Tool of the Gods - Chapter 2 - FuzzyWuzWriting (2024)

Chapter Text

Many gods call Mount Olympus home. Some stayed there only occasionally, such as Poseidon Lord of the Seas. A few lacked even a corner to call their own, like Hades and his Chthonic ilk. But one particular section of this Hellenic haven for the gods was a place of true splendor and beauty. Yes, many similar white marble pillars with gold filigree, but every bit of it seemed to radiate with the soft pink haze of desire and love.

This was the realm of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. One of the older members of the current Pantheon, she predated Zeus and his siblings by several millennia. Though it was said that despite her wealth of experience, the rather flighty goddess of romance was less than wise.

Wisdom… Pfft. Who cared about that? Wisdom got in the way of true love more often than not. Was it wise to sleep with your brother's wife? Was it wise to kill an elder so you could take his daughter more cheaply? Was it wise to set nations at war for one woman?

A certain goddess might say no, but Aphrodite didn’t care! Besides, that particular stuck up bitch had gotten hers.

The laughter of the love goddess echoed over her domain, letting all of her loyal servants upon Olympus new of her joy.

Along with a guest.

Faster than wind, faster than thought , one god heard that most impressively haughty laughter and raised a brow beneath his discus shaped cap.

“I can see someone’s having a good day.” Hermes, messenger of Olympus spoke, his voice entering the room a moment before his winged sandals landed.

Aphrodite looked up, unsurprised, or more likely uncaring. She lounged upon a comfortable looking dais and was attended by several loyal nymphs who carefully served ambrosia to this most beautiful of gods.

Hermes himself couldn’t deny that beauty. Aphrodite had hair like spun gold, spilling down from a flower crown that never failed to bloom. Her bright blue eyes were like deep wells that would take but a moment to lose oneself in, and her lips plump, pliant and utterly decadent.

Her figure was as wanton and begging of worship as any goddess, far in excess of most. Her bosom heaving, yet absurdly perky. Her hips round and demanding to be grabbed and gripped from every angle. She was quite literally built for sin, or so one particular system of belief would proclaim. But as the goddess of love, passion, and sex… how else could she look?

After all, this was Aphrodite: The Bimbo of Olympus, and she was damn proud of it.

Tool of the Gods - Chapter 2 - FuzzyWuzWriting (1)

“Ah, messenger. I know your bag is often heavy with all my worshipful missives.” The goddess looked at him through the corner of her eye as she spoke. Pink lips parted and Aphrodite’s tongue extended to receive a tasty morsel from a nearby nymph. She swallowed the bit of ambrosia and he could see her neck bob in the golden choker she wore.

It took him a moment to reply, the display was so erotic to even reach the jaded messenger. Thankfully a moment for such a swift god was a span of time so miniscule as to be unregistered by other beings. Alas, duty called and the goddess wasn’t wrong.

“Oh yes, sister goddess of mine. In fact I feel it's even more than usual.” Rather than just open his hip satchel, Hermes pulled the thing off his shoulder entirely. Aphrodite’s lips curled up at his words.

“Delightful.” The most supremely self satisfied laughter bubbled up out of the goddess once more. Her body shook in the sheer dress she wore, so thin that it was easy to make out the shape of her ever stiff nipples and the adamantine studs piercing them.

The sound sent a small tremor through the younger god, and his arousal was tempered by a bit of respectful fear. Aphrodite could have many effects on others, even the gods. If she noticed his wariness, she didn’t show it. Aphrodite only waved to the side as was their usual arrangement.

Hermes stepped up to the proffered table and upended his satchel. Despite the pack being barely the size of his two fists together, an absolutely impossible amount of rolled scrolls and sealed letters came free. They covered the table in moments.

These were missives to the goddess, and yes they were almost entirely from her worshippers and would be lovers. There was even one piece of ramskin with the rough hewn handwriting of a certain god of war demanding… well, more like begging, for a rendezvous with the goddess.

“I also have… this.” The last thing inside for Aphrodite was a special piece. A small shining envelope forged from shining enchanted bronze. It might have been just a written message inside, but Hermes would bet quite a bit that the entire thing would turn into a voice projector or perhaps even a miniature automaton to deliver the message. He wasn’t sure, and he wasn’t likely to find out.

“Put it with the rest .” Aphrodite said, her voice suddenly souring but Hermes only nodded, this too was part of their usual arrangement. She didn’t mean the rest of the letters he’d delivered. Closer to the wall of the godly palace was another table. A larger one.

It was covered in a bizarre and quite curious array of bronze trinkets and odds and ends. There were other sheets of bronze like the one Hermes held. Several cubes, a dozen spheres, and an array of fully built automatons of multiple sizes and shapes. From one in the image of a small Greek girl, to a large Bust of what looked like a man with mismatched features that looked as if he’d been bludgeoned with a stick shortly after birth.

This was of course the likeness of its creator, and given half a chance it would most likely be able to speak with his voice. The voice of Hephaestus. God of the forge and Aphrodite's husband.

Most of the items were covered in a layer of dust. An impressive thing since wind and water spirits were employed to clean every inch of Olympus to an endless everlasting sparkle. But they didn’t touch these… and neither did their intended recipient.

Hermes had been delivering these missives for centuries. Even now the messenger of the Gods had to shake his head in pity at the smithgods' wasted efforts. But turning his gaze back to Aphrodite, her absolutely addicting countenance trying to take him even now… Well, maybe he could understand.

“You know every time I pass through his forge, your husband asks of you? Anything and everything I might tell him, even information on who’s warming your bed.” He couldn’t meet her eyes as he said it, but Aphrodite had no shame, only a sneer for her poor pathetic husband.

“Oh? To ask even that?” It was well known that Hephaestus was a colossal cuckold. Perhaps second only to Hera herself. In an attempt to hold down the willful Aphrodite and to lock in the undying support of his own son, Zeus had married the Goddess of Love to the frankly hideous God of the Forge.

