The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

GiotriCEN THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1923 1 Stock, Bond and Commodity Quotations; Industrial and Financial News LATE DRIVE BY BEARS ARRESTS. 7 PRICE ADVANCE Attack on Steels Is Based on' Rejection of Bethlehem Claim: Equipments Recede. Market Summary Twenty industrials averaged 93.90: net gain, 32. High 1923, 105.38: low.

92.77. Twenty railroads averaged 80.91; net gain, .25. High 1923, 90.63; low, 80.13. NEW YORK. May continued their upward course at the opening of today's stock market in response to further short covering and 8 moderate amount of new buying attracted by the recent low prices.

1 The recovery. while generally regarded as a correction of an over-sold condition. undoubtedly was aided by the statement of the advisory council of the Federal Reserve Board setting forth that business conditions were sound and that there was no immediate prospect of an increase in Federal reserve bank rates. The rally was checked in the late dealings, however, by another bear attack on the steel shares which was founded on the announcement that the claim of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation for $8,300,000 alleged to he due under war time contracts, had been tentatively disapproved by the Board's claim committee which was said to have the approval of A majority of the board. Bethlehem Steel which had sold as high as dropped to 62.

A new low record for the year, and then moved back to There it was off on the day. Sevaral other popular shares. particularly in the steel and equipment groups. level of closing prices buts higher than eased in sympathy, the 'general that of yesterday, although volume of sales was considerably lower. The weekly steel and iron trade reviews report no change in that situation; but emphasize that the test of prices in ahead.

and that the falling off of structural work As well AS in oil field drilling will be factors. Thus far there has been little or no sign of duplicate orders or cancelations. California l'etroleum was one of the outstanding strong spots. touching and then casing off to where it was up four points on the day. The ready absorption of all offerings of this stock indicates accumulation by important interests.

Some good buying also was noted in Marland Oil, which crossed 47 and then eased off to 461, up two on the day. Impressive strength also was shown by General Electric, American Car, Goodrich, American Ice, A350- ciated Oil, Austin Nichols, Brown Montana Power. Lorillard Tobacco. Sterling Products, Postum Cereal and Jewel Tea preferred, the Aet gains ranging from two to six points. Call money opened and renewed at per cent.

but softened to before the close. The demand for time money continued quiet with occasional maturities to four months arranged at 5 per cent. bankers asking for the longer New commercial raper is being received in fair amount, the bulk of the prime names commanding' 5 per cent. Trading, in with the foreign continental exchanges was selling causing a slight drop in some of the principal rates. Demand sterling held fairly around $1.63 and French francs around 6.66 cents.

Norwegian kroner dropped 19 points to 16.05 cents. a new low. German marks advanced slightly .0019 cents despite the publication of the weekly Reichsbank statement an increase of nearly 000,000,000 marks in circulation, bringing the total in excess of seven trillion marks. Stock Quotations. FalaR High.

Low. Close. Net. 100 Ad Rum pr. 100.

Air Reduct 62 1500 Ajax Rub 600 Alas Gid AI Ch 1200 A Ch 640 Am 200 Am Beet Busch 100 Am ::100 Am Can :01 jAm Can $00 Am 400 Am Chain Am Cot of 2100 Am pr :00 Am ur Syn 3,0 Am Ice 2100 Am Int Cor 100 Am-f. Fran $00 Am Linseed 3400 Am Loco -100 Am Lia Pr 100 Am pr Am Metal 300 Am Radiat 160 400 100 Am Am Am Sat Sum Shop Smelt 400 Am Sum pr 100 Am Snuff 1500 Am St Fdy 1110 Am Sugar Am A Am Tob Tob 700 Am Tob Pr. 591 13c0 Am Wool 800 Am WI pr 300 Am pr 100 Am 210 'Anaconda Dry Gds AssOC On 3106 Atchison Atchison Bir 100 At1 Const 400A Fruit atfs A Aus-Nickol Knit Ha Bald Loco 6360 Balt Ohio. 1100' Bradl Cor Beech Pk Reth Steel Rklyn Edi 500'B Brown Shoe Bros Bros Bros 100 Rut 1600' Rut 2400 Caddo Oil Pack 'Cal Petrol new 4900 Cal Pet 3700 Cal Can Par 100 Cars Gld. 3100 Cent Leath 1000 Cen PE 1900 Cerro de :.00 Chand Jot 1400 Chea 201 Chos 0 340 Chi Atl 100; Chi :00 Chi Gt Gt a st 2100 1800 Chile Cop 1600 Chino Cop 300 Chi I 500ICRI RI 200lCluet-Feab Pneu A 600 Col Coca-Cola 75 900 Col 1800C 600 Col Graph Con Comp Gas Clear Textile Tab 10 STOCK QUOTATIONS, Tales.

