hour. The morning transmissionstarts one hour earlier on Fridays --at 1000 instead of 1100. Also, the domestic service hasbeen observed (in SSB) on 15667, 15576, 13522, 13462, 11093, and 10548

Tnx for reporting,28

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (31)






CHRIS LOBDELLP.O. Box 146Stoneham, MA 02180

Deadline: 12th




All schedules, unless otherwise indicated, are for English programs, andall times are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Also, schedules credited tothe "BBCMS" are courtesy of the BBC Monitoring Service, and are used bypermission.

AFGHANISTAN. Radio Afghanistan, validuntil February 1980.1530-1600 47751900-1930 15075(S. Heyman)

ANDORRA. Adventist World Radio (AWR)test transmission via Radio Andorra,effective November 19 1979.1930-2100 6215 kHz (3 kw). Daily.(J. Fisher, C. Mellinger)

AUSTRALIA. R. Australia, valid to March2nd.0100-0300 17795, 21740 N. America1100-1300 9580 N. America(D. Crawford, A. Gaede)

AUSTRIA. The ORF in Vienna, valid until%7721980.0130-0200 5945 N. America

9770 ECNA0330-0400 5945 N. America

9770 ECNA0430-0500 15260 WCNA1230-1300 21655* N. America*new frequency which replaces 17860.2305-2320 5945 (Sun.) N. America

9770 (Sun.) ECNA(R. Fraser, R. Munster, T. Smith)

BANGLADESH. R. Bangladesh, latest skedavailable0445-05151230-13001815-19001900-1915

15400, 17890, 21685 G.O.S.15285, 21670 G.O.S.11765, 15285 G.O.S.

News, slowspeed.

G.O.S.= General Overseas Service inEnglish.(A. Vranes, M. Eramo)

BELGIUM. BRT/ORU in Brussels has thisaltered sked, valid from December 10th.0015-0100 11700 N. America

IT " 15175 S. America(L. Dekeyser) Note: Due to a strike,some programs may be missing.


BULGARIA. Radio Sofia,197g. Still valid.0000-0100 97050430-0500 9765

from Oct. 23,


CANADA. CBC Northern Service. Notall programs are in English.0000-0607 9625, 61951128-1400 6065, 96251400-0000 9625, 11720(S. Loren)

CHINA(Taiwan). Voice Of Free Chinaschedule valid until March 1 1980.0100-0200 11825, 15345 N. America0300-0350 11825, 15270,

15345 N. America2140-2240 9685, 15270,

11825 N. America(R. Lucas)

CHINA(Republic). R. Peking, currentschedule.0000-0100 11695, 15120, 15520,

17680 ECNA0100-0200 (same as above)0200-03000300-0400 9460, 11650, 12055,

15230 WCNA0400-0500 (same as above)1200-1300 9820 ECNA(C. Durnavich, J. Fisher, R. Fraser,R. Rzepka)

CUBA. R. Habana,1, 1980.2050-2140 9770,0100-0450 119300100-0600 117250330-0600 117600630-0800 9525(L. Forbes, R. Wallace)

CYPRUS. Cyprus Broadcasting Corp.via transmitters of BBC relay basein Limassol. Programs are in Greekand are now 30 minutes long. Takenoff air on 27 December 1979.2210-2245 6155, 9585 Friday, Sat.

& Sunday.Beamed to United Kingdom.(Editor Bob Donly)

CZECHOSLOVAKIA. R. Prague, validat least till March, probably longer.0100-0157 5930, 7345, 9540, 9630,

11990 N. America0300-0357 (same as above)(W. Carroll, R. Rzepka, T. Smith,R. Yajko)


valid until March

17750 AmericastT


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (32)

ECUADOR. HCJB in Quito, latestinformation available.1200-1430 11740, 15115, 178901430-1600 15115, 178900035-0230 9745, 119100230-0500 9745, 11910, 151150500-0600 6095, 9745, 11910,

151150600-0700 6095, 9745, 11910 "

Program Number Two (different program)0030-0200 15115I reported last month that HCJBchanged frequency from 15115 to 15120to avoid R. Peking interference.Shortly thereafter, R. Peking alsomoved to 15120: Now, they have movedback to 15115 to avoid Peking. Atthe moment, Peking is staying put on15120. Let's hope they stay there'.There will no longer be a break intransmission on 15115 kHz at 0230 GMTwhen the French transmission ends andEnglish begins. In the past, onetransmitter had to be shut down andanother tuned up. This caused a 2 to3 minute interruption on 15115 kHz.Now, the same transmitter is used forboth. the French at 0200 and Englishat 0230 GMT with no break. You won'thave to miss the start of DX Party Lineany more.HCJB is also conducting a test trans-mission on 26020 kHz with only 100 wattof power. This transmitter is on theair 24 hours a day. Reports arewanted. Best time to hear this oneon the East Coast is from 1400-2100GMT. Later on the West Coast Ipresume. Program is a relay of usualprogramming; not all in English.(editor)

GREECE. The ERT (Greek Radio &

INDIA (continued).







TeTeVision)March 2nd.

in Athens. Valid until

0015-0030 9515, 9655, 11730 NA0215-0230 9515, 9650, 11730 NA1215-1230 11730, 17830, 21570 NA1515-1530 *11730, 15125,*17830 NA*except Tuesdays.(G. Slovinski)

HUNGARY. Radio Budapest1980.6105, 9585,15220, 17710

, until the

9835, 11910NA (not Monday)

3rd of May0200-0230

0300-0330 6105, 9585, 9835 1191015220, 17710 NA (daily)

0400-0415 6105, 9585, 9835, 1191015220, 17710 NA (Ned/Sat

only)(R. Lucas, T. Smith)

INDIA. All India Radio's GeneraltWFFeas Service in English, takenfrom the October 1979 issue of IndiaCalling.1000-1100 15190, 17387 N.E. Asia

11925, 1520517875 Aust./N.Z.

1330-1500 11810, 15335 S.E. Asia1745-1945 9715, 15190 East Africa1745-2230 11620, 15165 UK, W. Europe



11875 W/N AfricaUK, W. Eur.

11740 Aust./N.Z.9535, 11770,East/S.E. Asia

9715, 11815,15250 Northeast Asia


KOREA(South). Radio Korea; currentschedule.0400-0445 9720, 11830 N. America1600-1630 "

tt IT

1800-1845 11830 tt

2300-2330 11820, 15570(S. Loren)

JAPAN. R. Japan (NHK) in Tokyo, valid=I March.2345-0045 17825, 15270 ECNA0130-0230 15235, 17725,

17825, 21640 WCNA(M. Eramo)

LIBERIA. Radio Station ELWA inMonrovia. Current schedule justreceived.0625-2245 4770(10kw) Sunday Only0700-0800 11830(50kw),

11860(50kw) Daily1555-2300 4770(lokw) Mon. -Sat

s (includes Africandialects)

(S. Heyman)

LITHUANIAN SSR. R. Vilnius; currentoff air schedule.2300-2330

15240, 17870Note: Transmitters used for thistransmission are those of RadioMoscow and are located throughoutthe USSR. For more informationregarding USSR transmitters, it issuggested you subscribe to theUSSR High Frequency Broadcast News-letter, Box 232, McLean, VA 22101Price 43.00 for 10 issues.(A. Rosewarne, Editor)

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Trans WorldRadio in Bonaire. Current schedule.0055-01351105-12301230-13351230-1405(Carroll,


11925 Daily Far East15255 Mon -Fri NA15255 Sat. NA15255 Sun. NA

S. Heyman)

Norway in Oslo. ThisMarch 2, 1980.nVgrid until

0000-0030 6005 Monday GMT NA0200-0230 9590 "


6005 " WCNA11870 "

0400-0430 6185 " If ECNA9610 WCNA

0600-0630 9645 ft WCNA1400-1430 17840 Sunday NA1600-16301800-1830

1517511895 tt


2200-2230 959011850 ft tt


(R. Yajko) 15175 tt NA

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (33)

SPAIN. Radio Exterior de Espana. 1700-2200 398060409760

riElish to North America. Validuntil March.0005-0155 9630, 11880 1700-1930 152050515-0615 6065, 9630, 11880 1800-2200 11760(T. Smith) 7170

1800-2230 17775SWEDEN. Radio Sweden; English to (R. Fraser)WiTEAmerica. Expires March 1st.0030-0100 119050230-0300 9695, 117051400-1430 216152300-2330 9695, 11705(B. Taussig)

SWITZERLAND. Swiss Radio InternationalEnglish to North America. Validuntil May 1980.0145-0215 6135, 9725, 11715, 153050430-0500 9725, 117151315-1345 21570(A. Gaede, R. Wallace, R. Yajko)

THAILAND. Radio Thailand in Bangkok.Complete English schedule sked.0415-0520 9655, 119051100-11552330-0200 ft It


UKRAINE. Radio Kiev. This sked isas of February 1, 1980.effective

0030-0100 7150, 7205, 7215,15100, 15240, 17870

0300-0330 7215, 7400, 9505,9735, 11690, 11770

Note: Transmitters used for thesebroadcasts are those of Radio Moscowand are located throughout the USSR.(E. Fournier, R. Fraser, K. Murakami,T. Smith)

USSR. Radio Moscow World Service InE7Tish. Here is a listing for theNorth American frequencies.0400-0600-7150, 7215, 9490, 9530,

96100600-0 00--7215, 9530, 9610

--9600 via Havana, 151351100-1500--151501200-1500--215301 00-2100-12060

so -1201000-11860 via Havana00-12050

2000-2100-12050, 151802100-2200--12050, 15180 177202200-2300-7165, 7440, 9530, 9765,

12050, 15140, 15180,15455, 17720

(USSR HF Newsletter #23, E. Fournier)

USA. VOA English to Europe. Compiledby Bob Fraser.0300-0600 7200 via Wooferton, England0300-0700 3980 Munich? Germany

5995 Greenville, NC6060 Kavala, Greece9770

117150400-0600 7230 Tangier, Morocco0500-0700 5955 Kavala, Greece0600-0700 7325


Munich, GermanyWooferton, Eng.