“I tell him nothing of course. Zeus alone knows why he wants such details.” Hermes supplied with a sad shrug. Hephaestus had caught Aphrodite in her entanglements several times. Most commonly with Ares, the God of War. Not that either Aphrodite or Ares seemed to care.

“He’s so pathetic. It's disgusting. Ugh…” Aphrodite seemed to shudder with honest revulsion. She was badmouthing her husband, a god, not just to him but infront of her handmaidens. The woman was ruthless.

“Often I just change the subject, I must admit. I couldn’t bear to tell him about Ares coming in here, or some lucky mortal, or…” Hermes looked away. The messenger really did feel bad for the smith god… But that hadn’t stopped him from coupling with the love goddess himself from time to time though.

Aphrodite smirked at him now, thinking the same. “Husband or not, it's really none of his business. Love shall not be shackled by anyone. To think he could do such just invites his never ending folly.” The goddess lifted her chin imperiously as she gave out judgment upon her distant betrothed.

“He shall ever wear the horns of a cuckold…” Aphrodite raised her hands as if in innocence of all guilt, then she slowly trailed them down her figure. “Such is the fate of any man, god or otherwise, to think they own this most glorious divinity.”

The power of her lust came off her in waves, and Hermes knew she was right. It was a cruel thing Zeus did. Perhaps he hoped the Smithgods' passion might stir the attention of the Goddess of Passion… if she wasn’t expected to do such things as a matter of course. That brought only the spite of a woman. Something dreaded by all men on, above, or below the earth.

“Of-of course, Lady Aphrodite! Only a fool would even try.” Hermes pushed out a laugh of his own while Aphrodite seemed to preen in the agreement of another god.

“Wastes his time…” Aphrodite murmured. “Would be better off with that pompous bi-…” She stopped mid speech, and Hermes watched the love goddess’ face take on an odd metamorphosis. Her disdain melting away, her narrowed eyes growing wide. The off putting moue on her lips twisting into a rictus grin of positively unhinged delight.

“Ha. Haha… Hahahaaha!” Aphrodite cackled with glee so great that the goddess had to rise. From lounging to sitting on her divan while her nymphs gave her space. The goddess gripped her seat while her divine chest heaved with something like hysteria. Finally the divine beauty was forced to reach up and carefully wipe away a tear that had formed.

The tear of a goddess… Quite a thing. A moment later it was flicked away and Aphrodite looked up, smirking like the cat that had fed upon the most delectable of canaries. Hermes was just a tad disturbed and he struggled not to show it.

“I can… see you’re in a good mood, sister goddess.” They weren’t really siblings, but Hermes often addressed the other olympians as such. Sometimes it annoyed Aphrodite, the immortal was actually quite proud of preempting every other entity on olympus. But now she just nodded.

“I am, Hermes. I am in a very good mood indeed.” Aphrodite’s eyes were half lidded and her shoulders shook as if she could break into yet more deranged laughter. Hermes nodded slowly. He knew he should leave, and he knew he should NOT ask. But the messenger god couldn’t resist.

“I must admit… I’m curious where this mood comes from.” He began, getting just a single raised golden brow from his peer. “I like to think I know the occupants of Olympus well… I’m usually aware of what’s put you into such high spirits… Or, rather who.” The messenger couldn’t help but smirk for a moment, and to his mild surprise Aphrodite smiled back in return.

Honestly he didn’t like seeing her smile like that.

“I have my secrets, messenger. But I’ll tell you this much and I’ll be blunt.” Her eyes shone with the pink power of barely controlled passion. “I’m not just the goddess of f*cking , I’m a goddess that knows how to f*ck someone over.” Hermers brows rose high enough to nearly disappear into his discus cap, what had this diabolical minx done?

“Oh yes… You would do well to remember those words, messenger!” Power swirled around Aphrodite, rustling her nearly transparent toga, lifting her hair, and scaring even her faithful nymphs.

“Ha! Yes, a very good message to pass on to any who would dare to ever underestimate Aphrodite. Goddess of L-” The woman froze mid word, one clenched fist raised. The power in her eyes was still there but swirling in an unusual way. Hermes was a god as well and he frowned while guessing what had happened. Either a form of divine communication, or some form of desperate plea reaching out to her.

To be honest, Aphrodite was not well known for replying quickly to either.

But as he watched the vision of beauty’s face twist, her brows furrow, her lips pursed, Hermes decided this time might be different. The goddess’s gaze cleared, but her expression remained perturbed. Her power was still there, but pulled in tightly and her agitated glare barely passed over him.

“Leave, messenger.” He could not remember ever hearing Aprhodite’s voice so cold, and Hermes was no fool.

The Traveling god turned on his heel, took one step forward, then was gone in a blur of barely disturbed air. Aphrodite felt his presence leave her realm a moment later. Now it was time for her to do the same.

The goddess raised her hands, golden bangles on her wrists jangling slightly at her tightly wound power shifted across her skin. All the power she’d gathered began to swirl up around the goddess of love like a pink cyclone. Soon it was so thick that she couldn’t even be seen through the shifting current of passion.

But as quickly as it had built up, the energy dispersed into clear air. Aphrodite… was gone.


Hermes was the fastest of the gods, but when push came to shove they could all get to where they were needed. After all, how else could a god work their power to aid those who called?

Alright, Aphrodite seldom answered even the most fervent of her worshippers. But this was something different. This was several of her most fervent acolytes being… Overwhelmed felt like the best word. And they were all being overwhelmed with their own passions inside her temples.

To put it more simply. The priestess of Aphrodite were having even better sex than her! That just wouldn’t do. So the Goddess connected herself to them, and just as powerful, the temple they occupied. One of her greatest temples, just outside of Athens.

Aphrodite appeared in all her glory at the entrance of her temple. Which was just a tad odd. It was her temple. She expected to be inside the blasted thing. But before her temper could swell any higher she was distracted by the first of her followers. Two of them in fact…

The two women were slumped over each other. One’s robe was quite disheveled, the other just… gone. But their chests, impressive ones as well, heaved with breath and wide lazy smiles adorned their otherwise unconscious faces.