High. Low. Close. 1000 Cont Can 6:00, Cont Alot lorn Prod 400 Corn no Coden $300 Crucible 300 Cu Sugar 1900 Cu Sug pr 2500 Cu-Am bug 300 Cub Suz 1900 Fr 1800 Davison Ch Beers to 100 Del Hud 300 1000 Det Edi Dome Du de 300 East Kod 900 Elec 5t Bat 100 Elk Horn 100 Em Brant 600 1500 Erie Erie :900 Fam Play 100 Fifth Rus Fish Rody see Firk Rub Foundation Tex Gard Not 1600 400 Gen A PAD pr 500 Gen Cigar 000. Gen Elec El Spl 1400 Gen Motors 100 Gen pr $3 100 7 deb 100 Glidden Co 2:00 Goldwyn 400 Good :00 Gdyr pri 96 1000 Grandy Min 1400 Gray Dav 800 Gt Nor pr 900 Gt No Or sub.

Greene Cp 5600 Gull St. Sti 100 Hartman Cr 1100 Hayes Whi 33 35 200 Homestake 60 1500 Household ou 33 1600 Hudson 300 Hydraul St Mot St inhom Ret 300 Ind ou Ret 300 Inland Sti 100 luid St Pr 400 Inspir Cop 100linterh Agricul 10A Int Agri pr 300 int Cement Int Combus int Harv 100 -Mere 3200 Int pr 300 Int Nick Nickel 13 100 Int pr 100 Int Shoe 100 Int 3400 Invine 011 Oil etfs reclisland Dit 4100 Jewell Te 600 'Jewell Tea pr :00 Jones 3400 Jones Tea Kan Sou 200 Kan 300 Kayse! Jun Kelly 'Spring 100 'Kelly Spr 8pr Kenrecott Cop 600 Kayser 31 Ann' Kinney Co Kresge 'Laciede 1100 Lea 200 Lehich 10 2700 Lima I.oco 1100! Low's Inc 500 Loft Candy Lorillard Pr 400 Pr pr 100l1 ou Nash Truck Mack Tr 1pr 100 Macy 100' Macy Co pr A Cop 2100 100! Man Sugar 100 140' Manh Manati Elec 504 Sux Man El scrip 900' Manhat Sh 140 Mar St Ry 100 Mar 3pr St pri or 4610-Mraland Oil 400' Start Parry 100' Math Al Jot A Mot Mar Dept 30 'Mcintere gen'atex Sea Co In StR carlito Pacific Pacific or Power 1200 'Mont. Ward Moon Mot Nash Motors 'Nash re Arma Riscuit R's En Nat Lead Con $00 Con CoD Air Rrk Air Br A Cen Conner Dark Nor Amer Nor Amer 2100 Nor Pacific How car lOrnh 500 'Otis Cir Flern 100'Otis Bat jor Devel PAC 200-Pac Jail nAiPacine Oil Pack Jct 13700 Pet Bing 1400 Penn SAP 2400 Pere Marq 100' Pers pr 500 Phila Co 100'P Co 200 Jon pr Phillips 1:00 Pierce- Ar 100' Pierce- A Pierce Oil 300 Pierce 200 'Pitts Coal 900 Pitta. 1001P Post Cercal 100'Pr St1 Car 6360' Prod Rel NJ 200 CN. gor'P 8 200 Pa'lman Pun AI Sur 430c Pure Oil 100 Pure pr 200' Rand Mine Tran 300 Rap pr 9'Ray Con 1300 Read'ng 200 Rem'top 400 st Rep St I st pr.

1200 Rey Springs 2000 Rey Tob Dutch 30018 1. 8 pr 400'9 30019 S'w 200 Sarace A 100 Schulte Seneca Cp 1600 Scars Roeb 28706 Shell U. 700 Simmons Co pr 1300 Simms Pet Sincl Con 1 'Skelly OIl 100 Sine 0 pr 8 1100 South Pac 10 600 South pr 100'S fu 1300 Spicer MEg 2600 Stan Cal ON Stew War 1900 1100Strom Carb 2800 Subm Boat 260' Super Oil Sweets Co 400 Ten 5100 Texas Com 1100 Texas Gulf 61 400 Tex PAC 2041Third Ave 5100 Timk 38 100 Tob Prod Frod A Sales. High. Isco; Transcon oft 600 Lind Typewrit 2:00 Union Pac Un Pac pr 200 Unit Al St1 700 Unit Drug 804 Drug 1pr R.

pr Prod 500 8 Ind Alc 1100 tm pt Rubher Steel 30 1 Steel pr 1300 copper Utah Cor Vanad Cor Car Ch Ch pr a dort EI 1300 West Md 3pr West Pao West Penn Penn Un Tel Th 600 White Earle Thite Motor 1100, White Out Wick Snen Sti Willys Over Ov Pr Wilson 300 Wiscon Cent Woolworth 400. Wright Aero Total against 616.404 week a 1,366.400 year and $07,000 two years ago. From Jan. to date. 107.019,90€.

ainst 105.360,037 year and two years ago. New York Curb Market. Total of 512.600 shares. Total sales of hands $519,000. NEW YORK, May 23-Following 1s the nfAcial list of transactions on the Now York Carb Eschange, giving stocks and bonde traded in: Tigh.