Tangier, Moroccoft

Kavala GreeceGreenville, NC

USA. Station WINE, Red Lion, PA.VErent schedule.0000-0330 15145 South America1700-1900 15250 Europe1902-2000 153502002-2245 151852247-0000 15145 South AmericaNote: Some of the releases containnon-English programs.(R. Wallace)

UZBEK SSR. Radio Tashkent. CurrentEnglish schedule.1200-1230 6025, 9540 9600, 117851400-1430 (same as above)(M. Eramo)

VATICAN CITY. Vatican Radio to NorthEerica.0100-0115 6015, 9605, 11845(R. Yajko)


ISRAEL. Kol Israel will begin itsPRIME TIME transmissions to North,America on January 31 at 2300 GMT.Here is a complete listing as phonedto your editor by Larry Magne:2300-2325 YIDDISH 7412, 9815, 11637,

C11620 yS America7412 N America9815, 11637 S. Am.7412? 11637 N/CAmerica9815 N. America

0030-0100 HEBREW (same as above)0100-0125 ENGLISH0130-0155 PORTUG.

2330-2355 SPANISH

0000-0030 ENGLISH

It ff n

7412, 116379815 C/S America

0200-0225 ENGLISH 7412 9815 NA11637 WCNA

0230-0255 SPANISH 7412 C/S America9815 S. America

0300-0355 RUSSIAN 7412 N. America7395, 9815, 11960USSR

0400-0500 HEBREW 9372 9815, 741215585 (Not Satur.)

Be sure to write into Kol Israeland let them know how much youappreciate these new transmissions.

By the time our next STATION SKEDSreaches you, the M80 (March 2 toMay 4th) transmission period willbe in effect. Send in any newschedules ASAP. Thanks.

(PUBLISHERS NOTE: The UTILITY SECTION, normally seen afterthis page will not be seen this month due to difficultiesbeyond our control...please submit UTILITY loggings toHeadquarters next month. THANK YOU...(jrt)...)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (34)

QSLREPORTSEditor: Bob Donly 7208 Sunview Dr. Columbia, South Carolina 29209

(deadline 12th of the month)

February, and the weather is already beginning to take it's toll around the Nation.The cyclogenetic areas, about the U. S. A., are doing a good job either developing,or intensifying weather systems.

Henry Lazarus checks in with a date only letter from Radio Apintie's new shortwaveservice at Suriname, and Ed. Kusalik has received a QSL from the MBC at Mauritius - seethe Africa section. Ed. also tells us that they would like to receive some more accuratereports. Vladimir Cucura, and Junichi Sakiyama have received date only letters fromThe National Radio of Laos.

Bill Miller has learned that The Voice of the Philippines will use their old QSL cardsbecause their is not enough money to print new ones.

Again, from Ed. Kusalik comes the word that follow-up reports, or even cassetterecordings may be necessary to get verification from Radio Thailand. Ed's cassette wasreturned with a half hour recording of Thai Music thereupon.

By the way, The United States Postal Service has a wall size chart entitled "Interna-tional Postage Rates and Fees". This chart may be of some help to you. Contact yourlocal USPS Customer Service section to get one. They are free


Thanks go to all of you who sent greetings via card or letter to this editor duringthe Holiday Season just past.

The number of reporters are down a little this month, 67 reporting, 1 for the firsttime. Let's keep up the good work, and try for QSL's from some of the "rare catches"that I have noted you reporting in the SWBC Columns.

Away we go !


ANDORRA: R. Andorra, 6230, f/d Mountain Scene with young couple cd in 25d air, no rp--TFACCIOLI URUGUAY),

AWR via R. Andorra, 6215, f/d Sines Antenna cd in 21d, for PP rpt. no rp (LOBDELL MA)AUSTRIA: ORF, 5945, f/d ORF Bulding cd in 60d air, no rp (DURNAVICH IL), 9770, f/d

"Adam" art cd in 62d air, no rp (DAVIS GA), f/d ORF Centre cd in 10d air, no rp (SMITHFL), f/d "Austrian Art" cd in 64d air, no rp (SMITH FL)

BELGIUM: BRT, 6010, 11715. F/d cds in 19-53ds air, for 1 IRC no rp. Logo Map cds (MILLERCA)(BYRON NY)(FISCHER GERMANY)(SEMESKY IN), Mailbag folder cd (MILLER CA), f/d 19d, no rp (CARROLL LA), #6 series ORU cd (SMITH FL)

BULGARIA: R. Sofia, 9700, 11750, 15330. F/d cds in 40-128ds air, no rp. "Nessebur"FISCHER GERMANY), "View of Zlatni" (BINAU MD)(BYRON NY), "Kukery" (CUCURA PA), View

of Sofia from the air (DAVIS GA), "View of Melnik" (FRASER MA), "Bachkova Monastery"(FORBES TX)

CZECHOSLOVAKIA: R. Prague, 11990, f/d "St. Nicholas Cathedral and Prague Castle" cd in85d air, no rp (SEMESKY INT---

DENMARK: R. Denmark, 15165, f/d "Radiohouse Aerial Tower" cd in 54d air, no rp (BINAU MD)FINLAND: R. Finland, 9675, no/data "Wood Processing Industry" cd in 45d air, no rp (SAVAGEETT11755, date/time "Finnish Architecture" cd in 13d air, no rp (WITTE CA), 21475,no/dafi-Viutumn in Finland" cd in 26d air, no rp (SMITH FL)

FRANCE: R. France International, 7135, 15300, 21580, 21675. F/d cds in 24-41ds air, for1 IRC no rp. "Charles de Gaulle-nitiTin-w-Ed + PennaTITCTRUMMEL IL), "La Scine et laTour Eiffel" (SMITH FL), Concert Hall (LOREN CA), "Palais des Congress" (FRASER MA)

GERMANY(Democratic Rep.): RBI, 6010, f/d 30 Years of the Republic cd in 109d air, no rp(FACCIOLI URUGUAY), 9730, f/d cd of Man's Face and Small Town in 79d air, no rp(WORREL ND), 11970, f/d RBI DX Club cd in 62d air, no rp (SMITH FL), no freq. givenf/d "Cosmonauts" cd + diploma, stickers and pennant in 55d, for MS (HASKETT IN)

GERMANY(Federal Rep.): Deutsche Welle, no freq. given, no/data Logo cd in 606d, for 1 IRCreturned, also stickers, postcard, and pennant (HASKETT IN)RIAS(Radio in American Sector), 6005, f/d RIAS Building cd in 15d air, for 2 IRCs(VRANES PA), no desc. date/freq. cd in 60d sfc, no rp (SAKIYAMA JAPAN) See next pagefor reproduction of QSL. bdVOA, 3980, f/d "Satellite Americom" cd in 21d air, no rp (FISCHER GERMANY)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (35)

Thanks to:Alex Vranes


GREAT BRITAIN: BBC, 11775, no/data "Tower Bridge" cd in 15d air, no rp (DUNN CA),25650, same cd in 125d air, no rp (HOLBROOK MD), no freq. given but same cd in 120d,for 1 IRC returned (HASKETT IN)

GREECE: V. of Greece, 11730, 17785. F/d cds in 17-60ds air and sfc, no rp. Black cdwith ERT printed on TiTEORER17), "View of Samos" (SAVAGE CA), Coastal View (SLOVIN-SKI CA), "Santorini Island" (LOREN CA), "Ydra Island" (FACCIOLI URUGUAY)VOA Relay Rhodes, 5965, f/d "Satellite Americom" cd in 31d sfc, no rp (VRANES PA)

HOLLAND: R. Nederland, 17605, f/d "Bonaire Site" cd in 16d air, no rp (FALLOWS ONT)HUNGARY: R. Budapest, 6110, f/d blue/red/yellow spiral design cd in 30d air, for 1 IRC

(NEWTON GA), 9835, f/d Globe Logo cd in 73d sfc, no rp (FISCHER GERMANY), same in 64dair, no rp (HOOK FL)

ITALY: RAI, 9575, 11800, 15315, 21560. F/d cds in 12-218d air and sfc, for 1 IRC no rp.Painting by "Giorgione", "Bronze of Pescatore" etc, (HEYMAN NY)(MILLER CA)(SAVAGE CA)(WITTE CA)(MUNSTER GA)

NORWAY: R. Norway, 15175, 21730, 25730. F/d cds in 25-77ds air, no rp. "Old Mill" (DAVISGA)(CARROLL LA)(BINAU MD), "Latefoss Falls" (AUDETTE MA)

POLAND: Polskie R. , 6095, f/d "Warsaw Royal Castle" cd in 55d air, no rp (FACCIOLI URU-GUAY), 11815, f/d Highrise Building cd in 39d air, no rp (BYRON NY), f/d 3 Boats cdin 25d air, no rp (BYRON NY), f/d Farm Tractor cd in 28d air, no rp (CUCURA PA)

PORTUGAL: R. Portugal, 11935, f/d "Autumn Colours" cd in 50d air, no rp (MILLER CA),f/d "Portugal and WinIeFr-Cd in 78d air, no rp (HEYMAN NY), f/d "Sunflower" cd in 60dair, no rp (DURNAVICH IL)IBRA via R. Trans Europe, 9670, f/d "Latin America" cd in 30d, no rp (DURNAVICH IL)

ROMANIA: R. Bucharest, 5990, 9570, 11940, 15250. F/d cds in 60-106ds air, for 2 IRCsno rp. "Borsec Spa", "Hercules Baths" etc. HOOK FL)(HEYMAN NY)(FACCIOLI URUGUAY)(SMITH FL)(FISCHER GERMANY)(STONE ONT)

SPAIN: R. Ixterior de Espana, 9630, 11880, 11945. F/d cds in 18-50ds air, for 1-2 IRCsno rp. "Sierra Nevada", "Carteles Turisticos de Espana" etc. (CARROLL LA)(MAAG CA)(STONE ONT)(THOMPSON NM)(LOREN CA)(SMITH FL)(NEWTON GA)(FACCIOLI URUGUAY)

SWEDEN: R. Sweden, 11705, f/d Do it Yourself cd in 15d air, no rp (JONES VA), same cd in16d air, no rp (SMITH FL), f/d blue/yellow Map cd in 18d air, no rp (MOSIER CA), 11905,same cd in 15d air, no rp (SLOVINSKI CA), no freq. given but f/d Multi Scene cd in20d air, no rp (MAISE LA)

SWITZERLAND: Swiss R. International, 9535, 9560, 9725, 15130, 15430, 17730, 17830, 17835,21545, 21585. F/d cds in 30-92ds air and sfc, for 1 IRC no rp. "Jungfrau", "Lake ofSamtis", Mountain Scene etc. (AUDETTE MA)(SMITH FL)(CARROLL LA)(MUNSTER GA)(NEWTON GA)(WALLACE HI)

USSR: R. Moscow, 7390(Moscow), 9530(Moscow), 11710(Tbilisi), 11735(Vinnitsa), 11905(Nikolayevskan-Amur), ?(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatesk), 15180(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatesky),15540(Vitebsk), 21490(Tula). F/d cds in 30-47ds air, no rp, "Olympic Mascot", Skyscra-per, "50th Year" etc, (SMITH FL)(HASKETT IN)(DURNAVICH IL)(VRANES PA)R. Kiev, 9655, f/d "Supreme Soviet Building" cd in 120d air, no rp (SEMESKY IN), 9800,f/d "Silhouette of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra' cd in 72d air, no rp (FRASER MA),_ 11770,f/d "Winter" cd in 150d, no rp (HASKETT IN), 17850, f/d "Taros Sheuchenko Universitycd in 101d sfc, no rp (WALLACE HI)

.. Why does everybody see the light change before the guy in front ..