Aphrodite focused on them, and she felt it. These two had very good-No. Incredible sex! They passed out from multiple org*sms. Eye’s glowing pink, she could see it. Like a phantom hanging over the women showing them in their former carnal glory. They shone in pink, while the person who had done this to them was weather in gold.

The naked woman was bent over, panting hard while getting f*cked like a bitch in heat. She was grabbing at the archway that led deeper into the temple, but in this moment thought of nothing but the thick throbbing manhood that seemed to grind into every sensitive fold in her puss*.

Aphrodite knew this, because with her power she became the woman. She felt what the acolyte felt. This priestess of Passion had sworn herself to Aphrodite, and so her thoroughly well f*cked c*nt was Aphrodite’s to experience.

The goddess shuddered as the woman came again. Eyes rolling, shoving her wrist into her mouth to bite down and badly deny a pent up scream. It all failed when the man using her thrust his full length into her and came. The size of him nearly made the goddess herself whimper, and the sensation of his hot seed erupting into her acolyte had Aphrodite’s body heating up.

But this wasn’t the end… The other Acolyte was standing right next to the two, her toga lifted up and two fingers thrust into her soaking sex. The figure f*cking her comrade didn’t gesture, mearly looked at the woman… Aphrodite couldn’tg see his face, but she saw his eyes… they were gold. But in that moment there was a flash of familiar pink power. Aphrodite’s chest caught…

The woman however moved as if commanded by her goddess. She lurched forward, leaniing over her friends back just as the man f*cking her pulled out. His co*ck a pure pillar of golden light… till he came and thick ropes of pink power errupted out. All over the back of his partner, and then onto the face of her friend.

Golden fingers gripped the second pink shades hair and pulled her in, till he was able to thrust his manhood into her mouth. The woman moaned even as she eagerly sucked, swallowed, and used her tongue to polish off every drop of seed and sex juice.

The woman came just from this, from having her mouth, then her throat abused by the impressive member. The shades collapsed and became the two acolytes as Aphrodite had found them, covered in sticky cum and their own perspiration.

The goddess stepped over the two women and entered her violated temple.

More Acolytes, used and discarded, await her inside. One attendant after another, all lying in puddles of cum and their own gushing juices. One vision after another of Aphrodites Devotee’s being f*cked silly. One young woman with her back pressed into a pillar, arms and legs wrapping around her golden lover even as his seed leaked from her quim and down the shaft holding up the roof. Another woman with her arms against a far wall, using it as leverage as she desperately pushed her plump backside back into a thick golden co*ck over and over.

Women put on their back, bent over, and at least one impressive display of strength where a particularly curvy acolyte, some might call her extra thick… She was being lifted into the air and thrust into from below, her heavy breasts bouncing in the face of her lover while his plump balls slapped into her soft bottom over and over.

Aphrodite could sense not just the woman’s pleasure at the actions, but the deep seated desire for such a position normally restricted to such a voluptuous figure.

So it was, each and every follower of Aphrodite given the best and in some cases, most wanted f*cking of their lives. Each and every one left in an impressive co*ck induced coma!

Finally she enters the central chamber of her temple. This was where her high priestess should be. A beautiful and mature woman with gold tinged brunette hair and the air of the divine touched.

Aphrodite finds her… on her knees, hands closing and opening desperately while obscene sucking sounds give away the woman's ongoing fate *GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK-!”

Aphrodite stares at them in surprise. Most especially because the man… was barely that! The figure she saw had been distorted in the memories. Larger than life. Larger than real life anyway. In reality it was no more than a youth who might actually be a bit shorter than the woman now desperately devouring his manhood.

Gaagh! B-By the goddess…!” A manhood that was the only part not inaccurately represented it seemed. As the High Priestess pulled away to breath, a massive length of throbbing male organ came free. Despite having had his way with over half a dozen woman, the young man’s girth was vital as ever as it lifted up from the woman’s swollen lips, then came down to slap onto her face while the priestess sucked in air.

“Done already?” The figure standing over the kneeling high priestess asked, his voice gently mocking. The woman gasped, desperation coming through her eyes as she rapidly shook her head. If she minded the way his messy co*ck rubbed against her face, she didn’t mind.

“N-No!” Then the distinguished woman was grabbing at the his hips and utterly inhaling that magnificent member. Sucking with hollow cheeks, and visibly bulging throat till.

“Hnnnng…” With a groan, the figure placed one firm hand upon the lady’s head and held her there as he expelled his umpteenth load of spunk. Aphrodite could yet again, feel what her follower felt. As if it was her throat being violated by the youths bulging tip, and her stomach being inundated by gout after gout of thick seed. To say nothing of how the naked priestess was rapidly finger banging her puss* into a frothy mess.

Pulling free from the sucking maw of his latest partner, Calix pushed the priestess away and turned to face the goddess.

Of course he’d known she was there. Aphrodite hadn’t exactly been hiding her presence. And he was far more sensitive to the company of divinity now.

“So it is you…” Aphrodite said, more than a little wonder in her voice as the Goddess’ head shook from side to side. Her eyes ran up and down the teen’s body. While he was of average height for his age, she was a goddess, and his face was roughly eye level with her bosom.

He was naked but for a pair of sandals bound by his ankles and every inch of his body was toned. He was covered in a layer of sweat and other fluids, and for a moment her mind wandered to the games the mortals played and how they would collect the sweat of the athletes as an offering to Olympus.

But then her eyes lock onto something else. His manhood… while impressive. Is utterly limp. Aphrodite frowns. Yes, the lad had just f*cked his way through all those other slu*ts, but she still felt more than a little insulted. She sniffed disdainfully, and lifted her chin to look down her nose at the boy.

