OCTOBER 23, mi'. 1 THE JJOKNING HERALD, HAGERSTOWN. MARYLAND NINETEEN Vi Set The Machi nery Of Prosperity In Motion By Answering Some Of These Ads. ads nra restricted co their pro' per Classification and the i Herald-Mail style of typo. The pujr- lisuers reserve, the right to edit ot reject and classify advertising copy.
Errors in advertisem*nts (should he ronortod immediately. Tho Herald will hut tie responsible for inorv than one incorrect insertion. Advertising ordered for Irrogula Insertions takes the one time rate. No ads taken tor less than .1 basin of lines. Count six nverago word! to tha Tho average word contains six letters.
Ada ordered for thres or tlraii arid stopped before explratjon will he charged for only thn of times tho sd appears and adjustments made at 1 the 'rate earned, Careful attention giveii to small iurtlcra." 1 Spoclal rates for yearly advertisfna CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING RA.TE Waily rates per'Jirie for consecutive Automotive For Salt i A A i 10'J7; Niiah roadntor 1U2T. A 29 Locust Jisl: for Kandy. rbn TUB WEEK 1330 Roadster, wheels, unit ostrus. Sou this one. 192D NASH Bid.
i Hl: Sfetlan, now. Insertions: Cliarg'e J3 JO Cash .10 .08 'Ona tJms Three times Klx times .08 .06 WHEN AND WHERE TO PLACE TOUn AD Cdaeslflca Advertising Depari- 19 situated nt the Herald-Mall. Thcso- offices are open to receive ruIveriiBemeits from it. ni. to 3 p.
ut. ill ally. A a a received tip i 11 3. an. will appear in edition same (lay.
All a.ds received between 11 a. ni. ainl p. 'm. will appear in edition tlio following 'day.
PUO-ME 1'OUR CT.ASSIFJKD AH 104-105-108 Tho Ad-taker will gladly assist you If desired; so that tho copy for your Kd is prepared in mch a manner aa to fcrins the -greatest you. CLASSIFIED IN'DEX Tho Individual atlvertlHenicnts un Mcr the follow inff class llicat in order tor i l'Ji'7 MASK A Coach, in ilti sluipe, a real bargain, 1 NASJii Touring 1 In lino mechntiica Mliauo, must see to ajuiveclftte. O. P. EOIIMAX, INC.
SOU Potomac Avo. Phone ISL'O Couch $335. ISCJICK. 1 pass. Coupe -JT5.
ti'29 AUBIJfIN' 4' Sedan BROTI113RS 1S-24 N. Locust St. Phone 854. Service Buslneu Service fie red 18 51-1AD On A 3 i am prepared to remove dead or disabled a i a mi short notico, A. F.
llcos. Htoiie Hurry BUclr, I a B26S. A OU AL1VI1 Wo remove promptly dead or disabled hor anil cattlo. Buyers of hldoa and wool. Phone Tanners' Hid Tallow inc.
LASS--SoM In a nlles, mirrors, colored Klass. St. Phone Beauty Parlors DO YOU A KnperlHioiis a i Wo can correct It. Call 1S-J5. Milter's AliirincHQ Cjilropgdy Hhop.
1 I I A arstattc a i cuts, por- sonully by Mr. Lnrm. tlroy Oublos Beauty Shop. Phonu 1170. FOU1)--Model Coupo with ptulr-iip body, in good running' order, Vf.
a 2nd floor. OLIJSMOH1LK Coach JlnO.rjiX OODtiK Coupo 12500 SNOWilKUtiElL SONS St Phone SOI. SPECIAL. OM FO11D TUDOll--Gond imint, Kood tires, motor A-l i rfon. Mlllor Motor Kales, i St.
Phone 1330. FORD--Ton condition, Adams, 3 City. B'bort it. PISU1ANENT WAV75S All methods, For parttculars I'hono I i Hhojt. OLTVB HOPE Beauty Shop, 208 N.
Potomac St. Hpeeinl low prices i i ilejnY-ssJon. Pji. Radio Repairing KXPEUT A I I'll make your set work or cha you nothing-. -I repair all types jnoflgjgL, D.
TF. ifl Welding and Brazing 1 CO. '4-- Notices Tpard.of 1 3-- Tn Mcmoriam '4 Flowers and Mourning Goods" Funeral Director! -i, 6 Monumenta and Cemetery Lou 7 3 Bowllnjc and Lodgeir 10 Lost, Strayed ard Found AlITOMOTIVB 3.1 Automobile! for sale 12-- Autos for Hire as-- Mattery and Iffnltion Servlca ii-- Body and Fender TVorfe, Painting, Tops and Upholstery Motorcycles and Bicycles 1C-- Repairing and Service Statlonis." 37-- Tires, Vans, Accessories 17-- A Wanted Automotive BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services OfTered 3SA-vEeauty Purlors Rhopa. IRfV-Hadio Repairing '13D-- Welding and Brazing. J9 Building and Contracting 1 'Bycing, Renovating s'El DTesPmaking anil Millinery fi2 Keating, Plumblns; Roofing .63 Insurance and Surety Bonds Laundering 2R Moving 1 Trucking-, Storage teT Painting, Papering, Decorating Printing, Engraving, Binding- IS-- Professional Services 29-- Repairing and Reflnilhing C9A-- Piano i and Repairing Shoo Repairing Tailoring -an 3 Pressing fil-- Wanted-- Business PLKIGH PROCESSED H.M1L13 AT MILKS THE UKS'L' LUOlCIN'Ct JJE5T CONDITIONED TJSUD CARS IX UAUEP.8TOWX MAKE US PUOVE IT! U'30 STUUKBAKER 1'rs.