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (36)

USSR(continued): R. Tashkent, 25meters, f/d Mosque and Modern City Centre cd in 62d air,for 2 IRCs (DONLY SC)

VATICAN CITY STATE: R. Vaticana, 6015, f/d "Nervi Hall" cd in 20d air, no rp (DURNAVICHIL), 11845, same cd in 17d air, for 1 IRC (CRAWFORD CA), 17900, same cd in 24d air,no rp MILLERCA), 21485, same cd in 16d air, for 1 IRC (HOLBROOK MD)


BENIN(People's Rep.): ORTB, 4870, f/d Multi coloured cd in 7 mths air, for 2 MS and4 follow-ups with tape recording (KUSALIK ONT)

CAMEROON: R. Yaounde, 4850, f/d Map cd of Cameroon in 33d air, for 1 IRC (FACCIOLIURUGUAY)

EGYPT(Arab Rep.): R. Cairo, 12050, date/time Statue cd in 122d air, for rp after 2ndfollow-up (WITTE CA)

IVORY COAST: Rdif. Ivorienne, 4940, f/d black/white Map cd in 45d air, for 2 IRCs(TIMMER IN)

KENYA: V. of Kenya, 4915, time/freq. blue Aerogramme in 155d air, for MS (HOFFMAN PA)LIBERIA: ELWA, 11830, f/d Native Drummer cd in 202d air, for 2 IRCs, also 25th annv.

sticker (HEYMAT-fff), 11860, same in 222d air, for 1 IRC (HASSELKUS OH)MADAGASCAR(Democratic Rep.): R. Nederland Relay, 15220, f/d Bonaire Site cd in 14dair, no rp (SMITH FL), 21480, same cd in 16d air, no rp (FACCIOLI URUGUAY)

MAURITIUS: MBC, 9710, date/freq. green/red/blue/yellow cd in 50d air, for MS, rptd. inEE (KUSALIK 0N-0Tie below bd

Thanks to,Ed. Eusalik


our Ineeeption report, of th, 7,5a, c/, /:)- 7 CORPORATION/9_79_

-1,44 acknoudecifi4d, 11411-eneeked, and found ---- according to our togs.



NIGERIA: Imo Broadcasting Service, 4755, date/freq. ltr. in 159d air, no rp (FACCIOLIURUGUAY), same ltr. in 6 mths. air, for 1 IRC (FISHER MA)

RWANDA: Deutsche Welle Relay, 7225, no/data cd in 110d , no rp (WALLACE HI)SEYCHELLES: FEBA, 15325, no/data Map cd in 57d sfc, for 1 IRC (SAKIYAMA JAPAN), 15400,

same cd in 39d, for 3 IRCs (CARROLL LA), 15405, same cd in 45d sfc, for 2 IRCs(McCOOL MS)

SOUTH AFRICA: RSA, 9610, 11900, 15155, 15220, 21535. F/d cds in 18-32ds air, for 1 IRC

no rp. "Golden Mile at Durban"-TIITUMPSON NM)TREN CA), "Holiday City" (SMITH FL)(WILLIS PA)(RZEPKA WI)SABC, 4835, f/d "Industrial Scene" cd in 21d air, no rp (AUDETTE MA)SABC R. Five, 9680, f/d "Industrial Scene" cd in 55d air, no rp, v/s P. V. D. M.

Martins (SAVAGE CA)SWAZILAND: TWR, 4760, f/d "Native Drummer" cd in 34d air, for 1 IRC (WITTE CA)TANZANIA: R. Tanzania, 6105, f/d "Sauti Ya Tanzania" cd in 51d air, no rp, v/s S. Salih

(FACCIOLI URUGUAY)UGANDA: UBC/R. Uganda, 15250, f/d "Studio Complex" cd in 295d sfc, no ro, v/s David R.

Buga (OSSEGE OH), 15325, same cd in 81d sfc, for 2 IRCs (SAVAGE CA), same cd in 80d,no rp (CARROLL LA), same cd in 134d sfc, for 1 IRC (CUNNINGHAM CA), same in 3 mths.18d sfc, for 2 IRCs (HOWARTH WA), same cd in 103d sfc, no rp (MOSIER CA), same cd in31/2 years, for franked stamps and 1 IRC (HASKETT IN) Since Uganda has always takena rather long period to reply, some of these QSLs reported probably originated beforethe fall of their last government; some after the change of government. For a periodof time, I will use the "UBC/R. Uganda"heading. bd


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (37)


AFGHANISTAN: R. Afghanistan, 15075, f/d "Bamyan Buddah" cd in 42d air, for 2 IRCs(DESROSIERS MA)

BANGLADESH: R. Bangladesh, f/d ltr. + schedule and envelope with 21 stamps thereon in35d air, for 2 IRCs (VRANES PA)

BRUNEI: R. Brunei, 7215, date/freq. Map cd in 109d air, for 2 IRCs, enclosed schedulenoted closing of there shortwave service (HOFFMAN PA)

CHINA(Peoples Rep.): R. Peking, 9820, 15520, 15600, 17680, 17855. F/d and date/freq. cdsin 18-61ds air, no rp. Mountain Scene ERASERMA), Country Drawing (KUSALIK ONT),Winter Logging Scene (KUSALIK ONT), Ski Area (HARRINGTON CO), Bridge and it's View +pennant (DURNAVICH IL), Snow Scene of the Great Wall (BYRON NY)Central People's B/C Station, 8007, f/d "Shipbuilding" cd via Peking in 20d air, no rp(KUSALIK ONT)

Gansu People's B/C Station Lanzhou, 4865, f/d Couple Working on a Science Project cdin 20d air, no rp (KUSALIK ONT)

Guangxi People' B/C Station Nanning, 4915, f/d Flower Garden with People cd in 20d air,no rp (KUSALIK ONT)

Nei Monggol(Inner Mongolia)People's B/C Station, 6840, 6974, f/d Stone Horse Momuent,and Chinese Temple and Garden cds in 18d air, noriTTKUSALIK ONT)People's B/C Station Hilar, 4750, f/d Bridge cd in 20d air, no rp (CUCURA PA)Heilunjian People's B/C Station, 4750, f/d Bridge cd via Peking in 28d air, for 1 IRC(VRANES PA)

Heilongjiang People's B/C Station, 4925, f/d no desc. cd in 21d air, for 1 IRC(LAZARUS LA)

Tibet Xizang People's B/C Station Lhasa, 9490, f/d Fountain in Court Yard cd in 18dair, no rp (KUSALIK ONT)

CYPRUS: CBC, 7230, f/d Multi -coloured Shell cd in 50d air, for 2 IRCs (MAISE LA)BBC Relay, 21660, no/data "Tower Bridge" cd in 70d sfc, no rp (EVANS TN)

INDIA: AWR/Asia, 15120, f/d Radio Monitors International cd in 34d air, for 1 IRCSAKIYAMA JAPAN This probably originated from the SLBC Sri Lanka - not India. bd

INDONESIA: The V. of Indonesia, 11790, f/d Mountain cd in 100d, for 1 IRC(HASKETT IN),"Highlands of Tengger" cd in 57d air, for 2 IRCs (HASSELKUS OH), 15200, date/freq, butsame cd in 135d air, no rp. (FACCIOLI URUGUAY)RRI Jayapura, 4980, f/d cd similar to RRI Sorong in 25d air, for MS, v/s MuhammadElly, Tech. Staff (KUSALIK ONT)

IRAN: V. of Iran/Islamic V. of Iran, 9022, NIRT Mashad Centre cd in 53d air, no rp---(TTSHER GERMANY), 9139, f/d but same cd in 45d air, for 1 IRC, also pennant (HESCH NY)IRAQ: R. Baghdad International, 9745, f/d Unknown Soldier Map cd in 123d air, no rp,also received poster and pennant HOFFMANPA)

ISRAEL: IBA, 11655, 11840, 17630, 17645. F/d cds in 26-44d air, no rp. Flags (YAJKO PA)(MOSIER CA)(MILLER CA WindmillCUCURA PA), "Knesseth Menorah" (FACCIOLI URUGUAY)

JAPAN: R. Japan, 9505, 9585, 15270, 17755, 17825,21640. F/d and date/freq. cds in 20-34ds air, no rp. Bamboo Grove, "Koto Doll" etc. (SMITH FL)(CUCURA PA)(THOMPSON NM)(DAVIS GA)(DUNN CA)(FALLOWS ONT)(MILLER CA)

KOREA Re R. Korea, f/d yellow/white/orange Logo cd Inaugurating new freq. in 21d air,no rp TRUMMEL IL)

LAOS(People's Demo. Rep.): National R. of Laos, 6600, date/only ltr. + schedule in 26dair, for 1 IRC, v/s Bounmek Phengasvanh (SAKIYAMA JAPAN), same ltr. with red seal in50d air, no rp, same v/s (CUCURA PA) Sorry ! freq. was 6910. bd

MALAYSIA: V. of Malaysia, 15295, f/d "Garden City Kuala Lumpur" cd in 153d air, for MS(HOFFMAN PA)

R. Malaysia Sarawak, 4950, f/d "Broadcasting House" cd in 31d air, for 2 IRCs (THOMPSONNM), 5030, same cd in 22d air, for 2 IRCs (THOMPSON NM)