“Athena later you live then? Surprising.” Aphrodite’s lips curled in a nasty little expression of cruel pleasure. “After you violated her, I wouldn’t have bet your life agains a snowflake in hades…”

Calix’s green eyes narrowed, and his chest swelled with a slow calming breath before he spoke to the Goddess of Love.

“My Lady… showed me mercy. She decided that my crimes, Great that they are…” The young man looked away, his cheeks burning. “They were not entirely my fault.” Finally he found the strength to meet Aphrodite’s gaze, he did so with a glare.

Aphrodite rolls her eyes. “Oh? You mean you didn’t look at the gray eyed bitch and want to bend her over?”

“How dare-” Calix has to bite his tongue as he glared at the goddess, but Aphrodite laughed in the mortal's face.

“Of course I dare! And you, my descendant, were my darling little tool. My Calix…” The young man before her shook with rage. “But, useful as you were, dear. I’m done with you…'' Aphrodite's voice was surprisingly soft, almost sympathetic.

“You performed your task.” She stated simply, then made a vague gesture to the temple and the women within. “Then you were lucky enough to enjoy my followers as an extra little reward. More than enough…” Aphrodite put her hands on her wide hips, lifted her chin to look at the youth imperiously. The goddess’ normally blue eyes flashed with bright pink.

Calix’s eyes widened as Aphrodite’s divine power struck him. Then his gaze narrowed. The young man bared his teeth and took a slow measured step towards the goddess.

Aphrodite couldn’t stop the shock that registered on her face, then her gaze dropped. Calix’s dick… was still soft! Dangling between his thighs, it still glistened with the high priestess saliva. As if mocking her that some mortal floozy could entice him where she could not. The goddess’ shock turned to petulant anger even though she knew what was truly happening.

“I see… the broken little bitch gave you some paltry blessing did she?!” Sure enough, golden light flashed in Calix’s eyes… with just a tinge of pink. The boy still carried her power as well! No matter, she was the Goddess of Love, Lust, and Passion. She would put this boy in his place.

The goddess snarled, not typically a sexy sound. But Aphrodite pulled it off… and with a gesture, a flick of both wrists, her dress evaporated. Fading away from both ends into a shimmering haze to reveal her in all her beauty. Massive round breasts that stood high and perky in divine ignorance of gravity. Pink nipples adorned with adamantine studs, and a gold backed pink diamond faced gem in the shape of a heart over where her bellybutton would have been if this particular goddess had been shaped by a womb.

Her round hips swayed hypnotically, her soft thighs positively begged to be caressed and grabbed. A small patch of blonde curls adorned just above the fine lips of the most perfect puss*, gentle lips with the pearl of her cl*tor*s pushing through at the tip.

Tool of the Gods - Chapter 2 - FuzzyWuzWriting (2)

Aphrodite languidly raised her hands up revealing her underarms and putting her full body on display as she gave her own descendant the kind of heated gaze that had driven men insane since time immemorial.

Calix should have passed out. Done so while ejacul*ting quite spectacularly. Instead the youth finally grew erect. He also continued to approach the goddess. His eyes rapidly wandered up and down her form and took in every sublime devine detail while his lips parted to suck in air. Aphrodite could feel her power gripping him now, his ability to ignore her being battered aside by her focused presence.

The youths hands rise, a groan coming from his throat. Aphroditie’s eyes alight with victory as the lad comes under her sway.

“See, Calix? In the end are just a thing to be used… But I always enjoy the use of my tools…” His hands are so close now and the goddess’s teeth shine in an almost feral light as she thrusts her chest out. Calix nearly stumbles the last step closer and his hands grasp at the goddess’ chest.

“Hnnnng…” The youth moans as his fingers sink into the fleshy globes of the goddess, her thick nipples and pink areolas pushing out between his thumb and fingers as he grasps and squeezes. Aphrodite nibbles at her lower lip, pleased despite herself.

“Go on, boy. Partake in my… divine nature.” She watches Calix’s lips part, his tongue running over them, then they surround one of her breasts and the boy’s next moan is muffled by her mammaries. Aphrodite, supremely pleased with herself, places a hand on her tool’s head, patting him like a pet while her eyes glow with divine light.

But then… so do his.

Gold light flares in Calix’s eyes, pushing back then cutting through the haze of Aphrodite’s wiles.

The goddess has less than a moment to realize something is wrong. Then the boy bites down.

“Aaaaghhh!” Aphrodite screams as his teeth come down hard and when they open she knows there's going to be a brutal ring of teeth marks just a bit larger than her areolas.

The goddess grabs at his head again, this time not patting but getting a thick handful of hid short dark curls to pull him away with a snarl. But to her absolute surprise, she can’t! The boy doesn’t move as he sinks his teeth in, nearly to the point of drawing ichor while he glares up at her.

“Ruh-Releasssseeee meeeee!” Aphrodite screams, her voice shaking the very temple with her godly might. Her strength swells with her rage and her divine might buffets the room as her normally slender bicep throbs with strength and she finally pry’s the beast of a boy off her chest.

Calix glares at the women his teeth bared and his head pulled back uncomfortable… before he suckes in through his teeth and opens his mouth to spit right in the goddess’ perfect face.

Somehow, the scream of rage at this insult is even greater than the shriek of pain earlier. The Temple rumbles, and the attendants all begin waking up, their own shocked and terrified screams adding to the cacophony.

* SMACK!!!*

Calix’s open palm slams into Aphrodite’s cheek with a sound like thunder. A blast of gold and pink passion bursts from the impact point and the Goddess’ turns in place to absorb the blow, literally reeling back with her eyes wide. Every acolyte in and near the temple, and some three dozen local worshippers of the goddess, all drop where they are unconscious.

“H-How dare yo-” She beings.

“I dare MUCH!” Calix says with a sneer, moving up to the goddess side and grabbing a handful of her long blond hair and pulling down hard.