Low. Close. Sales. INDUSTRIALS, Cot Fabric pr 1004 200 Am Gas El pr Armour ro pr Fruit Co 100 Rassick Alemite son Bridgeport Mach 'Brit Am Tob coup 100 Int Corp City A Ruddy 200 'Cent Teresa Sur Co I 1000 Checker Cab 1500 'Chicago Ninnia 2300 'Chic Steel Whi 6300 Chic Steel Whi pr 500 Cleveland Auto 100 Am Drug Store. 100' Brit Int Corp 100 DuPont Motors Eaton Axle Co Edmund Jones Pipe Ra Pipe pr Wanner Mal Cast West Feed 40'Aeme Coal new 100 Alum Co Am pr 1300 Am Stores Co 100' Archer Daniels Mid 100 Columbia Motors Munsingwear Inc Colum Carbon rtf 100 Brew Ext 600 Cox Cash Stores 100; Davies W'm 25 Del T.

Coal 100' Douglas Pectin 1300 Dublier Con Ra 2604 A Durant Motors 1500 Durant Motors In 36; Equitable Trust Co Glen Alden Coal 1500 'Goodyear Tire 400' Heyden Chemical 100' Hud Manhattan Hydrox Corn Tobacco 600 Intercon Rubber 200' bi Iron 200' Midvale Sti Del National Leather Nat Supply Co 100 Oscida Corp $00 'Prime Radio 55c 666 Radio Corp com. 314 600 Do 5-16 900 Reo Mot Truck 18 100 Repotti Candy 1000 South Coat Iron. Stand MotStuts Mot 100 Swift Inl 200 Tech Prod 1300 Prod Exports Shipyards :100 Light 100 Do Pr 300 Unit Bakeries 100 Do pfd 100! United Prof Shar. Unit Retall Candy. soot nited Shoe Mich.

100 Wayne, Coal. :00 el Taxi Cab STANDARD OILS. Anglo Am Oll Burke $3 40 Cumberland 101 101 101 30 Eureka 100 100 100 143 400 Galena Humble Sig- Oil Oil 31 31 60 60 Imp Oil Can 109 23900 Inl Pet 170 Magnolia Pet 100 Ohio Prairte 4is I'rairte oil 104 south Penn of Ind of Kansas 10 Nebraska 8 of Ken 0 of 208 Ohio a 6600 Vacuum oil INDEPENDENT 1000' RIg Indian Oil 19c 19c 1100 Arkaneas Nat Gas. A neoriated oil Harrington Oil Leader Prod 900 New Bradford 200 Pet 400 Boston 380 Cit Sve 130 Carib Synd 35 Do ur 3500 Crcole Byrd 300 Perhy Of Engineers Pet 300 P'et ou Pr 1 Federal 3300 Glenrock on 600 Granada Oil 2600 Gulf Oil 5000 Humphrey's oil Of Ranger 30c 18c Lafayette On Keystone 1000 Livingston Creek Pet oil Maracaibo oil Oil Alex 00 Mexican P'anuco 68c 646 Eagle Ou 600 Mexican On 85c 3400 Tex Out 21c 22c Mexico 600 Prod 13904 OIl ctf Mex tal Co 300 New York Oil 15c 4040 Noble Oil Ou 200 Peer OIl 500'Tenn Beaver sot l'ennok Oil Royal Canadian Ryan Cons 1900 Salt Creek Creek Cons Fante a Fo 3100 Sapulpa Ref 1800 Seaboard Oil 3300 South States Oil A900 Turman Oil 3200 Wilcox ON MINING. 2100 Alas Brit Col Met 15c 47 1000 Cons 28 3Sc 38 Arizona Globe 17000 Belcher Ext 3c 3c 3c Beaver Big Ledge 1000 Boston Mont cor CUP 2400 Butte Western 61000 Candelaria 11c 10c 100 900 Canario 11-16 4000 Comstock Tunnel 26c :60 1000 Cons Nevada Utah 11c 11c 11 340 Consolidated Cop 4000 Silver 600 Cressin Gold 10 2400 'Emina Silver Mines 000 Eureka Croesus 140 15c 27000: Fortuna 21c 11c 21c 000 Golden, States 43c 12c 430 100 Gold Coin Goldneld Consol ic TC To Goldfeld I 11c 11c 11c 1000 Gold Development 80 Gold Jackpot 410 Amal Lead Belcher Divide 100 Copper Range 35 Tit 1000 100 200 Job East Kelly Cons Ext Butte 30c 1500 Premier Gild 300 St Croix 98 96c Utah Apex 4000 Goldfeld Florence 46c 44c 45c 400r Gold Zone Div Min 1000 Hard Shell Mining Hecta Mining Henrietta Silver 11c 15c 176 1100 Hilltop Min Hollinger Gold Min How- Sound Co Independ Lead 360 NEW TORK CURB MARKET.

Sales, High. Low, Close. 1000 Iron Blossom 33c 33c 300 Jerome Verde Div 3000 Knox Divide 400. Mason Valley 10t; l'opper, 65c National Tin 110 Cornelia 900 New Dominion SAGA Porcupine 550 600 Nintasing Copper 3400 RAy Hercules Min 6000 Red HIlls 11000 Rex Consolidated 3000 Richmond Copper 200 Salida Min 1.00 Kendall. 3000 Mines 1000 King Cons Sliver Kick Re.