7 pass. State Sedan SlOPii '33 J'ACKAKD Sedan PACKARD Coupo 1 0 4 7 '2S NA.3U Adv. Sedan tSV. 'liS Sedan mi. '2S CTini'SLBIl Roadster 177.
STUJJEBAKEft 'Redan CG7-. -SEE. DlirVB THKM Your old car accepted as part i a I'-LEIGK -MOTOH T1R.13 CO Established 191:1 IJ70-C72 O.ik i Ave. Phonn 230ir. I USHEX Tourinp Sedan- S550.
ESSEX Coach -135. 193 CHEVROLET Coach- 410. 1923 ESSEX Sedan 2 5 0 1928'CHEVROLET Coupe 2 2 5 Model ESSEX Ooac.h 22S. Sedan 325. li)27 -HUPMOBttK 2-door Sedan The HAGERSTO.WN HUDSON-ESSKX B.
Wash. Open evenings. Ph. 1633. S3 Wanted Permits Help Wanted-- Male Help Male and Female fcii Solicitors, Canvassers, Agenla S6-- Situations Wanted 87-- Situations Wanted-- Male FINANCIAL BS-- Business BD-- Investments, Stocks, Bonfli Money to Loan, Wl Wanted-- To Borrow INSTRUCTION '42 Correspondence Courses '4 3-- Local Instruction Classei Musical.
Dancing. Drama '45-- Private Instruction K5-- Wanted Instruction L.IVR STOCK IJpgs, Cats, Other Peti Horses, Cattle. Vehinlei H9-- Poultry and Supplies BO Wanted-- Live stock MERCHANDISE Articles arid Bxo.hang*. fil! Boats and Accessories ti3-- BuiJdlng Materials C-l-- Business and' OtRco i 55 Farm an iV Dairy Products Fuel, Feed and Fertilizer Things to Eat US Home-made 'Things PO-- Houseliold Goods Jewelry, -Watches, Diamond! JP1. Machinery and Tools JB2-- Musical Radio Equipment Seeds, 'Plants, Flowern 't'4 Specials in the BG-- Wanted To Buy ROOMS AND BOA1OJ (S7 Rooms with Board 68 Ilooms without Board '69-- Rooms for Housekeeping fri--Where to Eat "Where to Stop In Town f73-- Wanted Rooms, or Board -(74-- Apartments and Flats RHAL ESTATE FOR RENT ITS-- Business Places, for Rent Farms and Lands for Rent Houses" for 7- A Garages for Rent ffS Offices nhd.Kesk and 'Mountain For SO-- Suburban For Kent 81 antes To REAL; ESTATE FOR SALB It Brokers Renl Estate property Cor Sale 83-- Farms aid Lands for'Sale- AnnouncemenU BUrCK SEDAN Standard Six, ii netrly Ducoed, good rubber, fine mechahlc.ally.
A wonderful buy at MOTOR CO. 217 Frederick St. Phono 2 Electric-acetylene welding a all a auto truck parts; i industrial hollers tanks. Portable equipment. Go anyu'h 20ti 13.
yt. Phone Heating, i Roofing 22 AV.B AKM In i servicing nidiutors, sloves, a oil burners and i i i ilxturci- W. i i I i St. FAMTLY A I A eall will bring our truck immodhue- ly. 'You will find there Is tion about our a i i and ncss to Uo ffootl llagcrsto Laiuidry, Inc.
Phono 2550. -ques- WHY BREAK 'HACK clothes, when our a service ia a from I i a your telepliono. Call 4 7 7 todaj-. 1ND1 ViDUAb A ff. Potpniat- St.
Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 LOAD uloKiid vim 'lo Indiana, leaving Octoler 26th. Inquire Btorag-R PICCJAL AATJSS. TRANSFKIl AND STORAGE TRS. CO. Pliono Repairing and Refinlshlng 29, A 'CHEVROLET SALES' i USED Ai-ii always out in front- in both price Und Come In "Drive a Clood Eargain." We are now offering used cars good usod cars-- "at lower prices than ever before, ftnjoy Drl a good used car.
will arrange down and to suit payment 1925, 1020. i i a i FOUL'S ANO CHEVHOLBTS AH Slodel's. MAUYLAN'D'S LAKGBS EJLB DEALERS HOFFMAN CMKVROLET SALES USED CAR I St. V. B.