“NNngg!” The goddess grunts, then she gasps as Calix’ free hand grips her throat. Aphrodite pulls at his grip with utter futility. Calix is just a mortal, but that grip is comparable to adamantine as it grips the goddess’ slender neck. “M-M-Mongrel…! Unhand m-!” The hand squeezes tighter and Aphrodities words are cut off while her eyes roll.

“Goddess of Love…” Calix mocks her to her face, releasing her hair and letting his hand drop. “Just a stupid spiteful bitch with no mind and an excess of tit* and ass!! ” Then that hand lashed out and struck Aphrodite’s backside.

“Hnnnng!” The goddess squirmed in his grip as the boy’s blow landed with more than enough force to bruise even a goddess’ ass. The young man's grin falters for a moment as he senses something. He looks at the goddess with a discerning eye, then slowly shakes his head in wonder.

Finally he leans in, placing his hand close to her plump breasts… and sinks his teeth into the side of them. “NNNGGgg!” Aphrodite squirms, her scream held back by his hold on her neck. But even that breaks through as his other hand strikes her ass once more in teh exact same spot.

A high pitched scream as Aphrodite squirms in the grip of her smaller captor the sound carrying on an impressively long amount of time as Calix’s teeth worry and his hand gropes. Aphrodite shudders, her eeys wet with unshed tears, and then a drool runs down the chin of the goddess and Calix pulls away.

“How depraved can you… You truly are the whor* of Olympus!” The boy’s tone is mocking, but almost respectful. “You’re enjoying this!” Aphrodite’s eyes widen slightly, her shock only growing as suddenly her neck is released. Just before Calix shoves his fingers in between her legs.

“Ah! N-No!” Aphrodite cried out as two fingers rough from a short lifetime spent laboring were thrust into her soft interior. “S-Stahp!” She commanded but it was too late… It felt good, damn him.

“You don’t… You have no idea idea what you’re speaking of, you disgusting little-Gnnn!” yet again, Calix had a grip on her hair. To make matters worse, he shoved a third finger into her and gave them a good wiggle. “Mmmnnggaah! F-f*cking-gaagh!” Aphrodite’s eyes rolled in their sockets at his ministrations and how oddly good they felt. ‘

How? It was just fingers? She was better than that!

“You can try and deny it, this absurd sense of pleasure you get from being… mistreated. But we both know it's there… Don’t worry. I think we can even have some fun with it.” The youth grinned at the nearly stunned goddess.

Then he put her on her knees. Calix’s right leg lashed out and into the back of hers. Aphrodite came down on to her knees. Nothing very new for her, save for the fact that it's for the first time ever, utterly unwilling.

The hand that had choked her then invaded her, did so once again. Calix shoved his fingers into the goddess’ mouth. Aphrodite’s eyes widen and she shudders despite herself. She can taste herself , and she doesn’t find it that bothersome…

“Yes. Lady Athena blessed me. But so did you.” Calix spoke while pulling her hair till she faced up into his, his free hand fishhooked her mouth and the goddess let out a small moan. “The Clarity she gave me and the… The Carnal Drive, you have given me? Between them…” Calix closed his eyes for a moment and with a shuddering breath he released the goddess.

Aphrodite blinked rapidly and rubbed at her lips. “B-Bastard…” She snarled but Calix was ignoring her. He moved to stand infront of the goddess and looked at her with a disgust that froze her. Well, either the truly MASSIVE co*ck thrusting out from the teens skinny hips.

A throbbing veiny monster thicker than a hydra’s neck and at least half as monstrous. Even now thick precum gushed from the tip and Aphrodite realized she could smell the musk coming from his manhood. She realized belatedly that he was speaking again, but damn if that big freaky love muscle wasn’t distracting as a sphinx on fire.

“I can feel it. I know what you truly want, you-you wanton slu*t!” Calix eyes flashed with power and his co*ck throbbed with unbridled lust.

Aphrodite opened her mouth to deny… but why? Besides, that big angry man hammer was coming right at her face. The goddess of Love chose to stay quiet, but open her mouth up even wider.

Calix’s fat tool drove past her soft lips as the youth gripped her hair. It shoved down her slu*tty tongue, and pushed her divine uvulae aside in a way Aphrodite had never felt before.

Goddess of love and lust, she’d slobbed her share of knobs. Including a few rather aggressive partners… But no one, not even Ares himself had ever face f*cked Aphrodite like this. Had she really wanted to deny his claims of her wanton nature? How could she when she was even now thrusting a hand between her thick thighs to begin flicking her pierced cl*t. Not even resisting, she let this mere mortal use her mouth like another c*nt!


The truth of it, that her divine perfect self was just being used by someone who was barely a man? Oh, Olympus but it turned her on. Her soft luscious lips, dreamt of the world over, were being stretched by boy co*ck, and smashed into a swollen mess by Calix’s hips. Her beautiful golden locks were nothing but a convenient way for him to grip her as he skullf*cked the goddess. Her throat, able to produce beautiful music, or whisper words of enticement capable of starting wars, was just another thing being used to pleasure Calix’s dick.

Its far too much for the bimbo of a goddess, the abuse, the humiliation of it being done to her by a mortal! Aphrodite came. The goddess gripped teh boy’s hips, not for a second trying to resist, and moaned around his meat as she squirted onto the temple floor like the eager wanton whor* of a goddess she was.

“Mmmmnnnggg!!” Calix nearly ripped out a good handful of those golden strands as he slammed himself into the root. He didn’t even notice her org*sm, or the way it had made her start drooling so badly till saliva gushed out of her mouth and down Aphrodites mouth to her tit*.

No, Calix was now on the edge himself. He buried the goddess' nose into his pelvis and his balls slapped wet and sticky into her chin one more time. There’s a brief moment where Aphrodite realizes that she could bite down, end this bizarre farce now… But then she wouldn’t get her reward.

Calix moaned and the goddess' stomach was inundated with the mortal’s seed. Thick hot cum gushed into her belly to join the Ambrosia she’d enjoyed earlier. In that moment, the goddess would be hard pressed to honestly say which of the two she enjoyed imbibing more… What was the true food of the gods when it came to a slu*tty deviant goddess like herself after all?