2000 sliver Queen 360 2000 Sinion Silver 30c 300 30c 100 South A 1' pearhead 12c .2000 stand Aliver 21c 1000 Stewart Mining 1000 Rutherland Div 2600 Tech Hughes 4000 Tonopah Helmont soul INvide 400 Tonopah Exten'1 300 Tonopab Mininr 1000 8 Cont Mines 19c 19c 190 3300 Eastern :00 United Imperial nit Verde I West ('ons :3000 End Ext 100 White Knob Cop pr Yukon Gold BONDS. Bales (in $1000). Packer 63... is 103 Cotton 011 Gas Elec 68. 10 Am Roll Mills Sum Tob 1100 100 1: 4 Anacon Cop 76 103 103 Am Ou 103 103 103 Armour (o 90 90 4 Beaver Board 781 781 Beth 6tl 18 can Nat Ry 107 Can Nat Ily 99 Can Par cent 1 Charcoal Iron 2 Cities Service Graph 3 Cons Gas Ralt Con Gas Balt 2 Con GaR Batt 106 Fed Sus 6R '33 TiGen Pet 8 Pub Per 6, Cuban Tel 19 Deere Co 101 Detroit city 11 net Edison 4, 1 Dunlap TR 1 Fisher Body 99 10 Int Paper Ref 53 85 85 85 6 Kas City Sou 53 84 84 7 Kay City Term 80 Tire Do 2 Grand Trunk Gull Oil 50 9614 2 Hock Valley 100 2 interboro 1100 1100 4'Lig Winchester Gas A El RA1 4.

Maracaibo 1 Morris Co 1024 17. Nat Leather Power 87 Phil FI 614 11004 2: Phil Pet 100 100 100 6 Pub. Corp 103 102 102 Rued t100 1104 1104 (1041: 106 Co 2 Tidal Osage 2. U'n Oil 4 Vacuum Oil 1s FOREIGN BONDS. is King Nether 68 (100 1100 20 Mexico Gov 68 1100 4 8 Mexico 43 43 New York Bonds.

NEW YORK, May Following are today's high. low and closing. prices of bonds on the New York stock Exchange, and the total sales of each bond: S. BONDS. Sales (in $1406).

High. Low. Close. Liberty 1100.28,100.31 98.01| 60 Liberty 08.08 98.17 644, Liberty 2d 08.18 0S.04, 98.29 98.15 Liberty 3d 607. Liberty 4th 383,0 Gov FOREIGN.

Argentine Chinese Gov Ry Bordeaux 63 Christiania 1, Copenhagen Prague Lyons Marseilles 801 'Zurich 19. C'zechosl Rep Danish Mun :0 Dept Seine. 9 Can :6 Canada 58 Dutch Dutch Ind dev 55 French French 96 48 3 Japanese 93 03 Japanese Belgium 18! Denmark 4 Italy Netherlands 100 Not 7 Serbs Slov Sweden 22. Bolivia 3 :0 Chile Cuba 3 Queensland 1 Paulo 2 Swiss Confed UK of :8 UK ot Brazil Brazil Brazil -Cent Ry El Mexico exico 48 RAILWAYS AND 39 Am Agr Chem Am Smelt 68 11(Am Sur col DAm col TAm Elec Anaconda Cop nton Jurg Anaconda Cop Armour 8 Fe TAR adj 100 Cv of Pa 801 Con 6s 6er Brier HIll Steel Brklyn maguey Sug Can Nor 18 13 Can Pac deb 63 Carolina 1 of Ga 6s 20 Cen Leather 19 Cen PAC Gtd 13 Cerro Paaro 38 Ches hea Ohio Cv Ch Bur hic East hir id Western MIESt Cv Ret MIL a Rya Northwes 5 Chic Ind 11 Chile Copper 8 ref 13 Cleve Un Term 1034 Colo Ind 1 Rou ref Colum Gas Elec 12 Commonwealth ona Coal of Sid I Consumers Tower Cuba Cane Su deb Cuban Am sux 2 Del Hui Ref 14 Detroit Edis Riel 103 1 Donner Steel Ref Dupont de Nem 14 1071 10 Duquesne Light 1074 25 Eastern Cuba 30 Emp 91 15 Erie Pr lien 65 56 Gen lien Fisk Rubber 106 7 Gen Fire deb 68 9 Goodrich Goodyear Tire Tire 8 Gr Trk Ry of Can Do :4 Nor 23 Do 4 Hershey Chocolate 97 10 Hud Man Ret SEA 80 AdJ Inc 54 3 Humble Oil Ret 3 971 Cen 11 Do Ret 86 86 Inter It 30 89 inter 63 18 Inter ref 68 stpd 66 65 81 In adj 68 ctis 40 16 Int Mer Mar fig $3 7 Lehigh Talley 7 Lack Steel 58. 8 8 deb Myers RE 13, Lorillard unined 91 Sus NEW YORK BONDS.

Sales (in $1r00). High. Low. 23 Mar st Ry con 93 94 rv 87 861 613111 1, 54 83 83 10 St 3301 A pr I'n 8 8 6 new lien 19. Do new add 63 16 Mo Pao con 68 31 Do gen 43 3 Mont Pow Mont Tram rol Morris Co 1st 3 let 6.