And Jlepairlnff i 2 1 5 Frbderlck St. Tics. T-'lmno One cannot be in two places at once. But if you watch the Classified Ads you can look over opportunities in all parts of the city at the same time They place all sorts of bargains befoi'o you! For Rent for Rent Office and Desk Room 78 --3 olllco t. 1st Hum- i a pro- 'iial a K'lt Wash St.
Wanted--To Rent 81 i upl. of rooms ami iMUly. i a not In a i i i i a i a ISox I. a i itciott. location.
reforoncos. Hox 35, urnuiti- tfir i Duplay A A I A A I A I A I I Hy i -jf a tallied in i Law-, i nit'iit of W. KiiiH nic'it. a i i lii'obato i 1 you i runt, luase, cxchanKo, Jnsurc. mor Kaeo or loan on estate, seo Merchandise' Farm and Dairy Products Uuldfin; apple bu and cidor i KJ dour, a Call Ralph 2 A I Imperials, Stayi "Winesap, Stark, Golden Delict lilncU Twljr.
Large cannurs, -Oc Jlaiul picked cider apples, lOc i bu. a i Bros. Orchards, on ro between Mfddiehui'ij pike anil fiiUISVillO. for sale at niy orchard, no Leitiirabiirff; drops pick lip lea, 25 liu. Brick Ml.
Ko. pLKH iior bn. Yon pi i Two miles of Securlt I Forgo roan. "Phone ILVI-M. Par Ji eaap, A Stay man tllHe, Tork i EiOc 1 periiil 40c hu.
liw. Snytlor's Orchard, Virginia ai tan yd" or Ave. FO J5-- I cff ity, 50c bushel. D. I'honc -lOiOFl 1 Kidcuoi OME GROWN" Cobblor potato ilOc a.
bushel. Hatchci Vhonc F-l3. Feed, Fertilizer Piano Tuning and Repttrinfl 29A WKST BN1 UPHOLSTERING CO. Furniture rcflnisbed ropairud. Full line oC samples.
Victor Souilfrs, 428 Wi Church Ht, Phono SOiiJ-'NT. TUNBD 1-in S. Mulb. St Shoe Repairing llpM.) AicNAMBB--Men's soles, ladles' soles heels, cemented, 2iin ext'rh. 231 Howard SI.
Employment Help Wanted--Female 32 COLOKRU general liousc- work and Write- 1 Box 50 iv-o Herald-Mail, 1 age, ox- jicvlcncu and ivajres cxiicctod. 0 A 1M Foundation Miss Fahrnfiy 837 Hamilton Blvd. Phone 700. JWY WIFE, Jfabel JSstolla Floofc, Iia'w- Ing left my bed and board, I will not responsible for any debts con- -tractefl for by her. Paul Flooli.
Strayed, Found 10 SHblLL FKAMK--CrlaNses and loaU If Phono Re- 'jWflrcl. STJtAY-El)--IJlucU, um a i i Keaglo 1 4G Fast Avo. $10 reward for Information" 'concerning tiame. SOTg'or'TTE-W. Automotive Automobllet -For ASK A ROUT OTJIL'FRER USED CAR OFFKH ,1030 OAKLAND Custom Sedan.
1(180 BU1CK Sedan, 1930 ES3KX Coach. OAKLAND Coupe. 1929 DODGE Sedan, 192S MAHMON Bttdim. JSiS PONTIAQ Tloadstcr. J9f9 CHEVROLET -Sodan Bollrory.
SIX CABS 325-00 TO $95.00. -CENTnAL A A USED CAR IMSr JS2 -a; Potomac St. MUCH MAY bft'tolfl In few words 1 Ad, USED CAR LOT .313 W. stun St, Phone 515. Open Evenings a Cr.TJaVKOLKT'lM9 "COACH has just rocondltionei and body newly Ducoed.
It's lor the road nt a reasonable price. MOTOR CO. 217 Frederick St. Phono 2152 NASH COUPE 3 pass, business type. In fina con- throughout at a.
very reasonable price, THUMMA MOTOR CO. 217 Frederick St. Phone 2152 FORD Model J. SON'S E. Wnshlnp-ton St.
Phone SOI Autos For Hire 12 UAC1O-- cab, quick, depennable cab service with Graham Johnson. Palntinfl, Upholstery 14 DAMAGED 33ODIES AND FKN'DEitS ABPA1R13D Prices moderate; e.t- Dert workmanship. 1 TINGLING AUTO WORKS Frederick Kt. Phone 3674. AUTO BODY WORKS Auto pain tin upholEtsrlng, fendei and body work.
A guarantee' cheerfully given. Phono -1712: -S03 Penna. Ave. Motorcycles and Bicycles 16 BICYCLE TIRES Parts and ro- lialrlng. DISLPHBT BROa W.
St. Phone o. UEJl'Jb'ILT-- aicyclfis for school; also bicycles "bought repaired. 'Kline's Shop. Phono 175.T.