MONGOLIA: R. Ulan Bator, 12070, f/d Logo cd in 20d air, for IRCs and MS (MURAKAMI JAPAN)OMAN: BBC Relay, 15310, no/data "Tower Bridge" cd in 21d air, for 1 IRC (DESROSIERS MA)PAKISTAN: R. Pakistan, 15470, time/freq. cd of Abpara Islamabad in 38d sfc, for 2 IRCs

(BURGESS SASK), 21590, date/only View of Shakar Paryan cd in 45d sfc, no rp (DAVIS GA)PHILIPPINES: R. Veritas Asia, 9605, no/data "Vietnam Land of Christian Concern" cd in

20d air, no rp (MILLER CA), 17790, same cd in 32d air, for 2 IRCs (HASSELKUS OH), nofreq. given but date only "View of Manila Bay" cd in 15d air, no rp (MILLER CA)VOA Relay, 7285, f/d "Satellite Americom" cd in 24d air, no rp (THOMPSON NM), 9545,same cd in 31d air, no rp (THOMPSON NM)

SAUDI ARABIA: BSKSA, 11855, f/d no desc. cd with wrong year listed in 20 mths. registd.air, no rp (WALLACE HI 15060, f/d Logo cd in 153d registd. air, for 1 IRC (SAVAGE CA)

SINGAPORE: R. Singapore, 5052, f/d "Singapore by Night" cd in 43d air, no rp (FACCIOLIURUGUAY)

TAIWAN: V. of Free China, 15270, 17890. F/d "Horse Painting" cds in 23-26ds air, for 1IRC no rp. (MOSIER CA)(AUDETTE MA

.. TV is an invention that makes you wake up to go to bed ..


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (38)

TURKEY: V. of Turkey, 9515, f/d no desc. cd in 30d, no rp, also pennant (CARROLL LA)VIETNAM: V. of Vietnam, 10040, f/d form ltr and postcard in 110d air, no rp (DURNAVICH IL)


AUSTRALIA: R. Australia, 9580, 15130, 15240, 17725, 17795, 21740. F/d cds in 21-36ds air,no rp. "Ringtail Possumr7rMelneSlintc.77-tIILLISM3TRHOLBROOKM0)(WITTE CA)(FACCIOLI URUGUAY) (TRUMMEL IL)(DUNN CA)(DURNAVICH IL)(MOSIER CA)ABC/VLR6, 6150, f/d Map cd in 29d air, for 2 IRCs (CUCURA PA)ABC/VLW9, 9610, Map cd in 17d air, for 1 IRC (HOLBROOK MD)ABC/VLW15,11425, f/d Map cd of Western Australia in 89d sfc, for 2 IRCs (SEMESKY IN)

NEW CALEDONIA: R. Noumea, 7170, f/d ltr in 45d, no rp (BREWER TN), same in 57d air, for2 IRCs (MOSIER CA)

NEW ZEALAND: R. New Zealand, 15280, 15345, 17860. F/d cds in 20-23ds air, for 1-2 IRCsno rp. Mountain Scene (FACCUMURTAIDN)(RAY PA), Rock and Water Scene + pennant(JONES VA), Tourist cd (DURNAVICH IL)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: NBC, 4890, f/d Map cd in 29d air, for 1 IRC (BINAU MD), same cd in 47dair, for 3 IRCs (HASSELKUS OH)

R. East Sepik, 3335, f/d no desc. cd in 8 mths. sfc, no rp (SAKIYAMA JAPAN)SOCIETY ISLANDS: R. Tahiti, 15170, f/d Tahitian Girl cd in 320d air, for 5 IRC after

3 tries (WITTE CA), same in 97d air, for 1 IRC after 4 tries (WALLACE HI), f/dDrawing of Girl with Background of Trees and Mountains cd (Is this new cd ? bd) in 105d air, no rp (HEYMAN NY)

SOLOMON ISLANDS: SIBC, 9545, f/d black/white Logo cd in 40d air, for 2 IRCs (MAISE LA)

McMurdo/AFN, 6012, no/data Penguin cd in 2 mths. air, no rp, v/s Gent Crossmen (KUSALIKONT), f/d Penguin cd in 19d, for MS, this after getting no/data cd (KOWALSKI WI)

Sowth Arne/Lica

BRAZIL: R. Nacional/R. Bras, 15290, F/d cds in 16-25ds air, for 1 IRC MS no rp."Three Powers Square at Sunset", Office Buildings etc. (FRASER MA)(McCOOL MS)(MILLER CA)(MOSS CA)(FACCIOLI URUGUAY)(CARROLL LA)(DAVIS GA)(WORREL ND)R. Globo, no/data ltr. in 2 years air, for MS, v/s Orcine W. Amaral (LAZARUS LA)R. Marumbi, 9675, f/d Aerial View of Florianopolis cd in 15d air, no rp, v/s ClaudioR. Moraes (FACCIOLI URUGUAY)

Reportedearlier,thanks to;AlexVranes


A voz mai! potenfc do Brasil

Pr ooriodede d. EMP:641 JORNAL DO COMMERCIO S.A. . Recife , . Rm.- , Rua do Imperador 346 - Telex: 301 - 848

r. .Confirming the report of 41191 Vranes Jr.On our station ZYL..2 the S.Wave on.6085 KHz 49 mTransmitters: Marconi SWB 10, input 16 to 25 kw high level platemodulation Date: 13/01/1979 Times 09.02 GMT

Antennas 2539 Beverage arrays fcr 19-25-31 and 49m


Chief Engineer Trans.Plant.Radio JORNAL DO COMMERCIO

Artur S. Miranda.S. c+- ,

CHILE: The V. of Chile, 9560, 15130, 15140, 17800. F/d cds in 40-141ds air and sfc, for1 IRC no rp. "Dawn at Central Mountain", "Sightseeing at Santiago" etc. (HASKETT IN)(CARROLL LA)(McCOOL MS)(JONES VA)(HOLDBROOK MD)(WILLIS PA)(FACCIOLI URUGUAY)


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (39)

Chile(continued): R. Agricultura, 9630, received pennant with name typed there -on, in 6weeks air, for MS - no card or letter (LAZARUS LA), Large red/white/blue pennant,with name and address, in 4 mths. for MS and SS rpt. (LOBDELL MA)

ECUADOR: HCJB, 9745, f/d "Jama Coaque Civilization" cd in 38d air, for MS (THOMPSON NM),17890, same cd in 34d air, for MS (FRASERj MA)

R. Ondas Azuayas, 4980, date/time blue -white -red Radio and TV Logo cd in 23d air, for2 MS, rptd. in SS MANES PA)

GUYANA(Republic): GBS, 5950, f/d ltr. with station details, in 58d air, for I IRC, v/sL. R. E. Case (AUDETTE-P0), same ltr. in 60d air, for 2 IRCs, v/s D. A. Daly (MELLING-ER NJ)

PERU: La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 4825, folder cd, with black/white photo of poor youngnative girl, verie message typed inside in 1 mth. air, for MS. This after 3 tries, v/sMiria S. Valderas Huarcaya (LOBDELL MA)R. Atlantida, 9625, no/data ltr. + pennant in 20d air, for 1 MS, rptd. in SS(DURNAVICH IL) ----

SURINAME: R. Apintie, 4794, date/only personal ltr. in 1 mth air, for 1 IRC, rptd in EE,v/s E. Vervuurt (LAZARUS LA) Very good, Henry ! bd

VENEZUELA: R. Nacional, 6170, date/freq. "Los Morros de San Juan" cd in 59d air, for MS(HOFFMAN PA)

North Arne/Lica

ANTIGUA: BBC Relay, 9510, date/freq. "Ltr. of my reception report" (?) in 29d air, no rp,v/s A. Cruickshank SMITHFL)Deutsche Welle Relay, 17815, no/data sticker in 72d sfc, no rp (CUCURA PA)

COSTA RICA: R. Nueva Victoria, 6082, date/only cd + 2 page ltr. in 1 mth. air, for MS,v/s Emilio Piedra Jimenez (LAZARUS LA), date/only cd + colourful logo sticker in 30dair, for 2 IRCs and SS rpt. (LOBDELL MA)R. Reloj, 4832', f/d "Aqui Costa Rica" cd in 201d air, for 2 IRCs, v/s Roberto E. Aragon(HOFFMAN PTI,-time/freq. but same cd in 20d air, for 1 MS (DURNAVICH IL)

GUATEMALA: R. Chortis, 3380, date/freq form ltr. in ?d air, for 1 IRC, v/s Juan MariaXhrovert (DESROSIERS MAR. Cultural, 3300, f/d date/freq. "Quetzal Bird" cds in 33-70d air, for 1-2 IRCs no rp,..(AUDETTE MA)(DAVIS GA)(THOMPSON NM)(OSSEGE OH)(SEMESKY IN)La Voz de Guatemala, 6180, date/freq. "Ruins of Zaculeu" cd + Anniversary Matchbox in38d air, for 1 IRC (SAKIYAMA JAPAN)

HAITI: 4VEH, 11835, f/d Children in Studio cd in 90d air, for 2 IRCs (DURNAVICH IL),same in 6 mths. sfc, no rp (CLARK KS)

HONDURAS: La Voz Evangelica, 4820, date/freq. Map cd in 40d air, no rp (JONES VA)MEXICO: R. Mexico, 15430, f/d no desc. cd + pennant in 54d, no rp (CARROLL LA)NETHERLANDS ANTILLES: R. Nederland Relay, 11710, f/d "Bonaire Site" cd in 30d air, for 2

IRCs (WITTE CA)TWR, 11925, f/d Antenna cd in 13d air, for 2 IRCs (DESROSIERS MA)

NICARAGUA: La Voz de Nicaragua, 5950, date/only ltr. in 53d air, no rp, v/s GustavoValle Schaffer (FACCIOLI URUGUOT--

CANADA: RCI, 15260, f/d WARC-79 Map cd in 22d air, no rp (YAJKO PA)CFRX, 6070, f/d "Marine Mobile" cd in 9d, for 1 IRC(FRASER MA)CHNX, 6130, freq/only Multi -Scene of Nova Scotia cd in 14d sfc, no rp (AUDETTE MA)CKFX, MTU, f/d and date/freq. "Super Country" cds in 8-25ds air, for 1 IRC MS no rp(JONES VA)(TIMMER IN)(VRANES PA)(CRAWFORD CA)CKZU, 6160, f/d Broadcast Centre cds in 10-16ds air, for 1 IRC each returned (GEORGE TX)(COLLINS OR)

USA: AFRTS, 9700, "Defense Insigna" cd in 13d sfc, no rp (HOLBROOK MD)KGEI, 9615,771 San Francisco Scene cd in 80d sfc, no rp (JONES VA)UN Radio, 9540, blue/white Logo cd in 63d sfc, no rp (HOLBROOK MD)VOA, GreenT/Trie, 26040, f/d "Satellite Americom" cd in 14d air, no rp (DUNN CA), samecd in 21d air, no-TiiTSEMESKY IN)WINB, 15185, f/d plain cd in 48d sfc, no rp (MOSS CA)


USA: WDAB Daytona Beach, 6213, f/d "All Oldies" home designed cd in 29-31ds, no rp(KOWALSKI WI)(DURNAVICH IL CARROLL LA)


Thanks very much for all your reports. Please remember that all Standard Frequency andTime Signal Station QSL reports go to Mr. Ken Compton, Editor of The Utility Column, I

received several of those this month.