4N Tex af Inc 30 Y'Cen deb 68. Rf Imp 11 Do con 83 Edison 60 G3 ret 12 Tel ref 68 gen West Nor Nor Am 2 Nor Nor Pac ref 47 Nor Par pr Hen 1 iNor Ft Pow ret 13 North Bell Tel 1 Ore 1st sh ret Ore- 60 99 Pac Gas Elec 3 de 16, Penn Da gen 100 con 2 Pco Gas Ch 4 Pare Marg ref 96 Phila Co col Pierce Arrow 74 'Prod 3 Punta Ale Rug 68 Reading gen 1 Rem Arms 8 2 Rep Iron SIR Ark La 33 I 86 178LA 8 67 67 adJ si no inc 6. 6 st South con 8 GO Seab Air Line con 36 Do adj 10'To ret 43 33 Sine Con on col On 19 'Sinclair 34'Sou Pac CV Pac Ret 3'Do Col Tr 30 Sou Ry Gen Con' 111 Do Gen 48 67 So Porto Rico Suz7s 15 0 of Cal doh Ave Ret 11 Do AdJ 53 liTobacco Prod 1106 Eden 107 107 6'Un Pa 6g 974 974 out of Cal I Pac 1st 20 To CV 95 to Drug 110 1st 65 It 14 Rub 68 Steel 8 31Un Stores Realty 23 Utah Pow Re Lt Vertientes Sug Va swith 30 Va Ch 3 Virginian Ry 96 Wabash 1st al Warner Sug Ret Mary 1st 60 a West Pac 53 West Un 6 house Elec 1 -Spencer Stl Wilson Co CV 6... Total sales of bonds today were 9.988.- 000, compared with $12,062.000 previous day and $12,335,000 year ago. Boston Stock Market.

High. low. Close. Adventure 35c' Ahmeek 68 63 Alaska Gold 25c Amoskeag 00 30 30 Amoskeag pr 80 80 80 Am Pneu 3d pr. Am Pneu Service Hurar Ret pr Am Tel Tel Am pr Am Woolen pr 101 Anaconda Arcadian Con Arizona Com Boston Albany Boston Con Gar 1107 107 107 Boston Elevated Froston El pr 96 Boston '1st pr Loston El pr 101 Roston Gos Mo ist pr Ens Me 1st pr Dos de ale 1st Arizona Calumet Hecla 370 Carson Hill Mining Chi Jc Stk Yds Copper Range East Butte Eastern Nass Ry Last Mass ky adJ 41 1 Eastern Mass 38 L'astern Co 101; Eastern Co 106 100 106 Edison Electric Elder Miz cils Franklin 50c 30c 50c Gardner Mot Inc 104 Gen Elec special Gray Davis 10.

Hood Rubber Int Cement Island C'rerk 106 Isle Royale Connor Kidder pr Libby Libby Theaters Mass Gas Jase Gas pr May dower-Oli Col Silas River Power Siohawk Nat Leather Telephone New C'ornelia Nipissing North Hutte Orphe am Circuit Osceola Pacino Mills Park City Mining Cr'k Quincy Reece Buttonhole Rock'd lock'pt Rutland pr So States Out Mary's Land Superior Boston Co Trinity Copper 80c 85c Swift International, Toulumne 30c 30c 30c Union Drill United Drug 1st pr United Fruit United Shoe Mach Un'd Shoe Mach 8 Am Bin Rel Ret pr 8 steel Utah Apex Utah Cons'd Ventura Oil Waldorf System W'h prior pr Walworth Warren Bros Wolverine BONDS. At WISS ill 1: Ty 5s Mass Gas Miss Riv Pow Tel Tel Swift Lib .1100 100 Co 53 Lib Lib Th Lib Lib 1.1b 4th Treasury Bros Tel Tel Boston Curb Market. High. Low. Close.

Bagdad 126 12c Ray State 49c Sc 6c Mon Corp. 16c 18g 18c Boston Ely Caditiac 640 640 64c Box Crystal Calaveras (nor) 5-161 Colorado Min 6c Denbigh Jin Bo Erupcion Eurcka Croes 15c First National 400 40c 70c Gadsden Iron Cap 36c Sc 3c Rosa Majestic Mohican Cop Nixon Nor E0c Pr Faymaster Radio Co Rex Cons Dev 14 Ruby Cons Salida Min Seven Metals No States Con 14 Un Texana Verde Ext Verde Min 61c Sugar. Market. NEW YORK, May 23-The raw sugar market was unchanged with reAners still out of the market, although there was a sale of 7000 hags of Cubas AN operator for June. loading at 6.33, 1.

n. b. Cuba, equivalent to 614c cost and freight, or 8.28 for centrifu- gal. Both Cubas and Porto Ricos were offered at quoted prices. Reports of a little better inquiry for refined sugar, led to scattered covering and trade buying in maw futures and prices during the early session show ed sitions.