Repairing and Service tat 10" Ho ready for Stata inspection. your brakes Justed now. Tost free. Falrmount J.luragci HOI Potomac Avo, ANY TIME PHONH 2290 CMtAFlAM--Jewett and Paige Washing and Storage. Ulue Kldg-i Motors.
131) E. a i St. Pliono 510 ftUPMOBTLlfi SPKCIALIST All kinds a labor 75o lour, cara called for 'and delivered Croe. lire war's Garage, iiaugans- vtlle. Mu 1 Phnne -i02fi-F-B.
AXLES-- BimPEnS-- SPRINGS repair eel. Stanley overload for Chevrolet Model A trucks 'i'. MORNIN'GSTAR lS2f. Virg-inla Ave Phono 2446-W. NOW -TS THK 'TrME have your brake trued before winter.
SIOTOR SflOP 1 TJ. a i St. Phone 20iin WASlIINCi-- By a npoclal heat Try It. Poebler'fl Garagt-, Storage day, i and month. Hear of -10 E.
Wiislilngton St. Parts, Acceasories 17 TlltKH TUHKS-- Special price tin 7.00x18, 33x5 n'ltl a other sizes. Auibmobile Klusfl and parts for most oar. Wo also cars in any condition, Myers Wrookors, A St. 'YOU CAN TTIUT Jf.you want.
to self or ront you cnp trust 0110 A Clftaalflod Ma lO'Introduce you Quickly to Home- fino who is- Interestftd In 'your offer, an a at tO(- in a i and' do work. State wages expected. Write .2 Jlerald-jrhll. WHITE For general house- Ktate acre waives. cxpect-xT.
31ox -(7. Herald-Mall. WBItfE WOilAN. for 1 dav'a lau-iidry Write box 48 Herald-Mail. Help a a 33 CARPENTER WANTED-- Phone 2470.
Situations Wanted-- Female 36 REFINED lady would i position as companion to. refined lady. Can i ltf3t of roftirences. Box 51. Herald-Mail.
WANTED General housework in a i of adults. i Box 4(, care. oC Herald-Mail. WORK BY DAY-- Or carins for children 200 Jefferson Bt. YOUX(r WO.MAX Desires work Saturdays; also from 4 to afternoons.
Financial 1 Money to Loan, Mortgages 40 MONEY TO L.OAN-- Up to $15,000.00 tlrat mortsaffe non-callaMe loans on residences. Write P. 0. Bo" 300. Strictly i i a TO TjOAN-- On llrfit niortsaue.
MONEY TO LOAN on i i opcratloiis flnanceil. GP.OH UEALrrY S. Jonntlmii. M.ONEV. TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES W.
11URKAT BAECMTETj AORXGY i Vtrpt Nntl. Bank P.lilp:. Wanted To Borrow 41 ON mortgage, on j'troreiJ desfraljle bride, IVorUi I-'nil. Wrltn ::2. Livestock.
Cats, Other Pets 47 PUPPIES Boston terri.er, i marked. Hoston Terrier TCenncls, .2013 Merchandise Articles for Sale 51 ELECTRIC MOTOHS All sizes, bought, sold and 'rented. Wa can save you money, IF 1 IT'S PIPRlMVo have it, all also valves, ll it ings, bailors and tanks; lowest prices. Toilets, complete, I 1. 00 each.
at form' nt bargain. Cash or time. jhujERSTOWN KQUTJMIEXT CO. Marylnnd and 'Oarllnscr Phono 1300. EMVVY cider nnd nogar.
A A i a Cooperage Ki't'pson Fayetto Stu, italilniore, lid. OOOD'lead liorao, R. C. radio, JIB. Puliots, White rjORhorns 50 n- Hplcco; J'Jiodo Inland lleds, Burred.
70c 5 mo. nUl. W. T. Kftllor, a No, 1, Uotl UOT WA'LVViIl-- 'And steam radlaton, pipe, vftlven, fitl.lnss ''lit a Imrgnln.
tfafforstown lOrmlpmcht Co. Phono n.io, i SHOTOU.Va ml nnd used 1 priori tow: 1 Has- Guilnesi and Office i THUEH. nhow (MHOS, very ronsonablfi. Meyers and Horkson, i3 W. Knujklln Si, WOOD FOR SALE--Good dry wood.
Phone or 15'JS delivery. facto Quit Housenora aoods Jl'ATTAa 2 i 1 'cheap; i flxl-i base runs. Victrolas, 10.00; comb nation, bookcase, cheap. People Auction Room, 03 AV. Kranklin.
1'tEX--AValfjr 'heater, Rooct Phonu aa.t7-R or apply 258 So. cust a a 12 nooii. llrst -Felt base, 9x12, cutirui a i a i pattern Fm-sylh Storage. i St. AVALXUT lli-ov leaf vies with bookcase, handsomely inlai Di-icu risht.
David II. Horst, Hat, ttrstown. R. D. -t.