Catch up with you in 30 \:7 17. January. 1980


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (40)

Radio -Finland





Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (41)


704 mad TifitedThe Feature Seotion of SPEEDX


by Dr. Richard E. Wood

Measuring the spread and utilization of languages in world communication has provided asmight be expected, rather contradictory results, depending on what standard of measure-ment is used . Chinese, for example, which -has the largest number of native speakers and

which is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations, is ranked low inusage when measured by the number of states in which it is official, or the number of booktitles published in it annually. French, which is exceeded only by English in the numberof states in which it is official (alone or together with other languages) and the numberof transnational conventions and international treaties using it is comparatively weakwhen measured by its number of native speakers. Spanish, which is strong in number ofnative speakers and in the number of states officially using it, is second only to Englishin the number of current newspaper titles. But it is weak as a language of originalpublication of works of science and technology, and is weaker than Dutch in the number of

new book titles published in it annually. German, while stronger than French in the num-ber of native speakers, is considerably weaker in status in international organizationsand as an official language of states.

Studies measuring the relative strength of languages have focused chiefly upon languagechoice in specific domains such as international organizations or particular scientificdisciplines, which means, explicitly or implicitly, upon written language. This study,however, will discuss spoken language, in accordance with the view of linguistics whichsees spoken language as fundamental and, of course, historically basic. Such an assess-ment is also appropriate at a time in which the comparative significance of the printedword has declined from its earlier peak. The medium chosen is language choice fortransnational or external radio broadcasting, specifically in the high frequency (short-

wave) bands, 3 to 30 megahertz. The term "transnational" is used because such broad-casting is not carried out entirely on a state -to -state basis, but also by non -state, semi -state, or multilateral organizations, including religious bodies and commercial companies.Only intentionca external broadcasting, such as is exemplified by the Voice of America(VOA), the external services of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), or RadioMoscow's broadcasts in non-Soviet languages, rather than .accidental. reception by anothercountry - however consistent - of essentially domestic broadcasts will be considered.

There are borderline cases where the distinction between external and domestic broadcastingis difficult to make. Often, for instance, broadcasts are carried over transmitters power-ful enough or on frequencies clear enough to be received by groups speaking the same lan-guage or of the same ethnic affiliation in adjacent or nearby countries. Such situations

occur in Europe and in Africa, the Arab world, and parts of Asia, in particular, and thelanguage used is insufficient to establish whether a particular broadcast is domestic orexternal. For example, in many Arab countries, programs in English, French, and/or otherEuropean languages, sometimes designated as an "international service," are carried overmedium frequency or VHF -FM transmitters for the locally resident expatriate community,while the Arabic -language service, even if designated "home service" or "national service,"may alone by carried over high-powered high frequency transmitters, intended for receptionthroughout the Arab world.

A different kind of borderline case is the American Forces Radio and Television Service,which transmits English programs from U.S. commercial radio and National Public Radiooutside the U.S. It is offically directed only to U.S. military overseas, but in view ofits prominent place in the international high frequency broadcast bands and its use ofVOA transmitters, it can be considered an external broadcaster.

The government -related stations such as the VOA, BBC, or Radio Moscow are large politicalorganizations in which programming, language choice, and target choice are primarilypolitical decisions. The religious broadcasters, on the other hand, although primarilyfinanced from private U.S. sources, speak for a form of religion which is essentially aNorth American cultural phenomenon - fundamentalist evangelical religion. Such religious


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (42)

missionary broadcasters, though they report back to U.S. headquarters, are typically lo-cated in Third World nations (Swaziland, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, etc) or de-pendent territories (Netherlands Antilles, Guam, etc), and should not be confused withstate broadcasters or the political voices of their "host" states which house their trans-mitters. Though not political broadcasters, and therefore almost ignored by somecommentators, they are strong enough to compete with the political stations for audiencesin most language groups.

Non -religious transnational organizations broadcasting on shortwaves include the UnitedNations and the Organization of American States. While the OAS has recently declined asa force in international broadcasting, terminating transmissions in three of the fourlanguages used until 1975 and now using only Spanish, U.N. Radio has recently expanded itbroadcasts, particularly to southern Africa. It, like several of the religious broadcast-ers, does not have its own transmitter network, but uses transmitters placed at its dis-posal by such broadcasters as the Voice of America, the French ORTF, the Italian RAI, orthe Tanzania station. Other non -religious broadcasters include "clandestine" stationswhich, although they have often been important in particular political situations, arenot considered here.

The selection of the language for broadcast to a particular area of course determinesthe potential audience, so that choice is generally controlled by the government orreligious organization, even if the program content is not. For example, the BBC isresponsible to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for language and target zone selection.The Office specifies the target countries and duration of language broadcasts. The BBC,however, not the Office, is responsible for program content, beyond certain broad guide-lines regarding its general mission.

In minority and non -state languages, the main competition for listeners is betweenfundamentalist Christian missionary stations and communist stations. There are someexamples of the Western political stations using non -state languages, such as the high useof Ukrainian in broadcasts by Western political and religious stations beamed to the USSR.However, especially in the Third World, the Western political broadcasters do not reach thenon -state or minorities groups. For example, take the situation of the Quechua -speakingIndians in South America. There the three communist powers, the USSR, the People'sRepublic of China, and Cuba, compete with the oldest established American -funded Christianmissionary broadcast, HCJB, "Heralding Christ Jesus' Blessings" from Quito Ecuador, forthe Quechua -speaking Indian radio audience in Ecuador, Peru, portions of Bolivia, andadjacent countries. Neither the VOA, the BBC; nor any other non -religious and non-communist broadcast organization reach the Quechua -speakers in their own language. Thescenario is found again and again among ethnic and linguistic minority groups and speakersof non -state or less widespread languages throughout the Third World.

Assessing the language choices of external broadcasters, then, gives important clues tothe audiences who have access to these political and religious broadcasts as well as towhich broadcasting organizations have access to which language groups. The major languagesused in external broadcasting and some of the reasons for their choice by the large broad-casting organizations will be discussed, followed by an assessment of the major broadcas-ters according to their language abilities.

As shown in Table 1, English is used by 103 stations. It distribution in transnationalhigh frequency broadcasting is even throughout the world . Since 1976, it has gainedstrength in the one area where it had shown some weakness, francophone Africa, with theaddition of English announcements in the recently inaugurated, still unstabilized inter-national services of Cameroun and Gabon. Though the absolute number of countries and sta-tions using English in Latin America is not large, all international stations therewhich do use a language other than their own (Radio Mexico uses only Spanish) use English.Among the few transnational broadcasters not using English are Radio Free Europe andRadio Liberty, American -financed stations with studios in Munich, which use only thelanguages of five East European countries and of some twenty Soviet nationalities, re-spectively. In their programming style and their language selection, they attempt to pro-vide a substitute or alternate domestic broadcast service for their listeners.

English enjoys a considerable lead in number of stations over its nearest competitor,French, although the lead is unlikely to grow. As new transnational broadcasting servicesemerge, they normally introduce broadcasts in English but are likely to add French and otherlanguages also, thus affecting the absolute total of English broadcasts but not its relativestrength. The largest single catagory of countries not presently operating internationalservices is in francophone and lusophone Africa. The experience of Cameroun and Gabonindicates that new external services will probably include at least English and French.

English in international broadcast use is generally beamed not solely to the traditionalEnglish speaking countries (Great Britain, U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand) but to acategory of "English-speaking listeners" who may be anywhere. The term "English-speakinglisteners" was utilized for the first time by Radio Moscow in 1978, when it introduced many


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (43)


Number of Number of

Rank Language stations Rank Language stations

1 English 103 14.5 Serbo -Croat 18

2 Frech 71 14.5 Swahili 18

3 Arabic 67 17 Bulgarian 17

4 Spanish 59 20 Farsi 16

5 German 51 20 Greek 16

6 Russian 40 20 Hindi 16

7 Portuguese 36 20 Polish 16

8 Indonesian 23 20 Thai 16

9 Chinese 22 26 Urdu 15

10 Turkish 21 24.5 Albanian 14

11 Romanian 20 24.5 Czech 14

12 Italian 19 26 Swedish 13

14.5 Hungarian 18 27 Ukrainian 12

14.5 Japanese 18

hours of daily programming in English distinct from the already established services to

Great Britain and Ireland, North America, Pacific Coast (Western North America), Australia

and New Zealand, Africa, etc. Judging from time and frequency selection, such programming

appears to be beamed to those and other parts of the world, and heralded the introduction

of a "General Service" in English by Radio Moscow. Other major broadcasters with "General

Service" formats include BBC World Service, formerly the"General Overseas Service," All

India Radio, Radio Japan - English on the hour throughout the day, followed by Japanese,

beamed on three frequencies to three continents - and Radio Australia. English is used as

the main language of continuity announcements by a number of other stations as they switch

from one language to another. This is true of the senior evangelical missionary broad-

caster, HCJB in Quito, and of Radio RSA of South Africa, which makes bilingual identifica-

tion of its language services, e.g., "This is the French service of Radio RSA - Ici le

service francais de Radio RSA."