Calix’ member came out slowly. The boy panting hard and his shaft pumping thick jism down her throat, then onto her tongue and teeth. The flavor alone of pure undistilled seed pooling on her tongue. Aphrodite closed her eyes just in time to get the last of the mortals load across her face.

The goddess moaned as her face was coated in spunk. She was given no time to rest or recoup though.

“Clean it.” Calix commanded as he loomed over her and Aphrodite… Obeyed. Quite spectacularly. The whor* goddess begins lapping at the boy’s half mast meat, sucking on the tip like an infant at the teat, eagerly draining out the last dregs of his org*sm.

She may or may not have swished the sticky extra on her tongue before swallowing. Then she diligently began working her way down to suck on his testicl*s. So eager that her long tongue lapped up behind them, tickling the youths taint and getting a rise out of him. Aphrodite’s eyes smile teasingly. To which Calix answered with a fat co*ck slap to the face.

“You’re going to get me off again! But this time you’re going to do all the work!” Calix said, his voice… actually sounding more like a typical youth than the god empowered monster he’d been so far. Aphrodite responded with similar maturity.

“Work?” The whinge in her voice is a thing of beauty. “Is it-Is it not enough I allowed you to use my mouth? My lips and tongue?” Her tone was quite haughty, her point utterly ruined by the thick seed drying on her face.

*smack* Not to mention how her complaint was answered by another co*ck slap, now with even greater force. The boy was getting harder still and Aphrodite cursed her own c*nt for it quivered at the treatment.

“No!” Calix commanded. “You sent me to my death, and shamed my lady!” The kneeling goddess glowers at that. This boy was her big dicked descendant.

“Tch… She should be thankful I sent such a stud to finally-” *SMACK* This time it's Calix’ hand, and Aphrodite’s cheek burns while her ears ring.

Some part of the goddess is aware that this mortal just struck her with enough force to break solid stone, but mostly all she can think abouthis how much her puss* is buzzing. She’s literally gushing at the abuse.

“You should use your tit*. Biggest damn ones on Olympus, yes?” Aphrodite blinks, then nods. They are… unless you count- “Wrap them around my co*ck like a good whor*…”

His command leaves no room for argument as it cuts through her thoughts and the Goddess swallows hard. She’s never actually used her bosom in such a way, but at this mortal's command she stops thinking about little else. The normally bratty queen B of a goddess bites her thick swollen lower lip as she hefts her tit*, the adamantium studs in them shining, and wraps them around the co*ck of… is he really a normal mortal?

Aphrodite just doesn’t care. The Goddess breathes in the musk of the manly member and starts to work her tit* up and down its saliva and cum slick length.

“By the gaahhnnnnggg!” Calix groans, and the corners of Aphrodites lips rise. Her tongue lashing out occasionally at the tip and the youth moaning in turn as he begins thrusting in time with her.

“MMmm… Yessss… Enjoy them, Calix. These are the breasts of Aphrodite, the fantasy of every man on earth but all-all for you!” Her eyes are shining bright pink, the color shining all the brighter over her repeatedly slapped cheeks.

“Isn’t this better?” She asked, the question suddenly popping into her head. “Than some over muscled, grey-eyed biiitch!” The boy’s eyes popped wide open at her words, Aphrodite isn’t sure if she’s set off his anger or not and tries to distract him as she wraps her lips around his tip and sucks as hard as she can. The goddess’ pale cheeks hollowing out for several seconds and Calix releasing a groan… just before she pulled back and starts to talk dirty.

“Cum for me! Cum for your goddess! Cum… ON your goddess, Calix!” The boy’s surprise is clear, but Calis doesn’t stop or even slow, he’s so close! “C-Cover me in-in your-your-YESS!” Aphrodite can’t fake the honest heartfelt triumph as the youth groans and his nuts physically tighten up against her chest.

Calix loses it. He throws his head back while grabbing at Aphrodites tit* as well and madly swinging his hips. His cum is launched everywhere . Some of it lands on her hair, some of it lands on the ground. The majority of it just splatters all over the bimbo goddess of lust herself.

Aphrodite’s mind whirls as hot sticky nut sludge covers her face. Her tongue slowly comes out and runs over her lips. She savors the flavor even as she feels Calix step away from her.

“Oh, Olympus… I must say. I’m rather pleased with this… Hmmm. Offering.” A smile graces the still blind goddess and she lets out what can only be described as a giggle.

Interrupted as she’s rudely shoved down.

“Ahh! I say! Just because you’ve… had your way with me… made a mess of me…” Aphrodite can’t help another wave of giggles that come from her. This time cut short as she feels something hard pushing between her cheeks.

“Oh… Oh my… Already…?” She’s surprised but also very excited.

“Yeah… I think-” Calix is a bit out of breath but gaining it quickly. “The power. You and My Lady gave me…. No more words were needed. The youth groped at Aphrodite’s rump, his hands gliding from her hips, to her plump cheeks. He squeezed, rubbed, then ground his stiffy between them.

Aphrodite was surprised, but only marginally. “Yes…” The goddess breathed. “Do it… Put It in-*SMACK!* Aaahh!” His hand leaves her cheek bright red, her ass jiggling madly.

“Quiet! You don’t get to tell me what to do!” Calix shoved the goddess down, pushing her fat tit*, and her face, into the ground. “You don’t get to use me. I use YOU! ” With a snarl of rage he thrust himself deep into Aphrodite.

Tool of the Gods - Chapter 2 - FuzzyWuzWriting (3)

The goddess cried out, her back arching and her blonde locks flying through the air. Inside, she felt that huge organ, throbbing with her power, stretching out her insides! In moments he was pulling back, and driving in, this time even deeper! Tears ran down her face, and her puss* seemed to scream. There was some pain, but by Hades, there was a lot more pleasure as the little monster’s tip pressed into her cervix.