U3KO AT LOW I Wii have on display In our vvan hotisa nscil- i stored hare Fo sale by parties who have bought ne i you are in the mark for good "used i at low pric ace a we have to offer. -BBBKSON. IXC. 1 "Watches, Diamonds EXl'jrilT Watch, clocir Jewell- F. R.
Saum, 21 N. Jona I St. Hervtcg iroojl. Price a i Equipment 312M511AL ELECTRIC FULL HA Radio, up. Electrl a a i St.
wanted to Buy CALL Contniunlty Auctio llooni, if you have turniture, carpet stoves or antiques, to sell an will have our representative call We always have a demand for sec ond-hand furniture. HOOKJHD RUGS Wanted. A nose Jlary Gift Shop, 210 TV. Wash iniTton St. WAXTI3J3--Used bicycle, son preferred; give full description price lie low.
I'. 0., Box 191, Rooms and Board Rooms, with Board FURXJSHKD with board reasonable rate. Apply 223 Sum niit Ave. KtJUNLSI-USD---Bed rooms, rfiasonabl 'genii cm en preferred. 4-1 113.
Wash. fSL i ter ra tGH, JLtU 1 Jioaru BROADAVAY-13G--1 or 2 oniK. Next to balh. All conven ices, private a i CENTRALLY located i room Phone 19S2-M 1S70. furnished bed -room with bay window.
Apply same- XOimi 13XD--2 nicely i bed rooms, ladies preferred; home privileges; 1-- block Mulberry bus A a St. Rooms for i 69 A I A i i suitable for light house- kuephib'-. Apply same. FRANKLIN kitchenette, also single bedroom. A same.
Steam heated apartment, a light rooma.ljanltor service, per week. a i St. THREE i rooms' $2 per A K. i Blvd. 2 tur- nished ro'oms for i housekecn- A ppl 1 Real Estate For Rent Apartments AJ AH'J'SIKNT--2SL S.
Locust first floor, 3 rooms and A C. N. Dennis. Phone 1SS7-W. APARTMENT--2nd door, at Apply 570 Malon possession Ave.
130 Broadway, six rooms, bath, gas, refrigerator, Jan 'tor: ront reasonable, l-'nbno HiaviaaijY APT. ISast reduced rent, live rooms; Friyidalro, all latest linprovcrhentH. Phono G10-J. Lyon'a i Store, Lyon Ii: APAIlTMliJ.N'T Hill Croat ltd. A i conveniences; possession at once.
A Harold or Phono 2-177-W. l-'Olt IMONT A i 3 rooms, bath IcUchcnette. Virginia AVL. Apply I -floor. $1.1 i mo.
2 apartmenta, 2rt(! no. G-room houao.i, Mrs; C. "SViesner. 1'TSAiN'KlilN rooms, vapor luMt, i hntli, possession Xovftiuber I HI, Pliono SI3-W. I-'OR RENT--Several apartments hi thu rioxlyii, 19 IS.
a i at-. Apply J-'iirnlturo I A Slid Hoor north, service, a i Real Estate For Rent A a and Flats HAMILTON Nicely apartment. I fl- KOYA1, A i i and ywnig-tj; i MM. Phone 1021. sue cm) posses- i i mcnt, j'urnished or i trap, i i a up.
1'h. I'S-ioai, UoTnTv .4 steam heat, all conveniences. A plyJU a Miilb'cri-y. ileHKNllY apartments, a bath. A N.
-Locust. Phone i Kor real estate I incut or Uro inyuraiico KHO Ilugon i.o vv llcnl 12 W. rranldln A KSTATis llmid, Ootiofoch'eutflie Hol Farms and Land Sain A(7luT- Farm, stock, i ilk miu-lctu, near i h. tioil, now i i i i possessloii to su price rie'ht. J.
M. i I 5 i Aid. and iiiff M. It. Uowo, aim I'otoimi Houses for Sale A A A I houses, contalninir si i rvltiw i Box 46, Hcnitrl upiirtm for POTOAlAi; 1st floor, i reronUltlone'l: janitor ser- u.
B. tester. vice, JIAMONA-- 1100 Oak I ei'n conveniences, Krigldatrc, pa- rag'e. reasonable. Possession first.
Apply 310 toniai- St. SUMMIT lied, room, dressing room, i a bain "so phone, reasonable. Phono. SUM JUT A.V£.-:il rooms, nil conven Possession imm Beachley. ti 3nl lately.
I i I'ranJf WASMIN'GTOM apartment: i Phone 173-R. room ned Into possession. WABl-ITNTiTON ArechaTT- "J.s Loan Havinga 'Hank and room tumrtrnent! $l-f mo. 0. J.
N'ogiey 2 Partly i apart- -J Business Places -for Rent 73 STUKE KOOAl-- 6 lighted, possession at once. Hotel Patterson. Phnnt; 1321. 2 Vi3llV hi Hotel ilamllton, N. a a a for store or ofTiccs.