French is strong in terms of distribution on all continents, including the Pacific (Aus-

tralia), Asia (India, China, Japan, Israel, Lebanon, etc.), and Latin America (Chile is

one of the main sources of French language listening of listeners in the Americas). Sur-

prisingly, despite the politico -cultural situation in Quebec, neither Radio Moscow nor any

East European station broadcasts to Quebec in French - even though all these stations

except Radio Budapest have French language services which could be readily broadcast to

Quebec. On the other hand, the traditional area of francophone cultural influence can be

discerned in those countries which do use French for broadcast to Canada - France, Italy,

Switzerland, Greece (introduced along with English for North America in 1975), Lebanon, and

Egypt, Cuba, too, could be added. Sweden also broadcasts to North America in French, which

is rather unexpected, but then so is the continuing use of German in its African broadcasts.

French.has for some time remained narrowly ahead of Arabic in shortwave broadcasting.

It is likely to remain in that position, since several francophone African nations who

have not yet established international broadcasting services are somewhat more likely to

add French than Arabic broadcasts. Latin America remains the other continent poorly re-

presented by international broadcasters; new stations in recent years have introduced

French and Arabic simultaneously (Venezuela and Chile).

Although only recently officialized at the United Nations, and still low on such mea-

sures as number of annual book titles using it, number of newspapers, and percentage of

literacy among its speakers, Arabic is very firmly established in international high

frequency broadcasting and has been for some time. It would be wrong to think of it as a

newcomer to the medium, for already in 1936 the BBC was broadcasting regularly in Arabic.

A number of factors contribute to its prominence:

- There is high appreciation for oral culture in the Arab world.

- Radio surmounts both the physical and political barriers which hamper the distribut-

ion of printed matter, and the obstacle of illiteracy.- The historical primacy of external broadcasting has turned listening to foreign

stations into a tradition and a habit.- There is a saturation of shortwave receivers in most Arab countries.

- In sharp contrast to countries where the cultural elites have inherited the ex -

colonial languages, there is a comparative lack of such linguistically alienated

elites in most Arab countries.- For technical, political, and geographical reasons, little or no high frequency

jamming is carried out in the Arab countries.

The worldwide spread of Arabic high frequency broadcasting includes the Far East (Japan,


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (44)

both Koreas, both Chinas) and Latin America (Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela), Spain,for example, which uses only three languages, selects Arabic as one (the others are Spanishand English).

Stations using Spanish include several in Asia (both Koreas, both Chinas, Japan, Lebanon,Israel). It is comparatively weak in black Africa, but is used by Gabon's new externalservice. Chile operates high frequency jamming stations, which can under appropriate recep-tion conditions be heard in North America and Europe against Radio Moscow and Radio Havana,and it has been claimed that other Spanish -language services, including Radio Sweden, havebeen jammed by the Pinochet regime. However, there have been no reduction in broadcast-ing to Chile. On the contrary, a station name long used by a popular domestic broadcasterin Chile, Radio Magallanes, is now used by a service beamed to Chile from the USSR.

Several major stations in East Asia - Radio Japan, Radio Peking, and the radio voices ofboth Koreas - direct broadcasts in Spanish to Latin America. In 1977, it was introduced asa new language on the daily broadcast schedule of the Taipei, Taiwan station, perhaps inresponse to the many hours of daily broadcasts in Spanish by Radio Peking and in responseto the continuing recognition of Taipei by a number of right-wing Latin American gov-ernments, such as Nicaragua. Most transmissions in Spanish are directed either to theentire Latin American continent or to broad zones of it, in accordance with propagationalconsiderations, peak listening hours, and band choice.

(The above is an abridged version of an article that appeared in the Journal of Communicat-ion, Spring 1979, Volume 29;2. Part 2 of this article will appear next month.)

DX -300 RETROSPECTIVEby Diane Levesque

I read with interest the two articles on the DX -300 that appeared in the December issue,two articles quite obviously poles apart in evaluation. Is this phenomenon to be ac-counted for by simply putting it off to "there are some good sets and there are some bad"because the first few DX -300's were defective?

I am a satisfied (sort of) DX -300 owner and I can pretty well say that it looks like tome that both reviews were reviewing an operational set. Cunningham's complaints aremostly due to that which Nikolich praises - sensitivity. The DX -300 has spur problemswhen the front end "overloads" (the AGO prevents this from being damaging to the cir-cuitry and prevents reactions like, say, the XCR-30 exhibits under overload, so one can'treally say it "overloads" - all it really does is react strangely to S9 and above signals,via spur generation). If those two reviews show anything, they show that the DX -300 isn'tfor just anybody - the set requires special handling as described in the Owner's Manualunder Special Operations Notes. Take care of that front end and the set will take careof your DX.

I will make the following observations on both reviews - first Cunningham's: the manclearly loves to kick his 300 in the teeth and then complain that it still has problems.Possibly due to the fact that the Manual recommends that the RF gain be turned up allthe way when band -scanning, a practice that will guarantee that you experience problems.

Either that, or he hasn't read the manual like an awful lot of people I know and justprefer to stick to long -ingrained tuning habits rather than adapting himself to the receiver.Operation of the DX -300 definitely requires its own personal procedure for operator to useit with continuing success. Nuff said.

On Nikolich's review - definitely more accurate. However, a few things must be noted withregard to his comparison to the SPR-4 and his list of strengths and faults. When you setthe dial to any WWV frequency, including the 2.5 MHz frequency, the station not only shouldbe there, but actually is, without fail, every time, and exactly on the frequency indi-cated on the readout. There is no need for calibration knobs or any other such parapher-nalia. The only time that the readout is off is when the set has been around so longthat it needs realignment (of course, if you do buy a set that isn't aligned, it isn'tgoing to be accurate - but the store should take care of that, no charge, and from myexperience with at least four stores, this presents no problem whatsoever). When the setdrifts (right during warmup, or immediately after tuning as the set has to take a bit oftime to "settle" - and no more than plus or minus 500 Hz, or 1 kHz total) you know it,for the readout/counter doesn't just indicate, it counts, and it will show any drift. Byutilizing the same local oscillator to obtain the first and second IF, any drift outside ofplus or minus 500 Hz is automatically cancelled. The attenuator switch is useless ONLY whenthe external antenna is connected to the screw strip, as the Owner's Manual says. However,it does work beautifully on the coax -connected antenna provided there is not also aconnection on the screw terminal, as, again, the ATT will be bypassed. The audio switch


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (45)

for at least 10 years. See, WARC has authorized two Broadcast Planning Conferences totake place in the early 1980's that will discuss technical restrictions upon the use ofthese expaneded bands by the international broadcasters. The two conferences will

discuss and agree upon such topics as power limitations, frequency limitations, and theuse of SSB as a medium in international broadcasting. After these planning conferences,on January 1, 1984, the first transfer procedures will begin. What this means is thatthe fixed services which now broadcast in the areas to be alloted to international broad-casting will start to tranfer to different mediums. These transfer procedures should

take 5 years and conclude on January 1, 1989. At this point, the new expaneded bands willgo into effect, barring some unfortunate delays due to such things as the failure ofthe two planning conferences in which case the expansions will not go into effect untilway into the 1990's. (Getzel)

KENWOOD R-1000: Rob Harrington sends word that he recently tried the new Kenwood R-1000

at e DX meeting. He states that its selectivity is better than that of the DX -300 when

the narrow position is used. In addition, he believes that the R -1000's frequency readout

is superior to the Realistic. Those interested in this receiver can get a special pricediscount on it if you are a member of either the ASW1C or SPEEDX. Price is only $400 from

Ham Radio Outlet. And if you live outside of California, there is no sales tax nor

shipping fee. For more information, contact Jim Rafferty, c/o Ham Radio Outlet, 2620West La Palma, Anaheim, CA 92801. Telephone is 1-800-854-6046.

DX SHACK WALL DECORATION: Shortwave listeners who may want to decorate their listeningarea with an .out of this world" decoration; take notice: A colorful wall chart measuring56 by 31% inches showing the nine planets, with their geology, meteorology and geophysicsincluding photographs of the planet's surfaces is available from Superintendent ofDocuments, Washington, D.C. 20402. Ask for Comparing the Planets. (Stock No. 033-000-

00744-2). Price is $1.50. (Bob Flick)

DX -300 AGAIN: Those interested in another review of the DX -300 may be interested in anarticle about this receiver written by Julia Hirsch which appeared in the November 1979issue of Popular Electronics. (Jim Boehm)

NEW QSL POLICY FOR RADIO AUSTRALIA: Radio Australia is sadly discontinuing their listen-er's club and is changing their QSL policy. From now on, Radio Australia will only issueconfirmation cards during one month of the year. And only during that month will theyconfirm reception reports. Ample notice would be given as to which month would be desig-

nated QSL month. In addition, most of Radio Australia's news staff and other stationpersonnel were cut back. (Bob Flick)

DX CLUB: There is a new club for DXers called "The Miami Valley DX Club." Their address

is 4666 Lark Hall Lane, Columbus, OH 73229. You can hear a DX report given by theclub over HCJB's DX Party Line. (Andrew Newton)

NEW SPACING PLAN FOR MW PROPOSED: After losing the legislative battle to increase thebroadcast band by several hundred kilohertz to make room for additional frequencies forminority, municipal and educational institutions, the Carter administration is shiftingtactics. The FCC is now proposing a shift to 9 kHz broadcast band spacing instead of thepresent 10 kHz spacing. This would generate the additional channels the administrationdesires. Also, included in the hearings is the very controversial proposal which wouldincrease the number of stations that could broadcast on a 24 hour basis. This portionof the administration's proposal generated a snowstorm of protest mail to Congress andresulted in Congress's inaction on the original plan. SPEEDX members who wish to maketheir views known, should write to the FCC in Washington D.C. (Bob Flick)

RSA: Radio RSA is planning to inaugurate this year a South American Service in Portuguese

and Spanish. (Ginbey, Radio Nederland)

NEWS BROADCASTS ON SHORTWAVE: Those interested in a review of what type of news broad-casts can be heard on shortwave and a listing thereof can read an article about thissubject by Glenn Hauser in the January, 1980 issue of Popular Electronics.

NEW DIRECTOR FOR VOA: President Carter is expected to name Mary Bitterman, the executivedirector of Hawaii Public Broadcasting Authority, as head of the VOA. She replaces R.

Peter Straus who left the post for personal and political reasons. She will be the first

woman to head the Voice. (NY Daily News, December 26, 1979)

RIB: Those interested in the programming side of international broadcasting may be inter-ested in Glenn Hauser's "Review of International Broadcasting." For a sample copy of

this terrific magazine, send $1.00 to Glenn Hauser, RIB, Universitk Radio WUOT, Knoxville,TN 37916.