The irony was almost too much, and she desperately bites her lip to keep quiet.

Which lasts right up till Calix grab’s a handful of her heavenly blonde locks, and begins pummeling her perfect pink puss* with a savage brutality that not even the god of war could match.

“Oh! Oh! OH!” Aphrodite’s mouth fell open, and drool slung from her lips as the youth savagely yanked her head from side to side. She tried to get her hands under her, to lift her torso off the ground, but Calix tightened up his grip and actually struck her in the back of the skull. She went back down, her obscene breasts pushing out to either side, the rough hand prints and teeth marks on them obvious.

*SMACK!* The goddess moaned, knowing that the marks on her ass were going to be even bigger. It was the most brutal, angry sex of her life. Beyond any passion, even the God of War who she had so smitten. This was truly a hatef*ck for the ages… and by Uranus’ severed sack and the blood that had given her life, she f*cking loved it.

“Ung… Mmng… Ung… Hnnngg….!” Aphrodite’s eyes rolled back into her head for another org*sm. She realized, belatedly, that she wasn't even counting them. That she wasn’t keeping track of Calix’s performance, she was just taking it. Experiencing it. She was the recipient of his anger and lust, and quite possibly the luckiest slu*t on Olympus to be given the chance… In fact… for just a moment, she felt a passing burst of jealousy that Athena, due to her own devising, had experienced this godly gutf*cking first.

Not very far away, an Owl watched with wide steady eyes.

Much farther away a certain Goddess of Wisdom watched and shuddered with a still quite foreign desire to join in. “Damn you…” Athena swore then sighed, and finally gave into the urge to start rubbing her puss* while watching her sister goddess quiver and moan in pure pleasure.

Every inch of Aphroditie’s body quivered, first with his savage thrusts, then with her rapidly following micro org*sms. Aphrodite let out a keening moan that told the truth of it. For all the pain of her mistreatment, the pleasure was infinitely better.

Mouth open, tongue lolling out, she was experiencing rapturous org*smic pleasure and only wanted more. With one more struggle the immortal slu*t got her sandaled feet under her and began throwing it back. This it seemed was too much for even Calix’s rage.

He wanted to keep hating her. He wanted to hate her forever… But her power was in him, hell, her blood was in him. He could feel that Aphrodite wasn’t getting any more punishment from this. No, the bitch was getting the best rutting of her immortal life. But on the bright side… he was pretty sure his true goal had been accomplished. He’d taught the Goddess of Love a lesson she wouldn’t forget soon.

So… He stopped holding back on the biggest org*sm of his young life.

It was like an invisible cord was cut. Namely, the one holding onto the greatest act of self control on earth or Olympus. The one that kept one truly horny young greek boy from nutting inside the warm, wet, velvety insides of the goddess of love herself.

“Ohhhnnnnng… gods, yesssshhhh…!” Calyx moaned as he let go. It really did feel amazing, the most undeniably perfect puss* on heaven or earth, and it had him in an org*smic death grip that would put Nyx to shame. It squeezed on him tight, and as he thrust in one last time Calix’s eyes flashed with the power of the gods themselves and he unleashed a Styx sized flood of hot sticky ji*zm inside that most famous of quims.

Aphrodite’s mouth opened in a loud ululating wail as copious cum gushed into her. Calix was nearly doubled over her, gripping her plump red cheeks tightly, his fingers sinking in deep but his cum going much deeper. Filling her deepest places and… Oh… OH yes. It had been some time… but she was fairly sure she would be well with child from this.

Finally… the young man pulled out. He stumbled back a step, breathing hard while Aphrodite collapsed almost fully.

Calix took several long breaths… then blinked, and looked away. His gaze met the large golden eyes of a great white owl, and a voice spoke into his mind. He raised a brow, then nodded.

“I know what to do.” Calix murmured. Aphrodite stirred slightly, slowly pushing herself up to her hands and knees.


“Shhh… shhhh…” Calyx made calming notions like he was talking to a skittish horse, and even rubbed Aphrodites rump like one. If the woman wasn’t so drunk on pleasure she’d have been insulted.

Then she felt something stiffer than Calix’s hands against her backside.

“Wha-n-No-Aahh!” Calix thrust the tip of his manhood, plus a few inches give or take, into the Goddess of Love’s asshole. “NNnngaaghh!” Aphrodite cried out, one hand balling into a fist and slamming to the ground with enough force to crack the marbles while her asshole clenched up tight enough to sever a mortal man’s member.

Calix pushed in deeper.

“B-Bastard….!” She cried out, and the youth chuckled.

“You would know… Hnnng. God’s, but that is tiiight.” He rumbled and Aphrodite looked back with a glare.

“I-I am not a fan of-nnnngah! Anal! Ffff*ck!” But even as she protested, Calix’s hips slowly sawed back and forth. Surprisingly gently, he stretched her ass out, and the goddess finally let out a small moan despite herself. “Ff-f-f*cker…!” She halfheartedly complained. “Nnngah!” Followed by a more emphatic cry as Calix gripped her hair and pulled.

Aphrodite’s back arched once more, her bared teeth clenched tight, and her ass full of f*ck meat. Her eyes rolled in their sockets and… damnit, her puss* was gushing once more. Somehow, this little monster knew how to f*ck her better than she did! She hated it… and she loved it… And then she pushed her ass back for more.

Calix laughed, and the mocking sound made her cheeks burn.

“Enough!” A voice rang out with the strength of a thunder crack. In fact actual thunder might have sounded off, but Aphrodite wasn’t sure. She just realized that suddenly, standing infornt of her… in her temple, was Athena.

“W-What? Come to… to m-mock me in person?” Aphrodite snarled, or she tried to. Her body was just tingling with pleasure as she grinded on Calix’s dick, and it felt so good she was even finding it hard to be catty with the bitch goddess who’d invaded her temple.

“No!” Athena, towering over the both of them in a robe and armor glowered from under her helmet’s lifted ridge...