The advance a failed to bring advances of 7 to 9 points on active poin any fresh outside buying, and prices reacted in the afternoon under realizing or liquidation and Anal prices were 4 points higher to 1 point net lower. Closing: July, 6.37; 6.43; 5.59: March. 4.67. There was 1 little better demand reported in the fine sugar market prices were unchanged at 9.50, to 9.90 for the Ane granulated. futures nominal.

Local Security Prices Bid and naked prices of local securities Inventment Brokers' meeting of Association the Sprinkleld follows: were BANKS. Atlas Trust 10 Div. Bid. Asked. Chapia National Chicopee National Commercial Trust Springheld National Spid.

Fate Dep. Ac Trust Third National Union Trust City Holyoke Falle Trust Holyoke National PArK Holyoke First Wertfeld Hampden Westfeld First North. 130. Hampshire Co. Trust 120 Northampton Nat.

$15 First Greenfeld 175 Franklin Co. Trust 105 First Amherat 150 Prod. S. Deerheid 120 I North Adama Nat. North Adams Trust Morris SpAd, West SpAd.

Trust Greylock National SERVICE CORPORATIONS. Amherst Gas Co. 90 Amherst Water Co. 115 Greenheld Elec. Light Holyoke St.

Railway Holyoke Water Power Sit. Tom Railway N. E. Tower pr SpAd. Gas Light ($25 par) Northampton St.

Ry. 65 Springheld Rya. pr Turners Falls Power United Electric Licht 12 231 INDUSTRIALS AND, MISCELLANEOUS. Berkshire Cotton 101 145 150 Bizelow Hartford com 152 I Rigelow Hartford pr Bircham Rend 176 Chapman Valve com 145 Chapman Valve Pr. 103 Chemical Paper pr Consol Dry Goods com 6A Consol Dry Glade Pr Crocker Dwight MfR Farr Alpaca Fiberlold pr Fink Rubber 1st 69 72 Greenfeld TAD Die 93 100 Greylock Mills 143 Haydenville 100.

Hodges Carpet Hendre Mig. pr 80 14 Holyoke Card Re Paper 160 Cotton pr Ludlow Mfg, Assoc Bradley pr. Moore Drop Forge pr National Equipm't com National Equipment pr Package Mach. com x-div 10i Package Machinery pr Snid. Strathmore Fire Paper Marine com Strathmore Paper or ....11 8.

Envelope com 143 S. Envelope pr 110 Roylston Mfs. com W. Roylston MEg. pr x-div feld Mfc.

com West deld Mfg. pr Lyman Smith Wesson. Inc. Bowles Lunch, pr Chicago Markets. Grain and P'rovisione.

CHICAGO. May 23-Wheat declined in value today chiefly owing of speculative interest and to slowness of export demand. The market closed unsteady. to 11c net lower, with July 1.17½ to 1.17⅝. and September to 1.15½.

Corn lost to oats to and provisions to Chicago Futures. WHEAT. High. Low. Close.

May 120 July 1171 Sept. CORN. May 80 July. 801 Sept. 773 58 OATS.

May July 42 15-16 Sept. 39 15-16 RYE. July 7914 Sept. LARD. May 11.15 11.22 11.15 July 11.13 11.00 11.23 RIBS.

Sept. 9.59 9.40 9.42 Livestock Market. CHICAGO. May 23-Cattle; receipts 12,000: killing classes generally steady; closed Arm on beef steers; top tured steers 10.80 for, to 1573- pound average; several loads 10.65@ 10.75; long yearlings making latter beef steers and yenrlings 8.254010.95: relatively few weighty steers of plain quality below 9.35; few light upward to 8.60; plain Arkansas bred. steers to killers S.15: some 750 pound Montanas to feeder buyer 7.60: ycarlings numerous at 9.50 many being mixed steers and heifers: vealers steady to 25c lower: light kind showing decline: stockers and feeders, scarce Arm; spots higher; desirable bologna bulls 6.400 5.60: bulk vealers to' packers 9.00 10.26: best kind 10.60; upward to 11.50; to outsiders; bulk canners cutters 3.86€70.00.

Hogs: receipts 15.000; opened weak to 10c lower: closed steady to Sc lower: better grades showing strenath; top 7.55; bulk 160 to 225 pounds average 7.40407.50; 210 to 325-pound butchers 7.200 0 7.40: packing sows mostly 6.000 6.30: desirable 110 to 130-pound pigs 6.25@ 6.73; estimated holdover, 12,000. Sheep: receipts 8000: slow lower: best clipped lambs :4.50; bulk 13.75 014.50; bulk native spring lambs 16.00 007 16.75; top 16.75; sorting heavy: medium to good Texas wethers 6.300 7.00; good 102-pound Missouri fed wethers 1.50; no California lambs on sule; fat ewes mostly 5.50 G.25. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 23-A further sharp advance bullish private crop and acreage Agures carried the price of July contracts up to 27.17 in the cotton market during today's early trading. This represents a recovery of no less than 387 points from the low Icrels reached on the decline earlier in the month and evidently attracted heavy realizing.