TIPS AND TOPICS CONTRIBUTIONS: Articles on receivers, antennas, accessories, radiostations, and the hobby in general are being actively solicited by this editor. All I

ask is that all articles be typed double spaced on 8% x 11 inch paper. If you do not have

access to a typewriter, please print the article as neatly as possible. Thank you. 73'


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (46)


Each name is preceded by a number, indicating how many SPEEDX columns youcontributed to this month. An * preceding a number indicates credits givenfor the previous month. PLEASE NOTE: Credits other than SWBC/UTE/QSL/SKEDSare NOT listed here, they are recorded in the permanent file of the memberand added to their total. Inquiries regarding credit totals should be sentto: Vera M. Crable, 5114 N.17th St. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 USA. Pleaseenclose a SASE for a SPEEDY SPEEDX reply, TNX. Happy DXING 73'09W

5 AUDETTE, David MA DX -300 3 HODSDON, Thomas MN FRG -7

2 BAKER, Donald DE RF-4800 1 HOFFMAN, Charles PA FRG -7

*1 BARR, Jose CA ? 1 HOLBROOK, Hank MD SP -600

*1 BEEMAN, William OH RF-2800 3 HOLLAND, Darryl NY....FRG-70004 BERKHOLTZ, Nick MN RF-2800 *3 HOOK, Jerry FL DR -22

5 BINAU, Nan MD RF-2900 1 HOWARTH, Chester WA SPR-4

1 BLAIZE, 'Sandy' LA...EDY 830-7 1 HOWELL, Joe CA FRG -7

3 BLOM, Gordon NY DX -160 3 HRIVNAK, Donald IL FRG -7

2 BOEHM, James TX R -4C *2 JONES, David VA....5-151-1A2 BOERST, Ronald FL RF-2200 1 JONES, Jack MS DX -150A

5 BREWER, Paul TN RF-2800 2 KANA, John GA R -390A

1 BROWN, Clif IL FRG -7 3 KAUFMAN, Malcolm NY RF-29001 BURGESS, Ken SASK FRG -7 2 KAVALESKY, Edward OH SPR-4

*5 BYRON, Leslie NY PTL-9 *1 KERN, Steve CA...ICF-6700W1 CARRIER, Dan VA FRG -7 *1 KLASEK, Terry MO DX -160

3 CARROLL, Wesley LA DX -300 1 KNEASKERN, Bill NY DX -300

4 CEREGHIN, John MD AR -2 2 KOBAYASHI, Makoto JAP..TRIO-R-3002 CLARK, Guy KS FRG -7 *4 KOWALSKI, Paul WI SX-1903 COLEMAN, Robert MA FRG -7 1 KRATTER, Jay NY XCR-301 COLLINS, Jan OR SPR-4 1 KUSALIK, Edward ONT R-388

3 CONNELL, Charles CA CRF-320 1 LATTEMANN, Jack WA FRG -7

*3 CRAWFORD, Duke CA RF-2800 1 LAZARUS, Henry LA SX-1905 CUCURA, Vladimir PA....FRG-7000 3 LEEMAN, Joseph RI FRG -7

1 CUNNINGHAM, Ken CA DX -160 *1 LINDSEY, Randy NJ DX -160

3 CUNNINGHAM, Larry OH....FRG-7000 *1 LIPPMANN, Kevin FL SSR-11 CURTIS, Freddy TN RF-2800 5 LOBDELL, Chris MA....FRG-70003 DAVENPORT, Bill TN DX -160 *6 LOREN, Stefan CA....FRG-70004 DAVIS, Charles GA DX -300 3 LOWE, Derek AR FRG -7

*2 DEKEYSER, Lucien CA FRG -7 5 LUCAS, Richard CA DX -300

1 DESROSIERS, J.R. MA........R-388 3 MAAG, Phillip CA DX -300

3 DILK, John NJ DX -160 4 MAISE, Clarence LA FRG -7

6 DONLY, Bob SC...EDY 830-7 3 MARSHALL, Ronald AZ....FRG-70002 DRAESEKE, Gordon CA DXR-1 3 MAPPIN, Russ WA FRG -7

3 DREW, James TX FRG -7 4 MARTIN, Bob LA FRG -7

4 DUNN, Duncan CA FRG -7 1 MAYER, Jim CA FRG -7

5 DURNAVICH, Carl IL RF-2800 5 McCOOL, Kevin MS DX -160

*5 EARHART, Ken PA NRD-505 2 McKINNEY, Larry PA RF-2800*2 ERAMO, Mark MA RF-2200 2 McLEAN, Scott NY SW -717

1 EVANS, James TN RF-2200 4 MELLINGER, Craig NJ FRG -7

*1 EWING, David IL FRG -7 *6 MILLER, Bill CA DX -160


1 FALLOWS, John ONT...ICF-6700W 3 MOMAN, Don ALB FRG -7

3 FAMULARO, Ralph NJ RF-2800 3 MOORE, Don PA XCR-301 FERGUSON, Dan WV 2 3 MORRISON, Lewis NC KY -2000

1 FISCHER, Mike W.GERM....RF-2900 4 MOSIER, David CA FRG -7

*6 FISHER, John MA GPR-90 5 MOSS, Marc CA SW -717

*6 FORBES, Lewis TX FRG -7 *6 MUNSTER, Ralf GA FRG -7

*2 FOURNIER, Edward VA....FRG-7000 4 MURAKAMI, Keiichi JAP....RF-2000F2 FRANZIS, Patrick CT DX -160 1 NEWELL, Colin BC RACAL

*6 FRASER, Robert MA XCR-30 4 NEWTON, Andrew GA DX -40

*6 GAEDE, Allan CA R-390 2 NOLDEN, Phillip CT SPR-43 GEORGE, Charles TX SSR-1 *2 OAKLEY, Marjorie OR FRG -7

2 GRENIER, Pete CA FRG -7 *1 OLSON, James CA R-3921 HANSEN, Chris NY SPR-4 *4 OSSEGE, Ted OH DX -160

1 HARRINGTON, Rob CO......DX-300 4 OTTOWAY, Robert CO....FRG-7000*2 HASKETT, Thomas IN RF-2200 2 PECK, Martin NY...ICF-6700W

1 HASSELKUS, Chris OH RF-4900 1 PETERS, Michael MAN R -4B

3 HENSLEY, Baxter TX FRG -7 4 PETTIT, Lani IA RF-2800*5 HESCH, Ruth NY...FR-6600JW 2 PHILLIPS, Teri CT R-3886 HEYMAN, Stephen NY DX -160 1 PIMBLETT, Nigel ALB DX -150A


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (47)

is indeed as he has evaluated, and it has been a pet idea (still on the drawing board) topermanently set the audio on Wide and use the switch for a variable notch filter (a laop amp, which doesn't have the shape factor of a mechanical filter, granted, but is abushel cheaper and can still work wonders, not to mention the fact that it is variabledepending on either the values of resistors or capacitors used in the bridge part of thecircuit. You guessed it - this thing is in the single -digit dollar range even if itdoes have a higher Q than standard coil/capacitor type arrangements, and when used inconjunction with the popular ceramic filters, it can't help but improve overall Q.).

Tuning on the DX -300 is no more a chore than certain of the older, more -heralded tube typecommunications receivers (I haven't heard anyone complaining about THOSE sets!) and itmost certainly is a blessing to have the preselector et al built in to the set rather thantune (on the 300, its all there in front of you and in convenient geographic location -all you have to do is tune). Tuning the MHz knob certainly takes no more time than switch-ing a band switch, and tuning the Fine Tune knob is necessary only in SSB reception, orin low QRP situations. In a good number of QRP situations this is not necessary.

I've read the specs on a few Drakes, and I must say that, when comparing the sensitivity ofthe 300 to a Drake, I was surprised to see the SIO ratings when Nikolich compared his twosets. The DX -300 is by far a more sensitive set - but thereby being a noisier set with-out benefit of a noise blanker (just ANL) like the SPR-4 has, rendering the SPR-4 with anedge on the 300 in the S+N/N at 10 db department. But it is true - I ran my 300 in tan-dem with an R4B, and the noise factor made the difference in the ability to render a signaldetectable, if not readable. Needless to say, a more effective noise blanker is also onthe drawing board for my 300 (fondly known as the Meen Green Macheen at this QTH, due tothe custom paint job by yours truly).

All in all, the DX -300 is one dynamite receiver for the money PROVIDING you treat it proper-ly, as it stands stock. With just a tweak or two to soup 'er up, she could give all kindsof trouble to the higher -priced sets, including the 390-A and it is my intention that by thetime an ANARC Convention comes back around the Midwest again, I'll have my rig fullymodified to my satisfaction and I'll be able to take any challenge from any other make inthe under 700 dollar bracket, and a selected few in the over 700 dollar bracket (I mean,

after all, there ain't no possible way I could hope to run against any of the more recentCollins/Rockwell digital models! Older RACAL's are a possibility but certainly noRACAL-MILGO's, if you know what I mean!). Too many times the money is in the -peripheralfeatures than in performance, but there are occasional cases when it is spent on performance!

In short, I am not only satisfied with the set, but also have a lot of faith in itsperformance. Rumor has it that Tandy will discontinue both the 300 and the 160 and come upwith something new, and while I'm curious (and a bit impatient) for the unveiling, I'mstill considering myself fortunate to have gotten the bread to purchase a 300 - after allthe hue and cry and gnashing of teeth with regard to this misunderstood rig. I can prettywell count on the possiblity that there won't be another one like it.


Well, almost. I have found two electronic aids of invaluable use. The Palomar AmplifiedLoop Antenna is a trifle expensive but more than justified. For $69.00 for the LoopAmplifier and $49.00 for each desired Plug-in Loop (1600-5000 kHz, 550-1600 kHz, 150-550 kHz)you can double or triple your country count virtually overnight. It is perfectly suitedfor apartment dwellers (a window location is suggested), operates on a 9 volt battery andis a self contained, "prefab" antenna, For beginning or non -technically inclined DXers,this is the answer to a prayer. Merely take it out of its box, attach it to your set,and away you go. Did I mention, the Palomar Antenna is also very compact (i.e., small)?!You have a dynamo the size of a cigar box at you fingertips.