Apply ItoLel llam- ilton. Houses for 77 V1HTA A.VB.-10C -Louse, con VCD fences, SIS Phone KALfcJ OH JtENT-- 'House, upai' jiiems, rooms, garages, a Youn'y. 1SS-W or H3-, KtJIt MAbK OR UK 'J'-- iModonTho i good locution. C. Fry, iteal Late Insurance AKency.
I10(J Ham JUnn Rlvd. Phone S2H. LISTEN, FOLK'S In you i be able to buy prop In Haters! own lower than ran now. AVo liave i from up to $20,001 thru will pay you frftm 10 iSRf, 0:1 your money and you on I need to have a few dollar LO buy sonic of these properties. OIIAS.
HTROLE CIO. Heal Kstate, Ins, ft 0 1 3 A a nidg 1 SINGLE JllllClC--Norm Potomac St 10 rooms, all con ven ion ecu. Dotibl brick, i i i a all conveni uncos. '1 single properties, ffood repair, i trade plnoe. 75 acres, well locat ml, bldg's.
ncres, Ini proved, good location, stock an i crops remaining, Llrocery store, well located, i i A BA.J3CHTEL, Affont First XiUl. BlrtK. SACIUiri'CFl--Double house In excel lent condition, $2200. Two stor i i pood location, used fo all machinery included can bo operated-or easily converts' into double 2 5 I acres fine limestone land, nuiiiKio lionse, two a houses and larg barn, will sacriHce. N.
TJ. Kow I a "Loans Rentals, -In I To a a Estate 8 lALTl.MOHJ'; room house, poss. Nov. 1st; Id. Plume 13.
B. CHUHCft WTN'TEH Corner honso Avlth conveniences, rent Apply DOS Salem Ave. Jl-TWKY AVB. conveniences, i 10BI-M. room, house, all Wlsy A VK-9J room, niudern conveniences, Jj.irt7wool floors tliru- out.
Apply (li! W. Franklin yt. rooms and bath, possession jNovembef 1st Meyers Berltson, AA Franklin St. UANKDIN ii rooms, modern conveniences. Rent very reiisonablc, 1C taken at once.
Phone all at HagftrBtown Jjily. Inc. 2 aci-es, smooth, lunldlnfe's, nloiiff hard road, a on houwe. John .1 Swain, i'O S. Jonathan St.
J'hon Auction--Legals Legal Notices Assignee, versus ORD13H NISI-Lao JI. Miller, Frmil; SclilclKl). No. 11,773. In the Circuit Court for Washing- tjm County i i an a Court Ordered, By tlio Clerk of the Cir- i Court, tins 14th day of October IDltl, that tho sales made and reported by Leo U.
Miller, Assignee for the sale of the real estate In the proceedings of this cause mentioned, and confirmed, unless cause A room hi i High. AppI; 715 i rooms, a phicen of city, mo. up. OROU 13 S. a a IA.MILTON :i.U-.VD,-!)27 Modern rooni.
house, steam heat, garage, possession Nov. J. 525 Hamilton Blvd. riOH 4 and 7. rooms, conveniences.
A 119 X. Potomac Si. Phone 3 291-it. 7 rooi louse, modern conveniences, ffarafft i. at once.
Jil7 a i i Blvd. OCUST 6 room liouso, all conveniences. Apply 323 OCUST room house .11 conveniences, ray. Apply 121 Kroad- N--S room liou.se, fill) Wasii- S27.flO; jraragc. Court co.
Phono 2-iSl. ODEUN-- G. room house, a Joulevartl, steam lieat, ffood condi- iou, $40 possession at nnce. StroJe 301-3 Arcade BUI jr. A A AVIS.
Tw u'lclc house. SIS month. Maryland Avo. Ii room Apply 0(5 A IN A VK. -1011--6 room lmu.se, gar- conveniences; possesnloii Nov A IflOfl.
ODKRN fi room hrlck house, ni It, per i Lit. P. Sirole i a Arcade. Bldtf. to the contrary be Court on or befor November next: Pr shown to th the tth day of idod.
copy i order be Inserted In some newspaper i in a i Conn, ty. at. least once a week for three successive ivceica before the last i day. Tin; report states the amount of sales to be JCOO.OO. THUL1 COPY--TEST: A OSWALD, Clerk, OUDKR NISI-Leo Ti: Mtller, Asljjncs, versus C.
Frank Schleiurh. 1J.779. In tho Circvit Court for AVaBhing- ton County filttins'- as Court of Ordered, By tlio Clerk of the Cir- i Court, this Mtli day of October, that snloa made und reported by Leo II. Miller, Assignee for the sale of the real estate in iho proceedings 01' this cause i be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary lo shown to the Court on or before the 7th day of November Provided, a copy oC this order be inserted in some newspaper publisher! In Washington County, at least once a for three successive weeks before the said last men- i day. The report stales the mount pales tn be $1,000.00.