“Well… Actually, yes.” The goddess of wisdom admitted. “But first, this must stop!” Obediently, Calix stopped his thrusting that Aphrodite only then realized had picked up some impressive speed. And now it was stopping. She mewled rather pitifully. Athena shook her head.

“You had finished her, Calix. Why did you go on to such… sodomy?!” The goddess waved her hand to where Calix’s hips were nearly joined to Aphrodite’s ass.

“My lady… this is what you asked for.” Athena raised an imperious brow and the youth grinned. Then he rocked his hips, pushing his entire length into the goddess.

There, on all fours being buttf*cked in front of someone she hated … Aphrodite was still helpless as an org*sm surged up through her being. Her glowing pink and blue eyes rolled in their sockets, and she bit her lower lip nearly to the point of drawing ichor. She trembled and Athena’s eyes widened as the goddess of wisdom took a wary step back.

“Ohhhhnnngg… Oh ffff*ck, yeessshhh…” Aphrodite moaned… Then gasped as Calix pulled his manhood out. The goddess whimpered and looked back at the youth she had once controlled with a truly pitiful expression.

“Hey-?!” She was so shameless that the goddess even lifted her ass in the air and gave it a small shake of enticement. Calix only grinned, then looked past the almost broken goddess of love to his patron Lady.

Athena was wide eyed and pink cheeked. And just a bit wary of Calix’s growing capabilities. But she also now understood, and nodded once to the youth.

“Aphrodite.” Calix said, as he walked around the goddess. She still had her ass in the air, but as he moved around her, to stand next to Athena, she straightened up and looked up at them both from her haunches.

She was really quite a sight. The goddess’s eyes were bloodshot, her face puffy from tears and more than a bit of pummeling. All of it glistening with sweat and… other fluids. Her legendary breasts and infamous buttocks both heavily marred.

If Aphrodite was bothered, it didn’t show as she stared directly at Calix’s still rock hard co*ck. He was slowly stroking it, possible for her pleasure.

“Aphrodite, you need to tell us whose idea it was to have me fornicate with Lady Athena.” At hsi words Aphrodite’s eyes widened and rocked back slightly in obvious shock.

“W-What? It was m-my idea!” She claimed, blinking a bit too rapidly and looking between the goddess of wisdom and the more the empowered mortal who asked her. Athena scowled and opened her mouth, but Calix cut her off.

“Fine.” He nodded, and stopped stroking. “If that’s so, then I’m bored with you and I think… I’m going take off Lady Athena’s armor and pleasure her again. Right here in your temple…” he turned to his goddess, and hungry look in his eyes.

“What? Calix-?!” Athena’s own eyes showed complete shock. It took all her willpower to not take a step back, but she was a Goddess of War, damnit! That aside, there was a part of her, a big part actually, that suddenly grew very hot and eager at the possibility.

“Aw, come on!” Aphrodite cried out, her hands balling up into impotent fists. “Bu-But-!” She looked between the two, the smirking Calix, and the obviously nervous but not moving to deny him Athena.

Calix stepped closer to his goddess, reached out, and began running his hand up her long leg and under the short hem of her skirt. Athena visibly shuddered, a flush coming to her cheeks. These were things the Goddess of Lust couldn’t help but notice.

“Fine!” Aphrodite finally cried out, her arms extended, hands open, nearly pleading. She pouted heavily, looking between them two.

The goddess of love crossed her arms under her chest and seemed to sink in on herself with a heavy pout on her face. “Why didn’t you think it was my idea…?” She asked pathetically.

It was a struggle but Athena managed not to roll her gray eyes. “Because you’re you. ” The goddess shook her head. “Not exactly known for your plans, oh devious goddess of love…” There was a lot of sarcasm there, and more than a little venom. But Aphrodite knew she deserved it all and more.

“Ok… Yeah. It was…” Aphrodite glanced around for a moment, then sighed again. “It was Hera.” The goddess of love really did slump quite awkwardly then, looking utterly lost.

Athena didn’t notice, her eyes wide and rapidly bouncing from side to side as her powerful intellect ran through the ramifications. While she did that though, Calix walked closer to the still wilting goddess, and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Want me to put it back in? Or go back to your puss*…?” The youth asked her with a wink and Aphrodite’s face lit up like a rainbow, all her troubles forgotten in lieu of a good dicking. Then, for just a moment, she almost looked bashful as she put her hands together over her mouth and after several long moments finally said…

“You can put it back… in... my back end.” The goddess of lust’s body shivered and when Calix nodded she squealed and got back on all fours, her hand print stamped ass cheeks shaking from side to side.

Athena only came out of her nearly panicked thoughts as she heard the loud squealing moan of a slu*tty goddess getting her anal ring stretched out once more. Sure enough, Aphrodite was bent over, legs spread, arms thrown back. Calix was gripping her wrists, and just pounding the love goddess’ ass like it owed the young man drachma.

Athena’s face turned into a stormcloud of anger and annoyance, but as Aphrodite moaned in one anal induced org*sm after another, her eyes rolling in their sockets and drool hanging from her chin… The goddess of Wisdom realized she was biting her lip, while her body shuddered with desire.

“Fuh-Fine!” Athena shouted. “Y-You may continue your… your fornications!” She waved a hand magnanimously as if she’d been there from the onset.

“Uhnng… Uuhhnngg… Nnnhh… Aaaahhnnn! Oh-oh-oh godsss YESSS!” Aphrodite cried out as she came explosively loud.

“B-But…” Athena said, her voice noticeably weaker as she raised a finger. “I-I call the next turn…!”

Aphrodite nodded. Or perhaps her head was just bobbing rapidly as Calix hammered her ass like he hated it. Her tit* were certainly bouncing about wildly enough. But the Goddess of Love got out one more word before another drooling org*sm took her.

“D-D-Deal! MMMMM-MMnnnnggg!”

Tool of the Gods - Chapter 2 - FuzzyWuzWriting (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.