There is also the Mizuho SX59 Preselector/Preamplifier. For $87.00, you attach your antenna(I have an external random wire) to this SX59 and you can add phenomenal signal boost whenyou connect the SX59 to your receiver. The 5X59 also attenuates strong signals and covers3-30 MHz. Here's a tip for tropical band specialists: Try attaching the Palomar LoopAntenna and the SX59 to your receiver! Turn them both on and watch a kw station blowyour receiver's speaker.

Folks, if you want to hear Indonesia, Burma, Antarctica or Togo you can't do better thaneither or both of the above aids. (Except possibly a roof top chimney to chimney personallyconstructed antenna.) Both the Palomar Antenna and the Mizuho SX59 are available fromthose nice people at Gilfer Associates, Park Ridge, NJ who, will be more than glad to


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (48)

send you a catalogue for your perusal. What's more, Gilfer ships their merchandise, fullytested before shipping, within 48 hours barring unusual stock depletion. Yours trulyhas been luck to get a catalogue alone within 48 days from some other SW concerns onlyto find nothing to compare with the Palomar Loop Antenna or the SX59.

Don't take my word alone. The proof is in the listening. Pardon me while I turn onBotswana!

DXING IN CHINAby Traver Smith

Last fall I took along my Sony ICF-5900 and ICF-7600 while on a three week guided tour ofthe People's Republic of China. I wondered at first whether the Chinese would let mebring in two shortwave receivers but they paid no attention to them. Electrical power(220 volts, 50 Hz) was almost always available, but I operated the radios on batteries.

The ICF-5900 is a good portable DX radio. Its light weight, relatively small size,and rugged construction, makes it easy to pack in a suitcase. Its tuning system, whilerather awkward, is accurate to 5 kHz, and it has good sensitivity, especially with themini -earphones I brought along. I usually operated it on the built-in whip antenna, butsometimes I was able to drop a wire out a window.

The shortwave bands in China were very quiet because there is little interference from theminimal power lines and few automobiles. I logged stations from all over Asia of course,from Europe, Australia, South Africa (only once) and North America. I never had enoughtime for real DXing (the Chinese guides keep you busy touring). If I couldn't identify astation quickly, I had to let it go. As a result, with my limited Spanish, I didn'tidentify any Latin American stations, though I'm sure I heard some. I must study ChrisHansen's Spanish course more intently.

I was most interested in receiving AFRTS or VOA, because I wanted news from home. Inci-dently, my shortwave listening was the only news we ever got while in China. Each morningI distributed a news summary to the group at breakfast. The AFRTS service is reallywonderful for the traveler because they transmit US domestic news almost continuously.VOA gives news every half hour or oriented, without much aboutwhat's going on at home.

I found lots of jamming. Often AFRTS broadcasts from the Philippine transmitter would bejammed, but VOA was usually clear. It seemed that often a strong Soviet station would beright on top AFRTS making it impoisible to understand them. Why would anyone try toblock AFRTS and not VOA?

When I had time, I filled out SPEEDX SWBC DX Report Forms, which I mailed to the DX Editors.I indicated a city location on each logging, because the cities I visited in China weresome distance apart from each other. Our trip was all the way across China from Cantonto near the Mongolian border. This would be comparable to going from Havana to Milwaukee.

The ICF-7600 was very useful, but it's not a DX instrument. It has good band spread, whichmakes good selectivity, but frequencies can't be read accurately and mine, which I boughtin Japan a year ago, has always been out of calibration anyway. I've never attemptedto correct it. However, its small size and light weight are a real virtue. We went intothe Mongolian Grasslands by jeep and could take only minimal baggage. I took along the7600 and it kept us in touch with the world (I wonder why that's important).

One time, while riding on a train in Inner Mongolia, I got AFRTS-Philippines for thegroup by holding the 7600 against the window. Two of the men on the trip were so impressedwith the 7600 that they each bought one when we got back to Hong Kong, where that receiversells for about US $80.00. By the way, when I got to Japan I learned that Sony is nolonger making the ICF-5900, so it will soon disappear from the American market. I'm gladI've got one.


yawnWARC '79: Well the verdict is in. WARC '79 has decided upon thefuture of international communications. According to most ob-servers, the international broadcasters got less than they expected.

According to the conference, there will be no frequency expansion below the 9 MHZ band.That means the tropical bands will remain as is. Above 9 MHz, there has been many changes.The new 31 meter band will be from 9500-9900 kHz; the new 25 meter band will be from 11650-12050 kHz; there will be a new band between 25 and 19 meters from 13600-13800 kHz; 19meters will be from 15100-15600 kHz; 16 meters will be from 17550-17900 kHz; and 13 meterswill be from 21450-21850 kHz. But the bad news is, don't expect to see these changes

Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (49)


3 PRATH, John FL....FRG-7000 4 SLOVINSKI, George CA DX -300

*1 PURCELL, Charles MN....ICF-7800 *6 SMITH, Thomas FL XCR-30

*5 RADCLIFF, Ben IL SB-310 7 SMITH, Traver CA NRD-505

*6 RAY, Richard PA DX -160 2 SOMERS, Jack CA FRG -7

3 REESE, Orla KS QR-666 4 STONE, Wilfred ONT....FRG-7000*1 ROGERS, Wesley ONT SX-190 1 TAUSSIG, Brian CA DX -160

*5 ROSEWARNE, ALLAN CA........FRG-7 1 TIMMER, David IN RF-2200

3 ROSS, Robert ONT....FR-101-S 5 THOMPSON, Glenn NM FRG -7


3 RUDOLPH, Bill AL......DX-300 *3 THURMAN, Skipper IL RF-2900

*7 RZEPKA, Robert WI RF-2200 *6 TRUMMEL, Kirk IL S -38E

1 SAKIYAMA, Junichi JAP FRG -7 3 VALENTINE, Fred CA RF-4800

3 SANDERSON, John AZ DX -160 6 VRANES, Alex PA FRG -7

2 SAVAGE, James CA RF-2800 2 WALLACE, Robert HI CF -9505

3 SCHAAP, William DC RF-2900 1 WHITEHEAD, Jim MA SX-190*1 SCHIPELLITI, Peter ME FRG -7 5 WILLIS, Fred PA SPR-43 SCHROEDER, Arthur WI DX -160 .4 WITTE, Marjorie CA FRG -7

*2 SCHWEIKART, David VA.......FRG-7 1 WORREL, Rick ND DX -160

*3 SEMESKY, Thomas IN.......FRG-7 *7 YAJKO, Robert PA SPR-4*1 SERSHON, Ed IL DX-160 *4 ZILMER, Bob WI R -390A

*1 SEYMOUR, Woodrow NC SPR-4

SPEEDX appreciates the reports of 163 members who took the time to report.One column has not arrived at this QTH, and a few credits are missing, sowill add those credits to next months Contrbutors List. We welcome 9 mem-bers who are reporting for the first time, their names are below.






FOR SALE: Sony ICE -6700W, mint condition. Will ship in original container.$275 ppd. Contact Ron Heath, 12506 E. Fallcreek Lane, Cerritos, CA 90701.Phone (213) 926-1613. No collect calls.

FOR SALE: Astronaut Six SW/AM/FM/VHF receiver. 4 years old but in good con-dition. $80 ppd. Contact Mark Eramo, 5 Kimball Dr. Stoneham, MA 02180.

FOR SALE: FRG -7000 with 2.9 Collins selectivity modification. 6 monts old,must sell to pay for Christmasil $500 ppd. Tony Dubrick, 4600 N. Clarendon,Apt.602, Chicago, IL 60640.(312) 271-1187.

FOR SALE: Yaesu FRG -7000, new, little used. Modified by Radio West w/2.9kHz mechanical filter, and switchable AGC. $600 ppd. Certified check/moneyorder only. Contact with SASE, Mike Hardester, P.O. Box 49 (NDRC) NAS--Miramar, CA 92145.

FOR SALE: Radio Shack #277-111 six -digit frequency counter, all parts lesscabinet. Could be used for SW receivers but I don't know how to hook it up.Under warrantee. Cost over $100, sell for $60 plus postage, or best offer.Maid Moss, 3635 Royal Woods Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.

FOR SALE: Yaesu FRG -7 1 year old in excellent cond. $280 ppd. John P. Kana,260 Huntington Ct. Fayetteville, GA 30214. (404) 451-4847 no collect calls.

FOR SALE OR SWAP: One RAK-3 Double Dipole Antenna. New never used. $40.00or will swap for an audio filter or pre -selector, make offer. Bob Wirrell,85 Stillman Ave., Brocton, MA 02402

FOR SALE: FRG -7000, Radio West modified with Collins filters. In Exc. cond.Still under warranty. $450 ppd. Tom Adams, P.O. Box 1165, Midland, MI 48640.Phone (517) 631-7115 after 5:30 PM EST. No collect calls.

FOR SALE: Panasonic RF-2200 Exc.cond.$125..Heathkit frequency counter,30 mHzModel IM 4100 Exc.cond. $50..Heathkit RF-signal generator,model 1-102 100 kcto 110 mHz. Exc. Cond. $25. Victor Orlando, 1711 Robinson Ave., Havertown,PA 19083. (215) 853-2878. No collect calls.


Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (50)



John Trautschold; Bob Bodell;

Sandy Blaize; Chris Hansen; Vera Crable

MANAGING EDITOR...............

PUBLISHER.... ...... ........ ...




AWARDSCHAIRMAN.............. .



(P,O,Box 697

...... Oliver Ell worth


John Trautschold

Don Johnson

........... Mel Hickman


Vera Crable

..... ....... Jack Jones


Bob Bodell

......... Bob Zilmer

,Milwaukee, WI












8 IRC's or 1.00


Permission is granted to broadcast, publish, or reproduce

any material contained herein (excepting items which state

that they appear by permission from other sources) pro-

viding credit is given to: SPEEDX, P.O. BOX "E", ELSINORE

CALIFORNIA 92330 USA & the editor or column.







































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in touch
























of AM







Meno. Falls, WI


Permit No.






Br 60733 RevC Groundhog

Groundhog Homework

Groundhog day[1]

Groundhog Day:

Groundhog Day 2017

Groundhog Day!...Day! vol x no II KEYNOTES Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, I AM UNABLE


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Groundhog Day! - Editor: OLIVER ELLSWORTH 2043 West 75th Street, Los Angeles, California 90047 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ---DUE TO A THROAT OPERATION, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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