As a result there were very sharp reactions, with July selling off to 26.60 in the late trading, or $7 points from tho top and 31 points net lower. That delivery closed at 26.13 with the general market closing stendy, net unchanged to 25 points lower. Cotton future opened Arm. May, 28.65: July, 27.10; October, 21.30; December, 23.65; January, 23.47. Cotton futures closed steady: May, 28.20: July, 26.13: October.

December, 23.50: January, 23.25. Spot quiet; Middling. 28.40. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 23-The market for coffee futures was very quiet again today and about the only features was a little covering by- near month shorts who found very few sellers around the ring.

The opening was 2 points lower to 3 points higher, May sold up to 10.13, or points above yesterday's close, while later months showed net advances of 6 to 12 points with December selling at 8.08. The close was a little off from the best on near months but was 5 to 15 points net higher. Sales were egtimated at about 7000 bags. Closing quotations: May, 10.05; July, 9.38: 8.44: 8.08; March, 8.00; May, 1923, 7.95. Spot coffee Quiet: Rio Ts, to New York Produce.

NEW YORK, May 23-Butter steady, receipts 12,517.. Eggs steady, receipts 45,954. Potatoes irregular; New York, all up-state sections, old crop, round white No. 1 per 150 lh sack, 2.25 new crop Florida Spaulding Rose No. 1, per double headed barrel 7.00 7.50; South, Carolina, per cloth' top stave barrel No.

-1, cobbler 6.000 6.50. Cabbages quiet; Virginia per crate of about 100, lbs, 1.500 2.25. Domestic Money Rates. NEW YORK. May 23-Call money steady; high per low ruling rate closing bid offered at last loan Call loans against acceptances per cent.

Time loans steady: mixed collateral, 60 and 90 days per and six months Primo mercantile paper 5 per cent: Drygoods Market. NEW YORK. May 23-Cotton goods and cotton yarn markets were steadier today inquiries showing a little more breadth. Knit goods were quiet with reordering for Alling in purposes light. Silks were quiet.

Burlaps were. in slightly letter call. Jobbers reported a slow trade. Foreign Exchange. NEW YORK, May 23-Foreign exchanges irregular; Great Britain: Demand 4.62%: cables 60-day bills on banks 4.61.

France: Demand 6.66: cables 6.66½. Italy: Demand 4.81½: cables 4.82. Belgium: Demand 5.74: cables 5.74½. Germany: Demand cables Holland: Demand 39.14: cables 39.17. Tifft Brothers Members New York Stock.

Exchange INVESTMENT SECURITIES NETOA MIN MEMBERS Third National Bank Building Springfield, Mass. Seybolt Soybott THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING FOR SALE Hodges Carpet Company Capital Shares, Price $11G per share. Orders For 100 Shares; or LESS will attention. careful HUNT. 11 LI9 co.

Stork and Hand Brokers Members Consolidated Stuck Exchange of N. r. r. A. HULBARD.

SET. Call t's for Quotations 289 MAIN Springfeld. Established 1901 New Loan Exempt from the Federal Income Tax $100,000 CITY OF MANCHESTER, N. H. Coupon Sewer Bonds Dated April 1, 1923 Maturing $5000 each year April 1, 1924 to 1943 Prices to yield 4.25% Harris, Forbes Co.

Incorporated Harris Forbes Bullding Boston Norway: Demand 16.05. Sweden: Demand. 26.65. Denmark: Demand 18.55. Switzerland: Demand 18.06.

Spain: Demand 15 26. Creece: Demand 1.75, Poland: Demand .0020. Czechoslovakia: Demand 2.98½. Argentine: De36.12. Brazil: Demand 10.35.

Montreal: Boston Wool Market. By Leased Wire to The Union, BOSTON, May 23-The Summer Street wool market showed no, indication of movement in either direction today. Trading was dull and inactive. The center of interest continues to be the Western sales. Wyoming growers are holding some of their wools for prices above 43C.

Montana growers also are Arm in their price demands and unmoved by present bids. Metal Market. quiet: spot futures NEW YORK, May 23 Copper Tin Armer, spot and futures 42.25. Iron steady: prices unchanged. steady, spot 1.25.

Zinc easier: East St. Louis spot and nearby delivery 6.600 6.65. Antimony, spot 7.30. Bar Silver Market. NEW YORK.

May 23-Foreign bar silver, cents per ounce: Mexican dollars, cents. Clearing House Statement. Clearings and balances at the Springfeld Clearing House May 23 compared with the corresponding day last year were: 1923. 1922. Clearings $812,110 $671,063 Balances 112,936 52,753.

NEW YORK, May 23-Exchanges, balances, $72,000,000. BOSTON, May 23-Clearings, balances, $21,000,000. Summer Resorts RHODES ISLAND. The Occan House COTTAGES. ANNEX A AND LODGES Watch.

Hill, R. I. WILL OPEN EARLY IN JUNE New additional Baths, Tennis Courts And other improvements since last season. For reservations address J. F.

Champlin, Watch Hill, R. I. MASS.ACHUSETTS. Mt. Holyoke Hotel Opens Saturday, May 26 J.