i TRUfi COPV--TEST- 1-iDWAItn OSWALD, Clerk. th 1 I A 8 i i i i i iJoiiniy, 14 ipai honrii uf 2 arnl 3 n'cioc i Je.scrtlicrl red NO. I i ito miitiitv fit HIQ Hniutt mnt-'A or the I itoitd a i i to I'ark i Hrho -ro tfjinic- inltrfieVUd ll.Hi.l I a to Uooniilioi itloiiK thu a i a lin i i i liiiu- i 74 nuu-H to, a 'ntnnt 17 dptfrer war. fen t. i i i i yt above i i rpos 15 i i i feet ji, tn uioiu-a a i wcsi i i 5 i tht-nci! 75 doffn-os wef 'f lllt "'U'h I S3 iloffrcas west -vt to I'olm.
noiit.b 41 tii-rrcoa 4 i i i Lo a i tlioncci 17 4." i i UTKI. CO to a ihcnr.i noi-t ilegrets "0 iniinilfiS u-i-st 10 s. i tli.Mu'c i C'S i i i i 201) to i i north 00 ilofirr-tH -ill i i 1G!) i 10 ,1 titOlU', 1HJ i i i i '170 ti stfino, i 70 11't foot, a piiiiu. south r.fi i onst. -iiu to stone, hence i 14 floTfp.s ui a.
po.s-t, i i i RO Mihnit.cn onst 3S3 to Point, S3 dftpivop 00 i utes e.i!:(. fec-t Lo a point, 2 detri-cM-j IS. i west f'iet a post, i finul.li 71 tie Kreea H'5 i i oust 3GS to Point, llienrn 12 flagrccs tliencf ilesreos i i i J57 feet Lo a pout, BOiitl tloiiireea cast. 22-J to a pont I (ipereos 25 i 2fi-i foct to Ihonrc. sotill (legi-iics i i past foe, to a i in the nf the Cmm ty Road I i lo llonnshorn, tiicnc nlotiff of ilio nnld Road south 7 duirr'cRfi-'JO i u-ocr i i i i f(nt to i place ot bosin niniT, i i i i i acres ot i on i th-3 County Hoail leading from Purl Mall HcliuuL to Locust Grove, north S3 decrees i i feet a post, thence north de es JS i i i i east fiit to a point, Ihenco smith 77 (lo-rce miinuoa casl.
1 foot to a post, thence dejireuH 10- i fast foot to a stone, i 70 do cast 234 feet to n. stone, thence north 23 degrees ITS feet to a thence north 5 de KTCPS I i onnt to .1 south S3 east 53s tsftt to a point, thence south fi tic west S15 feet to a post, tlienci iorth 7S decrees 30 i west er-t to a popt; tlienco north Si rlc groes 40 i west 2S4 feet to stotie, tltenco fioiith lii deyt-ees ivei rent to a lilai-k oak tree, thoni" north 79 decrees 2fl mlniiloa 2T feet lo a point, thence south 13 Rreea 15 i west -IZr, to ti; Placo of 1 fiontnlnlrts acres of land, ninre or PARCEL NO. lract''of a Jylfif? Iti No. In IVnghlnirton County. Mar land, dfiserlhed na Ijoing: a part of tract of a a and co Uirted i i thu follnwhite nictes uii courses and distance' Botrlnnhifr at a fitakn.aiid pll ir ritonea at the southwest come beroof and i thenco i i 1 logreoa pcrchun to IL Htono illft a foot of a marked black mk tree, the end nf Sfl icrnlies i 2 i lino whoU ract mid i with Hat j-ovcrscfl, jiortli S3 flesreef cast i pcrchcH.
In the 'end n'r the i thence 2 7 de- n-eos wust .17 porches to a a pile, honca by a i to tho place a i i 15V- acres 't land ninre nr less; and bo.Fnjj the anie trnt't of land inherited bv John V. Ooltmnclior from his mother, rreltninclicr. PARCBL NO. a ain land con tin In acres and perches of land, more or less, anil (fiinj; 1 the a tract or parnei nC rroiinrl whiclt devipful. In John eased, bv hia athor.
Thomas J. GeHinuchfci-. lis -n-ill ore appear by reference to the ist i a Testament of the said 'homas recorded hi TV ill iook G. folio lit, 1 in tho. office of ister oC Wills of said County, nnd also tho same properLv which lo tho said Thomaa J.
loitmar.hcr by deed rocorded in Liber I'. McK. K. No. folio S35, one of Land -Reooivls of Washington saving and esecntlnb: a a or parccil of consfstiniT 7 acres which WHS conveyed by 'liomns J.
Ocltmacher to j'ohn lyder, by deed dated September 22. recorded in No. 122, -J6-1, of: said Land Parccl No. 1 la improved by a valu- rcsidenco oC a lory frame i house a i 1 9 rriomji; barn, else- 2(5x60 PLEASE! When unswtrinj? any of these ads, either by writing 1 or in personal interview, kindly state that you saw the advertisem*nt in Thft Herald-Mai), This Will immediately identify you as a progressive quality reader, aid the advertiser, and insure you the very best service. Thank You Classified Uisphy fiuustp, wuijoii shed ana Mher which a.
good of repaint. thft i iiou.se i a 5 acre a a i I a Sap a iSfiii Dfivis apple- 1 a of peach fui'I priii- trees. There is alVo a saw i well imd cistern on farm, as well i i a stream i crossr-s tht iini'thcust corner of the frinit. Parcel is a in jtppta orchard i Is between 15 A 2J years old, a i Vnrhs, Hen Wsvia. Biacx t'wifr.
i Sap, Jonathan, a other varieties. At onn corner of this i rant is a packing shed in somi a of repairs. Part-Ms 1 and 2 will he rts a Partv-h; ,1 and 4 u-ill lift offered separately. Posspa. sion of a i properties will civTM A i 1.
a complianca fhc- ttTinH of sale. OF SALE: of r-urchasR money to IIP paid in on tli-i -lay of a the a i on A i I. i tntsre-it day of deferred a i i i a i of the i or at the of purchaser, A A Executor of Jf.hn W. 0. r.
"ICnailler. Auctioneer. ST0C1S SALE OCTOBER 27, At. a. 'in.
In of Coiii-t Houso in Ilagerstown, Md. shares Central Public Service prsEsrred stock, our Gas Co. sharcn P. Telephone 7 stock shards Pictophcmo '5 shares Fotomaa stock" TERMS-- Caali F. jr.
Auct. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1331 A I St N- Foundry'St. Leatei pi mo i llvinjr room suit fiufrei closet 2 I a tvtensipn tihle cab- iefiI 0 eritor cnrpeti rugs lot other household articles numerous th. i TT RMss--Cts i tiAIUETj.E. HULL.
A F. Automotive 3 Sport Coupes, 1 Cabriolet. 2 Coupes. 3 Roadsters. 2 Fordor Sedans.
5 Tudor Sedans. Low Down Payments. Your Cnr May Be the Down Payment Public Sale Publlo Sale Classified Display 1 A room Uoust (1 S-iraffe, cheap rent; N. han. "RTH room hoi lodern convcnfencoH.
$35.00. A North. OTOSfAC ST.is.-220--!) room, vnpoi (fiirnpo, i i 24S1, IS'f--6 room I .11 conveniences. A KBHILL roonw, nvcniencos, norclics, yard 428 VirKinia. Avo.
room house 12.50 nc i a POH.I lon. A T16 i Ave. 1JOKMAX AVR. ouso; Co. Modern nt once; ftar Phone 2-1S1, KHT und furiinco, dnulilo.
pply Mrs. B. K. Jltiy'etis OODPOINT--5 room biipt'iilow, i onvcnlftnccs, ffar.iBo, tot. Apply 8t3 Ave, C.
Jtavnlmrt. KST SlDlit-fif)--0 room lio onicnccs, A 'ranKHn, Airs, Kulion. KST H1UB- HOIIRO for ont; DOfiscsslon Xovomlmr 1st. Call ,1. S.
Hofth. EST ooni 'hrlck. numfli. 'tla- town Hani; Trust XOTILT-: is i that the liu'ely bet i M. G.irriHoii Jitul G.
M. i liams. oC Clianihcrsljiii'fj, nli- dor tho firm of Gnrrt.son and i a dissnlvert on the 10th day of October, .1031, hy a consent. Doljts to sal.l a i bt; paid, and a on said Piirtncrsliip preStnted to H. ii, a rlsDii at 1 Philadelphia ChainhorslMirb', PvMina.
M. i will a I i i I i i for-1 incrly i on by a i IF. Af. GATtUiSOX, G. ailnfrk A Mlnlnlf, At hfvrf, Pn Of Thoi'ouBhbrcil Urood Marcs, in Foul to Sen Rip, property of IT.
B. JR. be held TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 in tlio "Paddock of the Laurel Race TracV MIX Rooms mid Board Rooms and Board SAT'UKOAY, OCTOHKR 21, One O'clock, In on a. block from One 5-pl6co parlor siift, 1 wardrobe, 1 brnp.s bud, 1 book c.iso, 1 pieoo iti.ii'blo top bail room fiulto, 10'J yrs. old; table, .1 larKo cup- hoard, I sink, 12 chairs, several library table, novoral 2 moves 1 refrigerator, 1 largo chest, 1 couch, sovcrM plows.
1 har- sliovclH, 1 tioni -slifllnr. 1 barrow Iron and rack, looin and oilier articles. i lo bo removed i I3KM-- C.lHli.' A MOTEL Two room, i a bath, i i room unites. Slccptiifi- rooms. All with i watur, With or i bath.
Music Room Reading' Lomitro Kitchen and throe' nyijm.dlnotta a a i a i i 'or lifiuDckocping, gas, heat, maid nnd SERVrCB A A I K.VI'KltlEXCWD HOTEL STAFF, You can llvo closer to' bvia re.Mionnbly and bn relieved of tlio anil i of i nesH npl; In a a codiCort morn id a i of a auil Day, or rates a i a i i tho tiny economy. MR, AXD MItS. THANK L. i m'fi in.