A. Rowell, Mgr. Tel. Northampton 135-WV ELM WOOD HOTEL, Chesterfeld, Massachusetts. Open May 30.

W. S. Knapp, Prop. Rates $18 per wk. up.

Phone 20. Under new management. Excellent cuisine. ANNOUNCEMENTS l'ersonals, CONFINEMENT CASES--Strictly conddential. Box 40, Union Office.

INFANT GIRL for adoption. Box :85, Union Office. INFANT BOY for edoptiou. Box 217. Union Offire.

LET THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE make your cakes. ples and other delicious home cooked foods, 33 Harrison Ave. OGSTON CONVALESCENT HONE -Invalida, elderly people: reasonable. 2678-J. THE HOME HOSPITAL is now open at 39 Firglade formerly of 62 ATOR Place Phone R.

550 for rates. J. M. Werder. Supt.

wIll, take care of adult invalide; best of references. Tel. Hampden 16. Lost and Found 10 BUNCH OF KEYS in case lost last week: Ander please return 160 Spring St. W.

:758. COLLIE DOG lost, strayed or stolen from 190 Hanco*ck Tuesday morning. 1 month pid; reward If returned to same address. ENVELOPE lost contaming Finder please call Walnut 1353. LADY'S WRIST WATCH lost Saturday on Main St.

Finder Tel. River LOST--Tortoise shell glasses on Shawmut Dickinson Belmont Ave. nf Garfield St. "Tinder please call R. LOST- Small hoston bull, bat ears, white face and neck.

brindle hody; no collar: answers to name reward. Notify Mrs. Frank W. Quilty. 37 Ft.

Pleasant City. Tel. River 1390. LOST- -A pair of tortoise shell glasses hetween the Bijou and Franklin St. Return to P.

0. Box 64. LOST--Wire wheel and tire, 31x4, between Belchertown and Springfield, Wednesday. 143 High St; reward. SMALL.

CHANGE PURSE lost in vestibule at 210 Pearl night of May 21. taining sum of money mail box ker. Fiuder please call Walnut 1933-W. SQUIRREL neckpiece lost. Please phone Walnut WANTED- Part load of furniture or merchanting 10 Saturday, May :6.

Rox 313, Union office. WANTED A place to board a 3 year old girl with mother's care. Box 315, Union Office. AUTOMOBILES Automobile Agencies AUBURN Beauty SIx. Garinger Motor distributors, 650 Main Stu Meld.

Mass, Walnut. 396. BAY STATE AUTOMOBILES -Made by R. H. Long Co.

Sales and. service, 875 Main Walnut 4839. BUICK--The Springfeld Buick cor. Main and Gardner River 7868. CADILLAC-Distributors for Western Mass.

and So. Vermont. Western Mass. Cadillac Oak, cor. State St.

R. 7410. CHANDLER and Cleveland sales and servIce. Chandier Motors of Springfield, 346 Chestnut Ft CHEVROLET MOTOR -Sales and service. A.

V. Reopell, 687 State 6L River 2586. Springfield, Mass. DODGE BROTHERS motorcars. William Alotor Sales 64-66 Howard St Wat 2483.

DORT AND LIBERTY and service. Giddings Motor 318- Chestout St. River 1990. FORD Cars, Fordron Tractors, Bales, Serve Ice: genuine pasts and accessories Automobile Bales 95 liberty. Walnut 1460.

FORDS AND repairing aDd service stationa H. K. Smith Co. 834 State St. Walnut 3850.

GARDNER AND and service. Blue Ribbon Motor Eales. 95 Main At. Walnut 1287. G.

M. TRUCKS- -Sales and Service. Springfield Buick 758 Stain St. JORDAN MOTOR CARS- Sales and tce. West." Sass distributor.

Jordan Springfeld 167 Main. River 7915. parta, service. 743 Main Overland STANLEY C.AR-Warriner Edmonds, distributors for Western MRS8. Sales and Service, $1 Bliss 8t.

Tel, 4302. STUDEBAKER Sales sad, Service station. F. G. Parker Worthington SL Tel.

Walnut 4146. WESTCOTT. Sales and Service Station, Rayfeld Carburetora. Edward's Garage, 27 Hanco*ck St. Phone River 3546.

-Sales. parts, service. 743 Main Overland Springneld. Automobiles for Sale 11 ANDERSON coupe, excellent condition. 1st payment $200.

M. A. Laporte, 94 Broadway. APPERSON SEDAN. late 1922.

less than 10,000 miles. Al condition. Russell Hathaway, 427 State W'al. 2376. BOURNE TRUCK.

2-ton. AT shape; will sell cheap. The Arrow 11 Park Hit. BUICK TOURING for sale: Willys Overland six; 5-passenger Pare sedan; Ford touring: all in -class repair. Williams Auto Westfeld, BUICK 1970, No.

44 roadster: very classy loosing. smooth running. new tire equipwent: price right: terms. Winnamia, 82 Main St. BUICK TOURING- -Good condition.

good tires; $460. 701 Liberty st. BUICK TOURING. 1921-Original paint vory good, rood rubber, run 9000 miles Jack Stone. 69 Dwight St.

Wal. 1365. 4 block from State BCICK SEDAN- -passenger, good As rew: run culy aniles, P. 0, Box city..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.